Sentences with phrase «for poor families»

Income support for poor families at this level would be an enormous investment of public resources.
The lack of access for poorer families has resulted in some purchases of breast milk over the internet, which the legislators called a dangerous option.
From the jump, I need to define my optimal result as access to good schools for poor families.
The low - quality curricula that has long been a problem for poor families is also proving to be difficult for middle class households as well.
Another possibility is expanding school choice by providing vouchers for poor families to attend better - funded schools in rich neighborhoods.
Raising livestock such as a small flock of chickens greatly increases food security for a poor family.
You can adopt a goat used to provide milk for poor families and gift the adoption to anyone of your choosing.
Over time, this has a significant effect on the composition of the local neighbourhood and makes the area less affordable for poorer families.
But for poor families struggling to make ends meet, neither private - school tuition nor a house in the suburbs has been an option.
Let's hope the end of this legal process is near for this poor family.
The child tax credit will grow from $ 1,000 to $ 2,000; only the first 1,400 will be refundable, and access for poor families is not significantly expanded.
For nearly 20 years, Geoffrey Canada has been president and CEO of Harlem Children's Zone, a nonprofit providing education and support programs for poor families in Harlem.
That is a problem which hits Londoners on low incomes (of whom there are plenty) far more than the «cushy» ones and it won't be solved simply by cutting benefits for poor families and increasing poverty.
In postings on its website July 20 and July 24, the U.S. bishops» international development and relief agency explained that the money it provided to CARE was specifically used for water and sanitation and food and nutrition programs for poor families in Central America and Africa and could not be transferred to other services which CARE provided.
It's bad enough that Mr. Obama enthusiastically endorsed Mr. de Blasio despite the candidate's commitment to reducing educational choices for poor families stuck with Gotham's lowest - performing schools.
It would not be expanded for poor families without a tax liability, as Rubio and Lee had proposed.
Pace Andrew Mitchell, Osborne's proposed # 10bn benefit cut for poor families looks set to become the litmus test for the party conference season.
Schools have become a lifeline for poor families by providing the daily essentials — such as food, clothing and even, in a small number of cases, emergency loans — for families with nowhere else to go for help, the union says.
Working first as an administrative assistant and accounting auxiliary, after one year she was promoted and moved to the northern border of Nicaragua to work as supervisor of a housing project for the poorest families of the county.
«That is not only unfair, but it's a policy mistake in that those [low - income] kids would be the ones who would benefit the most,» Marr said, adding that a large body of research has found that extra income for poor families improves their kids» health, education, and career outcomes.
The idea leverages nonprofits to do for poor families what they frequently can't themselves, whether that's placing large orders to earn lower per - unit costs, or taking advantage of digital platforms.
Child Health plus greatly expanded coverage for poorer families with children under 19 who did not qualify for Medicaid.
The bishops» message called on «Congress and the administration to protect essential help for poor families and vulnerable children and to put the poor first in budget priorities.»
We have been establishing and funding free birth centers for poor families in the Philippines since 1992, and to date more than 14,000 babies have been delivered free of charge for the poorest of the poor in Mercy In Action's Birth Centers, and literally tens of thousands of lives have been helped and healed in the medical outreaches.
Formula in Peru is very expensive ($ 40 a can) and you can't find organic stuff so doctors here really push breastfeeding to the max specially for poor families, you would think that a child that had breast milk for 4 years would have a higher iq and good health... well just look at the numbers, peru has the lowest iq in the region and a high infant mortallity.
Supporters of the Essential Plan say that private insurance remains prohibitively expensive for poorer families, even with the help of Affordable Care Act tax credits.
In fact, the LDs also have a fully costed policy to increase education spend for the poorest families.
«David Cameron's conference speech last year promised much on poverty: this year's speech threatens more pain for the poorest families.
Barnardo's chief executive Martin Narey said: «There's some pain in this Budget for the poorest families, but we recognise the government has done what it can to protect the most vulnerable.
VSP is a welfare system for poor families and CSP pays parts of the salaries of civil servants staff and pensioners.
And he also cited a Mario Cuomo budget address in which the then - governor strongly supported the Earned Income Tax Credit as a way to «enhance work incentives for poor families
He sought to soften the blow by restoring the state pension link to earnings from next year, raising income tax allowances for basic rate payers and a # 2bn boost for poor families.
«The park was like a supermarket for poor families,» Miller says.
«It is a sad fact that people don't want to pay for poor families, their preschool [education], or their welfare,» Zigler told Education World.
Tuition scholarships for poor families are heavily oversubscribed as are charter schools in areas where officials restrict the size and number of charter schools despite the many families that desire to enroll their children.
They included worsening economic conditions for poor families and an increase in fatherless black households, social factors that interfere with students» educational progress.
«Educational attainment is one of the most effective pathways to bettering life outcomes for poor families and their children,» says co-director Lindsay Chase - Lansdale.
This is a form of negative income tax such that the annual tax return provides an opportunity for poorer families to receive an income boost from the federal government in addition to any refund they are due on taxes they have paid.
This is a terrible disservice to magnet families, who will be on the hook for anywhere from $ 1000 to $ 2500 each year for poorer families, and $ 3000 to $ 6000 for wealthier families depending on which district operates the school and how much it gets for each student from the state's basic magnet subsidy.
This is also in keeping with the government's efforts to present the policy in terms of improving chances for the poorest families, rather than funding an escape route for middle class families from the local school system.
In addition, thousands of charters do not provide subsidized lunches, putting them even further out of reach for the poorest families and children.
And Chicago ranked among the 25 worst - connected large cities for poor families, according to the National Digital Inclusion Alliance's analysis of 2014 data.
While I agree with Ellen that junk food has crept into the main meals of far too many families, I don't agree that cooking well is such an impossibility for poor families.
Many countries have turned to fossil fuel subsidies at some point or another to reduce energy costs in order to cut transportation bills, prop up industries, or finance household electrification, particularly for the poorest families.
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