Sentences with phrase «for risk taking»

These costs either come from interest payments on debt or the return that shareholders expect in order to be compensated for the risk they take.
The job of free markets is to set prices so that investors are rewarded for the risks they take.
We broadly define the short - volatility trade as any financial strategy that relies on the assumption of market stability to generate returns, while using volatility itself as an input for risk taking.
The main purpose of a factor rate is to compensate the lenders for the risk they take by providing you quick cash without any collateral or personal guarantee.
This should remain a favorable environment for risk taking, we believe.
It's also how capitalism rewards entrepreneurs and investors for their risk taking.
I'm grateful for the risk she took to shed light on what kids are eating at school.
Our ability to be vulnerable with one another supports us in developing high trust ties, which creates a supportive condition for risk taking to occur.
This may sound unfair but it is the only way creditors cover for the risk they take.
Very much alike to a currency exchange you can receive either a reward or a penalty for the risk taken.
Players on both sides gain advantages and points for risk taking.
Allow for some risk taking, but also keep your teenager's safety in mind.
With investing, we're compensated for the risk we take, hopefully, with an appropriate return.
We set the hypotheses that are straightforward and predictive because there is absolutely no reward for risk taking.
There are times when stocks offer a reasonable return for the risk taken on.
You pay money factor to compensate the leasing company for using its car and for the risk it takes by trusting that you will make all of your payments.
This should remain a favorable environment for risk taking, we believe.
Sometimes, an angel investor would demand for ten times his invested capital as compensation for risks taken and in the event that the business fails, there is usually a defined exit strategy to help the angel investor recoup his investments.
Thinly traded stocks may carry a large spread, in order to compensate exchange professionals for the risk they take.
Law firms (and lawyers) aren't known for their risk taking.
1) Investors expect to be compensated for the risk they take in making an investment that is more risky than a high interest savings account (this would bring the price that they are willing to pay DOWN), and 2) the price goes up if the company's earnings are expected to increase.
The movie wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable if it weren't for the risks it takes thematically, but none of that would matter without its incredible cast.
Good judgement and diversification amongst many borrowers will likely make an investment [at NMT 5 % of total portfolio] in Lending Club reasonably profitable for the risk taken.
I'm always game for risk taking in the kitchen so I used a stick of cold butter cut into about 8 pieces and swapped Rapadura in for the coconut sugar.
Often these early games will be very tactically driven, but with 16 teams advancing (out of 24), there will be more room for risk taking.
8 One theory suggests that male geniuses are unusually endowed with enthusiasm for risk taking, which is notoriously testosterone - linked.
Opportunities for risk taking, exploration of new knowledge and concepts, and experimentation permeate.
Foundation: A learning - rich culture provides opportunities for risk taking, productive failure, and celebrated successes.
The price of Corp A's bond will fall until investors, as a group, think the $ 50 per year in interest Corp A is paying to its bond owners compensates them fairly for the risk they take by owning the bond.
The credit cycle gets long in the tooth, and credit spreads / yields tighten to levels that are far too low for the risk taken on.
This means that despite a 10 % outperformance over the benchmark (20 % vs. 10 %), a more accurate estimation of the portfolio's alpha when adjusting for the risk taken on by the portfolio is about half that.
Rueff agrees, adding that people have to be responsible for the risk they take if they have children.
The Souls series and its offshoots — Demon's Souls, the Dark Souls trilogy, and Bloodborne — are huge outliers in the industry for the risk they take by insisting, fiercely, that you earn not only your completion of the games but your appreciation of them.
[18] If the insured desires coverage for a risk taken out by an exclusion on the standard form, the insured can sometimes pay an additional premium for an endorsement to the policy that overrides the exclusion.
I like mezzanine and preferred equity because the value decline (for most assets and markets) is behind us and there are relatively good returns for the risk taken going forward.
Writing new stories for old enclaves isn't the work of just a few real estate pros with a zest for risk taking.
Volatility is now an input for risk taking and the source of excess returns in the absence of value.
As Northern Ireland Secretary, Mr Hain was the first senior Labour figure to complain about rewards for risk taking in an interview in this newspaper in February 2007.
I agree; there will be continued problems in the synthetic and securitized debt markets, but if you want to be rewarded for risk here, equities offer reasonable compensation for the risks taken.
Thinly traded stocks may carry a large spread, in order to compensate exchange professionals for the risk they take.
Levy became known for his risk taking and his exceptional eye, and art museums in and around New York turned to him to add to their growing collections of contemporary art.
After this review, we will explain how IFA has used such research to formulate its investment policy, and used it to create low - cost portfolios that deliver the highest expected return for the risk taken; then why it is our advice that those responsible for investing public funds should make it a cornerstone of the investment plans.
Society bestows these rights to allow inventors to recoup the investments they made and to reward them for the risks they took to get their ideas into the marketplace.
So, despite our rational desire to get a return for the risks we take, we tend to value something we own higher than the price we'd normally be prepared to pay for it.
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