Sentences with phrase «for rising sea levels»

The conference will cover a wide range of issues: the latest in climate change research, planning for rising sea levels and adapting infrastructure to a changing climate.
They drive decisions about what do to prepare towns and nations for rising sea levels, more extreme weather and other effects from climate change.
But preparing an area for rising sea level — properly done — makes it a food source.
More on Climate Change Effects California Prepares for Rising Sea Levels Reporting the Obvious: Climate Change Will Impact Transportation Rising Seas and Powerful Storms Threaten Global Security: TreeHugger
It's also redesigning streets to accommodate for rising sea levels and add more greenways.
Meanwhile, in the race to unseat GOP Rep. Dana RohrabacherDana Tyrone RohrabacherGOP lawmaker says rocks falling into ocean to blame for rising sea levels Dems step up efforts to avoid California primary shutouts House Dems boost spending in key California races MORE, the Democratic committee also purchased $ 407,000 on cable and $ 168,700 on radio in the Los Angeles market.
In his opening and closing remarks, Peter Van Scoyoc, a Democrat serving his second term on the town board, pointed to his record, and that of the sitting board, on open space preservation, water quality protection efforts, energy efficiency, social services, obtaining grants, and planning for the future through ongoing hamlet studies and creation of a plan that accounts for rising sea level and shoreline erosion.
The Caribbean and its tourism - dependent economy, braced for rising sea levels and extreme weather, looks to be at the receiving end.
In a separate but related case before a federal judge in Massachusetts, the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) argued that ExxonMobil had failed to prepare one of its facilities for rising sea levels resulting from climate change.
Governor Schwarzenegger today issued an executive order (S -13-08) requiring state agencies to assess and plan for rising sea levels caused by climate change....
In recent research by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, estimates for the rising sea level and flood risks have been updated for the Finnish coastline for the period up to 2100.
A number of preparations have been made in Finland for the rising sea level, including the issuing of recommendations for minimum construction elevations, which were last set in 2014.
Nearly 200 nations have agreed to forge a sweeping agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help vulnerable communities prepare for rising sea levels, extreme weather events, devastating droughts and other known climate effects.
He was head of North Carolina's state legislature when it voted to forbid state agencies from planning for rising sea levels.
As previously reported, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn have said that New York City has already done good work to accommodate for rising sea levels and climate change.
(Reuters)- Almost 200 nations began global climate talks on Monday with time running out to save the Kyoto Protocol aimed at cutting the greenhouse gas emissions scientists blame for rising sea levels, intense storms, drought and crop failures.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn added that the city has indeed done good work to prepare for rising sea levels and climate change.
At the local level, we are supporting community efforts to update Local Coastal Programs (LCPs) to plan for rising sea levels.
Almost 100 organizations Thursday launched a worldwide petition that calls for dramatically curbing greenhouse - gas emissions and helping vulnerable communities prepare for rising sea levels, more - frequent storms, longer droughts and other effects of global warming.
For rising sea levels, shrinking polar regions, diminishing glaciers, drier droughts, wetter floods, more intense cyclones, say a growing global cadre of scientists.
Presentations range from edible gardens to plans for rising sea levels.
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