Sentences with phrase «for proving my point»

So Thanks for proving his point.
Thanks for proving my points for me.
Thank you for proving my point.
LOL... thanks for proving the point of my post...
Thanks for proving the point it has NOTHING to do with gays as we know and understand it today.
kermit Thanks for proving my point.
Thanks for proving his point
Thank you for proving my point that Christians can't see how religious zeal can lapse into the danger zone of hateful extremism.
I want to thank you again for proving my point.
Lauren, thank you for proving my point.
Answerman28 — this comment — «In the religion forum however you will find many like minded ppl who refuse embrace the facts or the 21st century for that matter» Thanks for proving my point.
thank you for proving my points..!
It isn't an effective technique for proving your point, but it sure is entertaining!
thankyou for proving my point with your definitions.
Thanks Rob, for proving her point.
I asked for a scientist that is non-religious tha rejects evolution... and you post an article about religious scientists... thanks for proving my point.
Thank you for proving my point with your response above RSH.
thank you for proving my point.
Thank you for proving my point ~ Man this fan base is more doom and gloom then anything I've seen before anywhere in life ~ I'll be pissed when the Caps lose 4 games in a series.
Thanks for proving my point.
Given the howls that suggestion generates from some quarters, I now owe a debt of gratitude to the Shadow Chancellor himself for proving the point.
«Thanks, Jack, for proving my point
But again, thank you for proving the point that these dogs attract a certain personality.
Thanks for proving my point.
Thank you for proving our point, that global warming is going to cost people REAL MONEY.
Bart, Thank you for proving my point.
Thanks for proving my point that a situation can be interpreted in different ways depending on one's own views and perspectives.
Edward, Thank you for proving my point.

Not exact matches

Critics, though, point out that driving customers to fewer and fewer options across the gamut of health services could prove risky for them in the long run.
The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter: «Eric Hellweg over at HBR said on Twitter this is one of their all - time best sellers,» Dickerson points out.
Another victory for @realDonaldTrump for not attending and proving his point once again.
Furthermore, it may be impossible for these companies to prove this point to the government's satisfaction.
Aim for a single summary of your core idea, supported by three smaller sub points that will prove your summary.
At least it proves how vulnerable WA is with a single major energy source — an unusual point for a pipeline owner to prove, I would have thought.
Similar prophecies have proved wrong before and doubters point out that electricity bills for American factories will rise if the U.S. starts selling its growing supply of natural gas abroad and lifts current curbs on gasoline exports.
You can offer the product for less... since as the last two points proved, your costs are less.
The first quarter of 2018 proved significantly more volatile for equity markets, with both the Dow Jones industrial average and the S&P 500 falling into correction territory at one point.
Its diapers, for example, proved vulnerable to higher - end offerings from Japanese competitors; P&G's market share has fallen nearly five percentage points since 2010, to 37 %, according to Euromonitor & Citi Research.
The latest jobs numbers prove a point: Putting government policy over business interests has been a disastrous failure for the American worker.
The decision proved to be a turning point for Cain Express, which, in the years since, has seen a sharp increase in revenue growth, especially exports.
We always proved our point with an economic model that worked for all parties.
This, Klosterman argues, is how it has always been (for a while we were certain the Earth was flat until that was proven incorrect), and from that starting point, he attempts to explore which ideas or truths we believe today may be seen as woefully incorrect 100 years in the future.
But search for scientific studies proving this point and you'll come up empty - handed.
Each step in the candidate journey involves various touch points between the candidate and your company, challenges for the candidate and opportunities for your company to prove its value.
They can also trade points with peers on the Global Points Exchange, which may prove the perfect place for once - loyal Hilton guests to unload excess ppoints with peers on the Global Points Exchange, which may prove the perfect place for once - loyal Hilton guests to unload excess pPoints Exchange, which may prove the perfect place for once - loyal Hilton guests to unload excess pointspoints.
Brent Underwood, a partner at the marketing firm Brass Check, recently proved the point in a piece for The New York Observer.
This would prove to be a good starting point for Tesla as it looks to move its Autopilot system to phase two.
That meeting proved to be the launching point for Ms. Kolodny's career in venture capital.
Years later, this story lives on and proves the point that treating customers the way we hope our mother would be treated creates happy clients, avid advocates, for customers for life.
I based my growth expectations on what I think were conservative estimates of consumption growth and the growth in productive investment (with which the reported data is currently consistent, although do not prove my assumptions one way or the other), but I always pointed out that as long as credit growth accelerated, the growth in non-productive investment would remain high, in which case reported GDP would also remain high for much longer.
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