Sentences with phrase «for poor outcomes»

Kids with behavior problems and other risk factors for poor outcomes seem to benefit the most from having emotionally - supportive teachers.
Moreover, their risk for brain injury is higher, as is the likelihood for poorer outcomes.
Children who are in the Child Welfare Services system and experience multiple moves are at increased risks for poor outcomes in academic achievement, socio - emotional health, developing insecure attachments, and distress due to the instability and uncertainty that comes with not having a stable family environment (Gauthier, Fortin, & Jeliu, 2004).
Home birth families are generally quite aware that hospitals are full of germs, sick people, and put them at risk for poor outcomes simply because they walked through the door, but there isn't much discussion about going beyond birthing in your own to germs, to making a concerted effort to birth in a green environment.
The problem is when this devolves into the claims that 1) homebirth in the US is an acceptable alternative to hospital birth and 2) the main reason for poor outcomes in hospitals is opposition to natural birth (and the inevitable c - section)-- all the while completely ignoring much more real problems such as the huge disparity of outcomes by race; the high prevalence of pre-existing health conditions in the general population; and access to healthcare.
A significant contributing factor to suboptimal investment results is the institutionalization of individual investor behavioral biases related to the confusion of short - term performance and manager skill as well as misplaced blame for poor outcomes.
Less than one percent of births in America take place at home; the tiny number of women having home births can not be responsible for our poor outcomes.
Pai's team also found that the tests and training can be safe even for people with reduced bone density, and he hopes it will prove safe even for people with osteoporosis, the most severe bone thinning, and the group most at risk for a poor outcome following a fall.
The group has shown that post-transplant immune monitoring of human peripheral blood is feasible and that this approach may provide a reliable surrogate marker for poor outcome late post-transplant.
Lord knows states need to address this issue, all the more so after Fordham's recent report demonstrated how few low - performing charter schools are closed for poor outcomes.
Blaming teachers for poor outcomes, we spend almost all of our energy trying to control teachers» behavior and school operations.
(It seems all the central arguments on climate change forget the probability rises for a poorer outcomes, of course, unless you do something about it.
Fatherlessness in particular has been isolated as a serious indicator for poor outcomes among children.
Home birth families are generally quite aware that hospitals are full of germs, sick people, and put them at risk for poor outcomes simply because they -LSB-...]
Some children with primary hyperkinetic disorders will also be abused or subject to poor parenting, itself a risk factor for delinquency and for poor outcomes in ADHD (figure 2).
Everyday Miracles is committed to improving birth and reducing health disparities in communities at risk for poor outcomes.
«Including community risk factors in future investigations may help improve health and wellbeing by identifying individuals at risk for poorer outcomes
Three - year grant for $ 392,000 funds study of minority groups with spinal cord injury at risk for poor outcomes.
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