Sentences with phrase «for reducing water retention»

The Journal of Caring Sciences determined B6 was also handy for reducing water retention due to its importance in the formation of red blood cells and other key functions in the body.

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Improving water infiltration and retention capacity through high levels of organic matter and permanent soil cover, such as cover crops or mulch, which substantially reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation.
Due to the resulting high moisture retention capacity the amount of water needed for irrigation can be reduced substantially.
The agreement would have included reducing the number of retention basins to five from eight, decreasing water storage around a Little League concession area, providing for more underground storm - water storage and restoring the fields on the park's southwest side.
The new plan would have included reducing the number of retention basins to five from eight, decreasing water storage around a Little League concession area, providing for more underground storm - water storage and restoring the fields on the park's southwest side.
Tauts Post Pregnancy Belly Wrap (Pure) by Brooke Burke For the mom who wants to try and get back into pre-baby shape naturally, this belly wrap helps reduce the size of the swollen uterus and water retention, while supporting that unwanted baggy belly!
Did You Know... NOT DIRT: Installers rarely use soil for the growing medium because it is heavy and because it packs tight after repeated rains, reducing water retention and aeration for plant roots.
For those of you who drink the occasional cup to add a little energy to your workouts, you're also getting the added benefit of reduced water retention.
These oils improve digestion, increase metabolism, prevent water retention, suppress craving for sweets and then reduce weight.
Found to be of help for weight loss by stimulating the metabolism and reducing water retention.
With its ability to reduce water retention, it is beneficial for treating bladder infections and bladder stones as well as chilblains.
One of the biggest surprises for me was how much a low carb diet reduced water retention.
Celery seed has an antiseptic property that makes it useful for the health of the urinary tract and a diuretic action that helps reduce water retention.
This is the case for detoxes that reduce water retention and cause bowel movement.
Therefore, Korean Red Ginseng intake for hormonal imbalance can play a pivotal role in reducing daunting symptoms associated with it like weight gain, infertility, fatigue, depression, stress, bloating, water retention and lack of sexual desire.
Its good fats will fill you up for hours, and its high potassium levels will reduce water retention and bloating.
The resultant reduced demand for shipping would translate not only to less CO2 (and methane) but less air and water pollution, fewer megaports and, perhaps most importantly, retention or creation of domestic manufacturing jobs.
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