Sentences with phrase «for regulating cell growth»

It triggers the action of enzymes and is an important component of proteins responsible for regulating cell growth, reproduction and death.

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Eicosonoids from Omega - 3's are hormone - like compounds that help regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, aid in growth and development of cells, needed for vision and brain development, and maturation of nerves.
Cells have more than one trick up their sleeve for controlling certain genes that regulate fetal growth and development.
A third influential gene was ARMS / KIDINS220, which codes for a protein that regulates the growth of nerve cells.
Still, by identifying the human hairless gene as an important master switch in regulating cell death in a hair follicle — a discovery that could lead to gene therapies for unwanted hair growth — Christiano emerged as a new star in the field, and a glamorous one.
Research from Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey shows that the RUNX2 protein, which regulates the transcription of genetic messages responsible for the different functions of cells, may play a role in melanoma cell growth and spread and could serve as a therapeutic target for the disease.
PI3K is responsible for regulating the growth and survival of cancer cells and several inhibitors targeting it have already been developed.
Apart from advancing our understanding of how plants regulate their growth and shape, this research presents new questions for stem cell researchers in regards to cell size checkpoints and their importance during organism development.
So Hoffman is now looking for leads among genes controlling the production of molecules called growth factors, which regulate cell growth and division.
The ROBO family of signaling proteins — best known for their role in guiding the growth of developing neurons — regulates the cytoskeleton, and may therefore help cells sense and respond to such changes in their environment.
Previously described as the «guardian of the genome» and voted «Molecule of the Year» in 1993, p53 is one of the most important proteins regulating cell growth and a major focus for oncology research.
Metastasis suppression: the evolving role of metastasis suppressor genes for regulating cancer cell growth at the secondary site.
Proteins are necessary for cell division which is vital in healing and growth, and proteins in the form of hormones and enzymes regulate chemical reactions in the body.
Growth hormone is biologically considered to be a «master hormone» since it is primarily responsible for the maintenance, repair and regeneration of cells along with regulating other hormones.
Because DNA is encoded with the instructions for cell behavior, damaged DNA can alter cell processes including those that regulate growth and division.
Obese woman are the ones most at risk of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer (too many or abnormal cell growth in the lining of the womb) and for this reason the Pill may be their best treatment to help regulate their cycle.
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