Sentences with phrase «for runaway global warming»

A large injection of the gas - which is 21 times more potent as an atmospheric heat trap than carbon dioxide - has long been cited by climate scientists as the potential trigger for runaway global warming.

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It all makes grim reading for those hoping to limit CO2 emissions and prevent runaway global warming.
The left - wing focus on the fantasy of runaway global warming takes all their attention off the real pollution — air, water and land pollution in China, India and other parts of Asia, for one important example.
Because if it dose we might be stuck down the rabit whole for good because of runaway global warming caused by more bushfires and more melting of the permafrost releasing greenhouse gases and establishing a positive feedback loop.
In light of the recent IPCC report released this past week and stating essentially that global warming is a runaway train that can't be stopped for centuries, it may be tempting to give up hope for a brighter future... But like any patient who suffers from a chronic disease that is potentially fatal, not only is education about the condition itself essential, but also what we can do to help mitigate its impact.
Any normal person would conclude that CO2 is not causing runaway global warming, climate catastrophe, or for that matter, any other problems.
So, the scientific thread of albedo prediction from optical depth, Van de Hulst, Sagan and Pollack [Venusian runaway global warming], Lacis and Hansen is wrong., the crutch for the high CO2 - AGW hypothesis is taken away, CO2 probably loses AGW monopoly via «polluted cloud heating».
Of course Ferdinand is right not to project catastrophism onto anthropogenic CO2 levels for as you likely know there is a inverse logarithmic relationship between changes in temperature and CO2 levels such that without the assumed positive feedback from water vapour there is no chance of runaway global warming, tipping points or whatever.
In contrast to the sophisticated climate model predictions of runaway («tipping point») global warming, in reality, real - world global warming, as measured by satellites, has disappeared for over 16 years despite the gargantuan increases in CO2 emissions... (Ramez Naam denies this)
In a sharp change from its cautious approach in the past, the National Academy of Sciences on Wednesday called for taxes on carbon emissions, a cap - and - trade program for such emissions or some other strong action to curb runaway global warming.Such actions, which would increase the cost of using coal and petroleum — at least in the immediate future — are necessary because «climate change is occurring, the Earth is warming... concentrations of carbon dioxide are increasing, and there are very clear fingerprints that link [those effects] to humans,» said Pamela A. Matson of Stanford University, who chaired one of five panels organized by the academy at the request of Congress to look at the science of climate change and how the nation should respond.
A new Ice Age could descend on us all, but Socrates would still be looking for ways to keep his alarmist faith in man - made runaway global warming alive.
Big Tobacco was responsible for stoking a cancer pandemic; Big Oil threatens life itself, by runaway global warming and its dire consequences.
However the basic question of runaway global warming seems countered by the fact that the planet has sustained life for 4.5 billion years, despite periods in the past when CO2 levels were many times higher than they are now.
And then, ignoring that the heat we feel from the Sun is thermal infrared so does reach us, say that carbon dioxide a trace gas, and already fully part and parcel of the cooling cycling of the Earth in the Water Cycle, is responsible for raising the temperature of the Earth from -18 °C to 15 °C, without ever giving any rational explanation as to how it actually does this, and, that doubling it will cause catastrophic runaway global warming, doubling a trace gas it still remains a trace gas.
Wary of how public concern over climate change could drop demand for fossil fuel products, the Kochs have spent the last 15 years dumping over $ 61 million to front groups telling us that global warming doesn't exist, or that it would destroy our economy to stop runaway climate change.
CC can provide a perfectly adequate backdrop for a story — there's some decent SF that happens to be set in a world stricken by runaway global warming — but if it's all about the message, then the tendency is towards something that's awkward, preachy, shrill, long - winded, unfunny (or unintentionally funny) or just plain dull.
For more than two decades, meteorologists and oceanographers have repeatedly warned that runaway global warming, as a consequence of ever - greater combustion of fossil fuels, could bring about an ice - free polar ocean by about 2050.
For those reasonable commenters here who wonder why the pro - AGW / Runaway Global Warming / Climate Catastrophe trolls argue incessantly, and nitpick every point ad nauseum,, the clear answer is given in this paper by a truly brave climate scientist, M.I.T.'s Prof. Richard Lindzen: click
There is no indication of any trend in that data - nor is there in the instrumental data for the past 150 years for that matter - of any runaway global warming actually happening or credibly projected.
Perhaps the best we can hope for now is that natural limiting mechanisms will kick in so that aviod runaway global warming.
If correlation is an indicator of potential causation, then one would need to look at an entirely different reason other than CO2 emissions for any attempt to justify a belief in the runaway global warming scenario.
And the result will be ever - escalating wars for control of dwindling oil supplies, ever - escalating destruction of ecosystems, and irreversible, runaway catastrophic global warming, until the whole house of cards that constitutes the present - day «American way of life» collapses, in a very painful and ugly fashion.
And it seems that my initial interpretation was correct — as he explains in the video above, Hansen doesn't necessarily believe that approval of the Keystone XL will be the one straw that breaks the camel's back, delivering us unto a world destined for catastrophic, runaway global warming.
In the case of Global Warming, they really thought that we were heading for a «tipping point» that would lead us over the cliff into «runaway warming&Warming, they really thought that we were heading for a «tipping point» that would lead us over the cliff into «runaway warming&warming».
Dr. Lovelock, honored in 1997 with the Blue Planet Prize, which is widely considered the environmental equivalent of a Nobel award, has now come under attack from some environmentalists for his support of nuclear power as a way to avoid runaway «global heating» — his preferred alternative to «global warming
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