Sentences with phrase «for reaching across the aisle»

Kudos to him for reaching across the aisle and including Paul Tonko in the process as he is an expert in energy matters.
As a minority leader in the highly partisan rough and tumble state legislature (1987 - 2002), Faso wasn't necessarily known for reaching across the aisle, but he read the bills and questioned conventional wisdom.
Whatever his political views, the animals and the no - kill movement owe Tom Hayden a thank - you for moving this landmark piece of legislation through the California Senate and for reaching across the aisle to secure the signature of a governor from an opposing party.

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The left has an agenda that is aggressively antireligious, and they would like nothing better than for religious conservatives to «reach across the aisle» and accommodate their deviously concealed agenda.
As the Democrats appear to be slowly losing their grip on the majority (despite their claims to the contrary), Conference Leader John Sampson is reaching across the aisle to his GOP counterpart, Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos, and proposing a post-election spirit of cooperation for the Nov. 29 lame duck session.
The event has been a forum for the men to highlight their ability to reach across the aisle, speak on the progress of bills winding through Congress and the region's needs.
A consensus across the aisle appears to have been reached on increased funding for aging water systems, boosting tuition assistance, and allowing the spread of ride hailing services into upstate cities.
«And I'm proud to be called a Clinton Democrat which means fighting for the middle class, reaching across the aisle, and getting bipartisan results.
Al D'Amato, a Republican, is reaching across the political aisle and hosting a Nov. 2 fund - raiser at the Coyote Grill in Island Park for Democratic Gov. David Paterson,...
Trippi, who served as the campaign manager for Gov. Howard Dean's bid for the White House, also said he believed that Obama was genuinely interested in bipartisanship but that Republicans are not likely to respond to Obama's efforts to reach across the aisle.
She spoke of reaching across the aisle to work with the disaffected members of her conference, the IDC, and said she's hopeful her election will clear a path for the five independents to return home to re-join their «regular» colleagues.
Rush Holt, chief operating officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, called on Congress to continue to reach across the aisle to finalize its work on fiscal 2018 spending and resist additional short - term funding measures — the latest continuing resolution was the fourth of the current fiscal year.
Though we still have a ways to go until Climate Smart meat fills grocery aisles across the country, she predicts a far - reaching future for Mootral.
He is also known for his bipartisan abilities to really reach across the aisle, literally.
When I arrived in Washington, I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise the mileage standards in our cars for the first time in 30 years — a plan that won support from Democrats and Republicans who had never supported raising fuel standards before.
The reason there aren't more bad air quality days like this for Aaron and for millions of others was because, in 1970, Republicans on one side of the aisle and Democrats on the other side of the isle reached their hands across the partisan divide to create the Clean Air Act.
[applause] And I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise the mileage standards in our cars for the first time in thirty years - a plan that won support from Democrats and Republicans who had never supported raising fuel standards before.
When I arrived in Washington, I reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise the mileage standards in our cars for the first time in thirty years - a plan that won support from Democrats and Republicans who had never supported raising fuel standards before.
She reached across the aisle to build bipartisan support for one of Ocean Champions» highest priority pieces of legislation, the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act, which would have languished without Republican support.
It is still not possible to know if we are better or worse prepared for civic discourse than our grandparents — but behavior in Congress, where the art of reaching across the aisle seems altogether lost, and recent news highlighting the struggles we still face with diversity in the world reinforce a sense that the balanced viewpoint is a thing of the past.
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