Sentences with phrase «for previous study»

Data is limited but indicates support for previous study findings that mental health symptoms are reduced as a result of substance use treatment.
These data provide support for a previous study from Japan reporting an inverse relation between higher animal protein intake and blood pressure (43), but do not support those studies in Western populations in which animal protein was found to be unrelated to blood pressure (3).
She had obtained Galapagos cormorant DNA samples for a previous study and agreed to collaborate on this project.
The new research, led by Maria Dornelas at Saint Andrews University in Scotland, carefully looked for previous studies that had tracked and tallied species over many years.
Knowing what to look for Previous studies investigating heat wave prediction have looked for patterns in the tropics, but this research was interesting because the predictive factor is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs in the middle latitudes, Schubert said.
This is the opposite result we would expect, but provides increasing support for previous studies that show body size plays no role in extinction selectivity.»
These findings provide partial support for previous studies where multiple sources of negative impacts are associated with more distressed family environments (Black et al., 2006; Black et al., 2003; Harvey et al., 2007; Hodgins et al., 2007).

Not exact matches

As an example, they cited outside research and «early evidence» from a previous study Matias conducted on Internet messaging board Reddit that involved showing readers of Reddit's «r / science» forum rules for commenting.
For the study, researchers analyzed a a sample of more than 340,000 job interview reviews posted anonymously on the site to determine whether hiring is moving faster or slower today compared to previous years.
Previous studies have shown viewing pictures of being loved and cared for can alleviate feelings of pain.
A recent BMO study found that in 2013, Canadian moms and dads were willing to fork out more than $ 425 to get their kid ready for the classroom, up 18 % over the previous year's figure.
This particular bit of research doesn't say, but if what holds true for the body also holds true for the mind, previous studies offer a simple suggestion.
Indeed, previous studies have shown that women who adjust their level of assertiveness to match that of their negotiating partner during the process, rather than acting overly aggressive or passive throughout, will achieve better results for themselves.
While the Journal doesn't quote the publishing journal for the new studies, a previous study by both institutions in 2014 showed that those who took notes with a computer performed much worse on answering conceptual questions than those who hand - wrote.
Previous studies have controlled for the fact that lesbians are better educated, more likely to be white, have fewer children and live in cities, but a 6 % wage premium still exists.
This implies that if chameleons exist, they must interact more weakly than we previous thought — narrowing the search for these particles by a thousand times compared to previous studies.
The authors are submitting the paper, which builds on previous studies testing artificial intelligence, for further review at an upcoming AI conference.
(PS - if you're having a low - energy day and don't feel like hitting the gym after a study session, you might want to know that previous research has also suggested napping for less than an hour helps cement memories as well).
Previous TEV studies have arrived at strikingly precise figures: one, for example, found a mangrove in Sri Lanka provided services worth US$ 1,088 per hectare per year.
Previous studies have shown that playing popular cell phone and video games for at least 10 minutes a day may help players improve their game scores or their success in moving from one level to the next.
More research is needed to rule out this second scenario, but the idea of being kind to yourself about occasional lapses in productivity or self - control — especially if you're the type to beat yourself up for every dip in productivity — has been endorsed by previous studies.
Previous studies show that vegging out can actually be highly restorative for those who are mentally exhausted, but the research team wondered, are the types of people who are most in need of a night on the couch the least likely to allow themselves a healthy dose of sloth?
In previous editions of this guide, we spent a huge amount of time and resources testing cables: We looked at nearly 40 popular and highly rated cables for the prior edition, including sending a selection of those to a former NASA engineer to tear them down and study their physical construction.
As such, their study showed that informal economies account for 30 % of direct costs to internet disruptions — amplifying the previous estimates of loss percentages and their direct socio - economic impact.
Unemployment, Marginal Attachment and Labor Force Participation in Canada and the United States Stephen Jones, McMaster University Craig Riddell, University of British Columbia Jones and Riddell build on two previous papers: one by David Card and Riddell (originally published in Small Differences that Matter) that studies the reasons for higher rates of unemployment in Canada than the U.S. in the 1980s, the other by Jones and Riddell which uses data from the U.S. Labor Force Survey to study the differences in rates of job creation for people who are counted as unemployed versus those who are counted as out of the labor force.
Capital funding for digital health systems in the first half of 2014 reached $ 2.3 billion, more than the total for all of the previous year, according to a study by Rock Health, which provides startups in the sector with funding and support.
An excellent strategy here will be to study previous price action dating back for a longer period of time.
A 2003 study by Crist Associates, for example, showed that only 17 % of the corporations that promoted a COO to CEO in the previous year had replaced the COO.
