Sentences with phrase «for rebellion against»

Snowpiercer is, though not only, a film about class struggle, for we enter this world at a time when the oppressed inhabitants of the so called «tail section» prepare for a rebellion against those in the front section and implicitly — against the upper class.
The original isn't quite Plato, of course, but back then a car chase usually stood for a rebellion against the establishment, and that's precisely how one would characterize insurance investigator Maindrian Pace's evasion of the police in a stolen vehicle across state lines; a cigar is just a cigar in the remake, despite the ludicrous, if funny, suggestion that Cage's «Memphis» Raines drives fast selflessly — that is, to keep an unaccountably psychotic gangster (Christopher Eccleston) from executing Ma Raines's other son, Kip (Giovanni Ribisi, in full greaseball mode).
A noticeably more benevolent and tolerant Henry VIII forgives the citizens of the North for their rebellion against him, but the youthful wife he dotes upon launches a passionate affair with Culpepper.
I've been going against that little voice which pops up in my mind too many times and I can tell you that it ended up into a real chaos for every rebellion against it.
In the 1950s and 60s North East Derbyshire used to return huge Labour majorities and Clay Cross was briefly prominent in the 1970s for a rebellion against implementing increases in council rents which ultimately resulted in the councillors (including David Skinner, the brother of Dennis Skinner) being disqualified and surcharged.
Four NPP members have petitioned the party's disciplinary committee demanding the suspension of its General Secretary Kwabena Agyepong for his rebellion against the party's National Executive Council (NEC) decision.
it couldnt be a worst time for a rebellion against the majority owner whether we hate him or not.
They are denying the existence of a God who is rightly angry at them for their rebellion against Him.
Jesus therefore does not, as often supposed, refer to Satan as a fallen angel, expelled from heaven for rebellion against God.
Camus, probably with Sartre in mind, rejects the notion that existence always precedes essence (Rb 296) and states that there is a creative source for rebellion against injustice in a «moral or metaphysical rule to balance the insanity of history» (Rb 251).
Why would God demand such a punishment for rebellion against Him?

