Sentences with phrase «for religious groups»

Some state civil rights laws apply to commercial property, but there are exemptions for religious groups — and anyway, these cases don't involve commercial property, either.
But instead of making it easier for religious groups to open free schools, ministers will invite councils to open faith schools jointly with religious groups, as they have done in the past.
That result would preserve some autonomy for religious groups, but only in very reduced form, and with a significant social cost.
It is happy for religious groups to host same sex weddings if they want to, while insisting that groups who do not want to can not be forced to.
He said he continues to seek further protections for religious groups opposed to gay marriage so they can't be prosecuted for discrimination if they refuse to allow their property or services to be used during gay marriage ceremonies.
President Barack Obama signed an executive order Wednesday clarifying the ground rules for religious groups partnering with the federal government through the White House's controversial faith office.
If we took every holiday for every religious group in America and gave time of for each one it would make ths school and work year about ten days a year.
Also, Pundi X, in collaboration with E2Pay will build a new financial app for a religious group in Indonesia with 100 million members.
I would also propose removing tax exemption status for all religious groups, Hebrew, Christian, Muslim, all.
RT @nextleft: RT @libcon Support right for religious groups to hold civil partnerships!
-- MF] undermining efforts to uphold one man - one woman marriage by focusing on exemptions for religious groups as a way to protect religious freedom?
But if Mr. Kurtz and those who think like him had their way, the restrictions would be intolerable» at least for religious groups advancing views that meet with their disapproval.
That might change, as several bills have popped up in the US House of Representatives this year, aimed both at expediting the process for religious groups threatened by ISIS and at beefing up the screening of anyone from Iraq or Syria.
Exponential church growth has always struck me more as a marketing plan for a religious group instead of loving people in Jesus» name.
like the world is not comming to an end for some religious group doesn't every other day.
Religious liberty has very quickly become of intense concern for religious groups across the country, especially for those that will be directly affected by the HHS mandate.
That attitude has made Silverman a bogeyman for religious groups, especially conservative ones who discern a secular assault on American religion.
Gone are the exemptions for religious groups faced with accommodating LGBT antidiscrimination regulations that conflict with their faith convictions.
Those carefully crafted decisions of courts upholding liability no more pose a threat to religious liberty than do the determinations that the doctrine of «charitable immunity» is an unnecessary shield for religious groups seeking to avoid tort liability for injury inflicted in charitable institutions.
It is not difficult for religious groups to join with secular agencies like the ACLU in opposing fundamentalism, scientific creationism and school prayer.
But if Catholics were confused by her behaviour, she will have been reassured by the unequivocal support of the National Secular Society, who welcomed «Ms Kelly's statement thatthere will be no scope for religious groups to discriminate if they are given welfare services to run.»
It is, and has always been, the prerogative of the Chinese state to define orthodox belief and to set the boundaries for religious groups whose doctrines fall outside official limits.
Patrick Henry favored some kind of support by taxation for all religious groups.
The Supreme Court decided not to review a lower court decision that upholds the city's right to refuse to provide space in city schools for religious groups.
The Church not only fears that allowing cases where the statute of limitations has expired to be brought would cause financial ruin for religious groups and nonprofits like the Boy Scouts, but also is unfair since public institutions like schools and foster care agencies are not affected.
Conservative, Christian peer Baroness O'Cathain secured today's debate on specific regulations that will implement the new law to allow civil partnerships on religious premises, for those religious groups who want to host them.
However, in a concession to religious lobbyists, the Government has signalled it will be making new funding available for religious groups to open fully selective faith schools outside of its free schools scheme.
The findings, which appear online in the journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science, suggest that in the United States, highly religious Protestants and religious minorities — Jews and Muslims — feel the most targeted for their religious group membership and religious beliefs.
Some dating sites are established only for religious groups such as JDate and Christian Mingle.
Not only did the UK have the highest concentration of single people in the pan-European study, according to Metaflake, but it was also judged to have the «most colourful dating landscape» due to the volume of themed singles dating sites, ranging from Cougar Dating to Uniform Dating, to those catering for religious groups or body - type preferences.
April 2011 — For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law, that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates, without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.
David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has a news update headlined «Supreme Court blocks contraceptives rule for religious groups
MPs thereby voted to deny an «opt out» for religious groups from the anti-discrimination legislation.
It will be best to bannish holidays for religious groups, of any kind, and to establish «floating» holidays that people can use for religious purposes, at their discretion, based on their own religious needs.
This post was mentioned on Twitter by libcon: Support the right for religious groups to hold civil partnerships!
But the government has ditched its original plans to make it easier for religious groups to open free schools.
The policy now includes a wide exemption for religious groups; requires insurance companies, instead of religious employers, to foot the bill; and still includes a year to hammer out the details.
One answer is for religious groups to create a «sheltered enclave» in which believers huddle together and reinforce one another in their conviction that the old stories with their old truths still define the really real «real world.»
It also requests «regulatory relief» for religious groups, including evangelical universities, caught in a court battle over the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
Gay marriage legislation will offer quadruple protection for religious groups, says culture secretary — video
Culture secretary reveals legal protections for religious groups that may not want to conduct same - sex wedding ceremonies
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