Sentences with phrase «for risk assessment»

«Ask for any risk assessment tools for, papers on, or expert opinions about your particular industry,» she suggests.
This information has major implications for the risk assessment for open releases of these insects.
Along with them, the new study suggests that for risk assessment in earthquake - prone areas, not just a single seismic cycle from one earthquake to the next should be considered.
It finds its applications in everyday life for risk assessment and managing corporate markets.
When it comes to credit scoring, alternative data means data not being used today for risk assessment, and specifically data not found in the credit bureaus.
A bit of clarification of terms for risk assessment: «risk» includes both the probability that an event will happen, and the consequences if it does happen.
Auto insurance rates are not fixed, so each company will make its own offer based on their own methods for risk assessment.
«The large - scale loss of functionally diverse corals is a harbinger of further radical shifts in the condition and dynamics of all ecosystems, reinforcing the need for risk assessment of ecosystem collapse.»
But if climate change isn't stabilized soon, the authors wrote,» [t] he large - scale loss of functionally diverse corals is a harbinger of further radical shifts in the condition and dynamics of all ecosystems, reinforcing the need for risk assessment of ecosystem collapse.»
«Determination of the return periods of extreme weather events should be the starting point for all risk assessment related to weather events, because in addition to exposure and vulnerability, it also it determines the need for society to prepare», says FMI researcher Karoliina Pilli - Sihvola.
«Determination of the return periods of extreme weather events should be the starting point for all risk assessment related to weather events, because in addition to exposure and vulnerability, it also it determines the need for society to prepare», says FMI researcher Karoliina Pilli - Sihvola.
I have a strong background in pricing, statistical and reserves systems and my research skills are akin to deriving prudent information for risk assessment.
At TNO research results are used for risk assessment tools.
This is not necessary, as small transactions can be confirmed when they hit mempool, you only need to wait confirmations if you are unsure about a buyer (applications can be built for risk assessment of the incoming wallet) or if the amount is too large.
Understanding these sea level patterns and how they will play out in different spots along the Indian Ocean is important for risk assessment, Han said.
The insurance industry now uses sophisticated catastrophe modeling for risk assessment when it comes to flooding, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, but that wasn't the case until 11 insurance companies went bankrupt after Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
These findings are on the one hand relevant for the risk assessment of the transgenic plants: once released, these plants could spread to other rice varieties and endanger rice harvest.
Guidance for the risk assessment of the presence at low levels of genetically modified plant material in imported food and feed
In neighborhoods where kids have an increased chance of exposure to toxic lead, pigeons also have higher blood lead levels — making the birds potential proxies for risk assessment.
The standard test for risk assessment in relation to life - threatening cardiac rhythm disturbances is currently the left ventricular ejection fraction, which represents a measure of the heart's function and measures the volume of the beat in relation to the overall volume of blood in the ventricle.
Its flexible framework can be readily applied to other US states and adapted for risk assessments of other emerging arboviruses, including Chikungunya, Dengue, and Yellow fever.»
To gain insight regarding routines and practice for risk assessment, diagnosis, and management of postoperative cognitive side effects, and the use of EEG - based depth - of - anesthesia monitoring (DOA), investigators sent a web - based validated questionnaire to over 2,500 Swedish anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists.
With the emergence of Ebola virus from bats and hantaviruses from rodents, investigators say identifying the other species infected with HAV provides novel insight into the evolution of HAV and how it spread to humans, and highlights the utility of analyzing animal reservoirs for risk assessment of emerging viruses.
It has more defences than the Death Star, ranging from excellent camouflage to a subtle gift for risk assessment, bony defensive spines on its head and, best of all, a last - ditch retaliatory measure that is as gory as the legendary horror frog.
The study is «of insufficient scientific quality for risk assessment» due to «inadequacies in the design, reporting and analysis of the study,» the agency says.
Exploring potential variants of psychopathic traits and their implications for risk assessment
A guide for risk assessment has been modified as to March 2000 considering the EU Directive 90/219 adopted on June 2000.
Importantly for risk assessment, ESMs may fail to capture the low - probability, high - impact end of potential future climate change altogether.
In the first five months of the educational program, 568 cancer family histories were completed and 47 patients received referrals for risk assessment and possible genetic testing.
Thus, this population should be considered for risk assessment of pesticide residues.
Over the past year, multiple state and local legislatures have considered (and some have passed) bills that reduce reliance on the cash bail system, swapping the money demand for risk assessment systems.
Given its simplicity and effectiveness for risk assessment, it can be a helpful metric in determining which stocks you are interested in, and how to diversify your portfolio with companies of different sizes.
The German agency for risk assessment issued advice that a child of 16 kg (35 pounds) could exceed the «safe dose» by eating two eggs at the highest contamination levels found.
An intensity component to the TC model, necessary for risk assessment applications, is currently under development.
develop solutions for different sectors for risk assessment and management related to extreme weather and climate events, such as thunder storms in 2010 and Tapani storm on Boxing day 2011, using also economic assessment methods
Furthermore, it called for risk assessments to be multidimensional and informed by socioeconomic, environmental and institutional factors.
For the first time, a UK environmental report for risk assessment of property transactions will include data on nearby Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels, using EarthSense's MappAir ® dataset — the UK's first and only air quality dataset at 100m resolution.
Underwriting is the process Insurance Companies use to review and evaluate applications for insurance for risk assessment and appropriate premium rates.
They will also optimise equipment performance and provide day - to - day support for risk assessments and equipment breakdowns.
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