The scholarship is awarded to the applicant showing the greatest merit, as demonstrated by academic achievement in previous studies, Asian language capability, leadership and / or community service achievements, and potential for future success in international business.
Older students» previous academic work often has not been strong or is not the most helpful preparation for theological study.
Previous studies indicated that when a decision is based on visual input, for example, assemblies of neurons start accumulating visual evidence in favour of the possible outcomes, a decision being triggered when the evidence favouring one outcome crosses a threshold.
Based on previous studies cited by these researchers, analytical thinking may «diminish the capacity for optimism and positive self - illusions that typify good mental health.»
Studies of 19th - century topics (with concern for contemporary relevance) have been undertaken by Gayle Carlton Felton, who examined Methodist baptismal teaching and practices in the previous century (Duke, 1987), and by Carol Marie Norén, who studied the doctrine of Christian perfection as expressed in the preaching of a Swedish - American Methodist preacher of sanctification, Nels O. Westergreen (Princeton University, 1986) A dissertation on 19th - century Methodist services for marriage and burial is currently under way at Notre Dame by Karen Westerfield Tucker.
The book is complex, for it is nearly three books in one: (a) a study of the three successive concepts of God Whitehead espoused in Process and Reality, vet even the last is ultimately incomplete, prompting the possibility of further developments beyond the text; (b) a survey of previous attempts to show that in one way or another that it is possible to prehend the divine life; (c) my own approach, which recognizes that God as consequent is imprehensible.
I attempted a previous picture in Martin Luther, a Biographical Study, written primarily for specialists in history and theology.
In the preparation for our previous book, The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus, we had occasion to study the impact of Albert Schweitzer's konsequente Eschatologie upon English liberal theology.
A new study builds upon previous research showing the benefits of Pycnogenol ® for alleviating perimenopause symptoms and is the first study to show effects...
This latest study builds on Dr Sathe's previous work in developing a bank of marker proteins for a variety of nuts, although that research did not allow for investigation of specific nut allergens.
Furthermore, the report by Aidenvironment, which analyzed 40 previous independent research studies, surveying over a hundred business leaders across four sectors, found a range of business benefits from certification — from improved market access, profitability and production to enhanced reputation and reduced risk for certified businesses.
This new study and many other previous studies clearly contradict the propaganda espoused by Big Pharma and the U.S. Government dietary advice, which has been waging a war against saturated fats since the 1970s and the McGovern Report that promoted the false hypothesis that saturated fats led to an increase in lipid cholesterol levels and an increased risk for heart disease.
«While the previous decision by the FDA to ban BPA in products used by babies and small children is the step in the right direction, this new study again raises an important question: should FDA consider banning BPA for more than just this vulnerable population?
As we have mentioned in previous articles, this approach is a proxy for determining where the «smart money» is going: by studying «Line Moves» in relation to «Public Betting Percentage.»
Putting many MANY studies together has been done, and going in for a repeat c - section with my fourth baby knowing that I had a more than 3-fold increased risk of dying on the table than if I was attempting a vaginal birth after 3 previous c - sections was hard to deal with.
Future studies with larger numbers of breastfeeding mothers could allow for paired comparisons before and after an intervention, as well as analysis of the impact of independent variables like gender, year of training, age, or previous breastfeeding experience.
The researchers did a previous study using the same audio equipment, however they only included preterm infants for this study.
A new study from the Family Online Safety Institute, a nonprofit on a mission to «make the online world safe for kids and families,» found that teens are not only more connected than ever, increasingly using mobile devices and social networks, but they understand privacy and safety issues in a way that previous generations didn't.
Consistent with previous studies, football accounted for more than half of all concussions and a concussion rate nearly double the rate for girls» soccer, the sport with the next highest rate.
A study from 2010 acknowledged, yes, «in the short - term, kids go through a one - to two - year crisis period when their parents divorce,» but the idea of staying together for the kids is problematic, especially if it's a high - conflict family, and that previous research indicating people should stay together «has been plagued by many data problems — reliance on small samples derived from one therapy clinic, retrospective reports, and cross sectional data.»
Previous studies of the staying power of mother's milk had found that many of its benefits are not affected by refrigeration, and that bacteriological, nutritional and immunological advantages for infants continue after the milk is expressed and stored.
Although previous studies have found that breastfeeding provides a variety of benefits for babies, including apparently reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, the study is the first to demonstrate an overall reduction in mortality among U.S. children, Rogan and other experts said.
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