Sentences with phrase «for proliferative»

Despite strong support for the proliferative and growth - promoting effects of estrogens on mammary epithelial cells from animal and experimental studies (78, 79), previous studies on the associations between estrogens and breast density showed largely null or inconsistent results.
Estrogens are known for their proliferative effects on estrogen - sensitive tissues resulting in tumorigenesis.
On the other hand, IC50 value for non-proliferative HUVEC was 3-fold that obtained for proliferative HUVEC, as expected.

Not exact matches

Earlier this month, a network of researchers supported by the National Eye Institute (NEI) found that the drug Lucentis (ranibizumab) can be highly effective for treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy, an eye disease that can occur as a complication of diabetes.
Gerton hypothesized that cancer cells, which are highly proliferative and might need more than the usual amount of ribosomes, would select for expansion of copy number.
I am a medical doctor, a specialist in ophthalmology, and for my PhD research at the Medical University in Sofia I have been looking at the ultrastructural changes of the proliferative tissues in the eyes of diabetics.
This particular technology is designed for cultivating tissues (retinas, proliferative tissue, corneas, etc.) in conditions which resemble to the highest possible degree the conditions found in the human body.
Abadir and colleagues first tested 5 percent topical losartan on mice in three different phases of wound healing: group 1 treatment, for up to three days post-wound infliction to target the inflammatory phase; group 2 treatment, starting on day seven after wound infliction to target the proliferative / remodeling (later) phase of tissue healing; and group 3 treatment, starting the first day of wound infliction until closure to treat all wound healing phases.
The authors conclude that their six hallmarks — sustained proliferative signaling, evading growth suppression, resisting cell death, replicative immortality, induction of angiogenesis, and invasion / metastasis — continue to provide a useful conceptual framework for understanding the biology of cancer.
A subject with rapidly proliferative disease and unable to wait for the central lab results can be enrolled based on a local test performed after completion of the last interventional treatment.
Recent work has demonstrated that M2 macrophages are necessary for conversion of metaplasia into a proliferative and intestinalizing metaplasia.
Evidence from these studies indicates that the use of mismatched MSC does not provoke a proliferative T cell response in allogeneic MLR, thus suggesting an immunosuppressive role for MSC 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88.
Essential role for Survivin in the proliferative expansion of progenitor and mature B cells.
Through the screening of numerous natural ingredients based on the proliferative and migratory ability of the somatic stem cells, her team found several ingredients for the skin rejuvenation and launched skincare products with a concept of stem cell activation.
First, the loss of mitotic competence of stem cells denies proliferative tissues of the capacity for renewal.
«The best case scenario is that from this one very accessible and highly proliferative source of stem cells, we will be able to obtain multiple different cell types that can be used for a broad range of applications in regenerative medicine,» he said.
Willet, Mills, and their colleagues believe the discovery that cells in different organs go through the same process to become proliferative could lead to new potential targets for cancer treatment because the factors that initiate tumours could be the same in multiple organs.
Lange SS, Bedford E, Reh S, Wittschieben JP, Carbajal S, Kusewitt DF, DiGiovanni J, Wood RD (2013) Dual role for mammalian DNA polymerase zeta in maintaining genome stability and proliferative responses.
In addition, well - characterized expression profiles for melanoma cells have been identified that correlate highly proliferative cell states with increased expression for pathways regulated by the lineage - specific transcription factors SOX10 and MITF; conversely, migratory / invasive cell states have been correlated with TGFβ1 signaling pathways.
Exonuclease 1 is essential for maintaining genomic stability and the proliferative capacity of neural but not hematopoietic stem cells.
The safety and efficacy of using embryonic and other stem cells for tissue regeneration will depend on harnessing and precisely controlling their proliferative capacity.
E1A is the sole oncogene capable of overcoming the stringent proliferative block connected with terminal differentiation, likely due to E1A - induced mimicry of important proliferation and dedifferentiation pathways, which are prime candidates for cancer pathways (24).
«The intake of fiber and nuts during adolescence and incidence of proliferative benign breast disease» — such as fibrocystic breast disease; fibroadenomas; noncancerous breast lumps — but, is considered a marker for increased breast cancer risk.
Proliferative and degenerative diseases may occur in any of the tissues invaded by the virus, or the virus may be indirectly responsible for other illnesses because of its immunosuppressive effect.
«An expedited palliative radiation protocol for lytic or proliferative lesions of appendicular bone in dogs.»
In highly proliferative lesions with increased Ki67, estrogen receptor was negative, but human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 was usually positive with a distribution that was similar to that reported for human intraepithelial lesions (7).
One guideline might be that it's okay to have a proliferative name online, just avoid making or implying disparaging remarks about particular lawyers or firms for the purposes of marketing.
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