Not exact matches

Beneath the calls for gun control that mark this remarkable political moment, there seems to be an underlying rebellion, one that is demanding an end to the war against youth.
Our rebellion against that design does not bode well for our future.
Under Roman occupation the Sanhedrin did not have the power to put people to death, only the Romans could, and the charge they executed this Yeshua for was rebellion against Rome.
The false prophets or dreamers who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt.
And rebellion against God can not go on for long before He steps in.
Shouldn't the sin of rebellion against God be repaid with a deprivation of God's Law, the greatest expression of His own particular love for the Jews?
«4 Affirmation of being in the form of the Promethean spirit is a rebellion against the sacred, for the sacred reality can be known only as wholly other than the man - made world of being.
Furthermore, it is necessary to qualify the idea of the orders of creation by the recognition that the original creation has been distorted by the fall into a universal condition of rebellion against God's design for the world, and that the Christian faith longs for the restoration and fulfillment of creation through the history of God's redemption in Jesus Christ.
When God authorizes the nation of Israel to wipe out a people for instance, it is a lawful execution due to their rebellion and sin against God.
God is infinitely holy, and could never look favorably upon sin, and an offense against the holiness of God is an infinitely wicked deed done in open rebellion against the God who created you — that deed requires an infinite amount of retribution to atone for, and one that you, being a mere person could never repay though you attempted to do so for all eternity.
On another note Jesus affirmed the seriousness of rebellion against God, affirmed a coming judgment, and yet taught his followers that they are to love their enemies and leave room for the wrath of God.
So the guy (Marcus Borg) is actually bringing controversy as a means to SELL HIS BOOK for his own financial gain and attention to his rebellion against the true teachings of God.
And classical music has been driven out by rock music, whose explicit sexual themes lead to rebellion against parental authority and to ruin of the youthful imagination, making «it very difficult for them to have a passionate relationship to the art and thought that are the substance of liberal education» (p. 79).
For if evil, in Buber's conception, is rebellion against God with the power He has given man to do evil, good is the turning toward God with this same power.
And the rebellion against God that is human pride is ultimately in prophetism castigated in all men; for Israelite prophetism knows, if Israel forgets, that Israel's rotten, unholy pride, productive only of a sickness unto death, is fully shared by all men!
Hence it came about (to cite here an example which has at the same time a deeper relation to the whole study) that the pagans judged self - slaughter so lightly, yea, even praised it, notwithstanding that for the spirit it is the most decisive sin, that to break out of existence in this way is rebellion against God.
For decades it has been the pattern that priests and religious who are in adolescent rebellion against Catholic faith and life have been put in charge of youth ministries, including those on college campuses.
5 The body is feared then not for itself but because it is the source of rebellion against God.
For five hundred years we have lived, through all the cultural triumphs and glories of mankind, in an age of the increasing evolution of the Mystery of Iniquity - the military rebellion, so to speak, against the Lordship of Christ.
Juan became, in short, a symbol of the rebellion of sentiment against society or heaven, and thus a tragic lover whose soul was worth contending for.
Their punishment for disobeying was death in a fiery furnace — a public consequence of rebellion against the empire.
But I can not accept what you say about an organized rebellion against God, for that is undoubtedly mythological.
Instead, there was a pattern of ongoing, thorough - going, and persistent moral rebellion against God that went on for years — in many cases, for generations — in spite of repeated warnings by God.
He believed that the Imam ought to be the ruler of the state and must fight for his rights, so he rose in rebellion against the Umayyad Caliph and was killed near Kufa.
The revolt against the church is in part the rebellion of those who have found in Christianity only the pure traditionalism of doctrine and symbol which have become meaningless through constant repetition without rethinking and through the consequent substitution of symbol for reality.
Our very reason for existence was rebellion against oppression.
In rebellion against God, new achievements offer new opportunities for the kind of intellectual pride and self - sufficiency which encourages us to exalt ourselves and try to get along without him.
Looking ahead to Absalom's arrogant rebellion against his father, so soon to follow, we wonder if this is not also, and perhaps chiefly, a convenient excuse for removing the king's oldest son Amnon, who might have proved an obstacle to Absalom's own consuming ambition.
For all its power, however, Voltaire's poem is a very feeble thing compared to the case for «rebellion» against «the will of God» in human suffering placed in the mouth of Ivan Karamazov by that fervently Christian novelist Dostoevsky; for, while the evils Ivan recounts to his brother Alexey are acts not of impersonal nature but of men, Dostoevsky's treatment of innocent suffering possesses a profundity of which Voltaire was never even remotely capabFor all its power, however, Voltaire's poem is a very feeble thing compared to the case for «rebellion» against «the will of God» in human suffering placed in the mouth of Ivan Karamazov by that fervently Christian novelist Dostoevsky; for, while the evils Ivan recounts to his brother Alexey are acts not of impersonal nature but of men, Dostoevsky's treatment of innocent suffering possesses a profundity of which Voltaire was never even remotely capabfor «rebellion» against «the will of God» in human suffering placed in the mouth of Ivan Karamazov by that fervently Christian novelist Dostoevsky; for, while the evils Ivan recounts to his brother Alexey are acts not of impersonal nature but of men, Dostoevsky's treatment of innocent suffering possesses a profundity of which Voltaire was never even remotely capabfor, while the evils Ivan recounts to his brother Alexey are acts not of impersonal nature but of men, Dostoevsky's treatment of innocent suffering possesses a profundity of which Voltaire was never even remotely capable.
This is love that despite my rebellion against him and how I deserve his wrath, He sent his son to die for me and usher in a new covenant of righteousness in Christ alone.
After Frederick's excommunication at Lyons, the two older brothers of Thomas Aquinas, who had served in Frederick's court for decades, joined in a rebellion against Frederick at Parma that eventually failed, but not without coming close to success.
For if we are worthless to God, our sins against him are inconsequential; if we are but pesky insects or venomous serpents, our rebellion would not grieve him.
«3 Monod not only condemns Bergson to the hinterland of the poetic, he also, like Russell and Bochenski, types Bergson as irrational (or anti-intellectual, a kindred classification) for his «rebellion against the rational» (27).
For a time, Jehovah has tolerated rebellion against his sovereignty.
For the limited time of 6000 years of mankind's history, God has allowed rebellion against his sovereignty.
I do this... as a duty of brotherly love, so that if any misfortune or disaster comes out of this matter, it may not be attributed to me, nor will I be blamed before God and men because of my silence... We have no one on earth to thank for this disastrous rebellion except you princes and lords, and especially you blind bishops and mad priests and monks whose hearts are hardened... The murder - prophets [a reference to Karlstadt, Muntzer and all the Schwarmerei] who hate me as they hate you, have come among these people... for more than three years, and no one has resisted and fought against them except me... I beseech you not to make light of this rebellion... The peasants have just published twelve articles some of which are so fair and just as to take away your reputation in the eyes of God... Because you made light of my To The German Nobility you must now listen to and put up with these selfish articles.
Perhaps as a result of the unsettlement and chaos that accompanied the Jewish rebellion against Rome the evangelist left Palestine for Asia, where he later wrote the gospel, while John was still alive in Palestine, partly from recollections of what the apostle had said or written, but largely from his wider knowledge of traditions about Jesus and his teaching, and in the light of his own interpretation of the teaching and of the significance of the facts of Jesus» life.
There is no condemnation for their seeming rebellion against Paul's letters.
A seemingly uncaring and dictatorial pope who snatches babies from their mothers invites worldwide contempt for, and rebellion against, organized religion.
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