Sentences with phrase «for runs in the morning»

I go for a run in the morning, and I use that time for prayer.
I have pumped twice / day since she was born (so supply is probably there when she needs it) b / c I've always been so full in the morning and I like to go for a run in the morning (and there's no way I could do that without pumping!).
I go for my runs in the morning so that I can run in a fasted state.
I used to go for runs in the morning but I changed it in the afternoons since I thought it was better for me.
«From going for a run in the morning to going to a meeting and taking a yoga class in the afternoon, we've seen how sneakers really play into her lifestyle.»
I'll probably take a pair of flat sandals, my nike's for running in the morning, which I can use for the fireworks and maybe one other pair.

Not exact matches

«For me, the best way to ensure that I get to work in the right mindset, where my head is both clear and sharp, is to exercise, typically running or swimming, every morning.
According to «What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast,» the former Coors CEO makes a habit of going for a run at 5:50 in the morning and being ready for the day by 6:30.
If someone were searching for leather journals at 1 AM and you know your best conversion rate happens during business hours when you are available to answer phone calls and participate in a «live chat,» the wee hours of the morning would not be the best time to run your advertisements.
I ran 2.5 miles this morning and got in a light dynamic lower - body workout before prepping for my speech.
For me, I run out steam in the afternoons, so I make sure that I'm maximizing my mornings.
Seema Verma, President Donald Trump's nominee to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), stared down the Senate Finance Committee in a round of questioning this morning.
Paul announced his decision to run on the Republican ticket for president in 2016 on his Web site on Tuesday morning.
Paul Critelli, one of the program's teachers, told me that many parents feel overwhelmed trying to get two or three kids ready for school each morning, and that their instinct is often to «sacrifice the anxious kid» in order to avoid morning hysterics and keep the family train running on time.
Jessica: taking class in the morning, then taking my dog for a run or walk in a local park, followed by a little college football (go Bucky!)
Yes, when late autumn comes, even the flower can speak the wisdom of the years and say with truthfulness, «All has its time, there is «a time to be born and a time to die»; there is a time to jest lightheartedly in the spring breeze, and a time to break under the autumn storm; there is a time to burst forth into blossom, beside the running water, beloved by the stream, and a time to wither and be forgotten; a time to be sought out for one's beauty, and a time to be unnoticed in one's wretchedness; there is a time to be nursed with care, and a time to be cast out with contempt; there is a time to delight in the warmth of the morning sun and a time to perish in the night's cold.
I had a blast recording the narration for this book at Paragon Studios in Nashville (in the very booth, I am told, where Larry the Cucumber records his lines for Veggie Tales productions), and would be honored to accompany you on your next road trip or morning run.
My kids are forced to say «under god» every morning... you can't run for office without spouting god every five minutes... religious people assume you are a believer... at work you can get in trouble if you «admit» you laugh at religion... and even this weeks tragedy has been nothing but offering of pointless «prayers», claims to «gods will» and other religious lunacy...
I'm no power - walker, and running isn't even on my radar these days, I just want to walk, to stop and look for the bald eagle that roosts in the tallest tree, to listen to CBC Morning Edition on my little earbuds, nod hello at all of the senior citizens that are my company at this hour of the day.
This would be a fair comment except for the fact Christians run the country, assume you don't do charity if you're secular, that my kids have to say «under god» BS at school each morning, and that non believers are essentially silenced and oppressed in the mainstream culture.
I put my chicken in to roast that morning while I was out on my run and getting ready for work.
I have one just about every morning for breakfast, unless I'm running late (in which case I skip the smoothie and snack constantly until about 11:30 am when I finally give up and go to lunch).
I'd emerge sometime in the late morning to run errands, or meet a friend for lunch, or lie out on the deck with a cold drink.
Toast them in the toaster for about 3 minutes and they can be eaten in the car on those mornings when we just got to running late!
I have it for breakfast almost every morning (in fact, I just ran out of it — need to buy more!).
And for those athletic types, there is a small gym and yes, I did manage to get my running in every morning.
I'll usually make a wrap in the morning to keep in my fridge at work for lunch, but they are also super convenient to whip up before running out the door if you travel a lot during the day.
As the warmer weather creeps in, I long for vegetable loaded eats and long morning runs.
If the weather is suitable, I may go for another outdoor run in the morning.
I went for a run this morning despite the wintery storms in Sydney and came home like a drowned rat, ready for a piping...
Like, this morning I went for a 7 mile run in the freezing cold and then came home with fingers so frozen and stiff that I could barely unlock my door.
The oatmeal bake is also great for those individuals on the run who don't have time in the morning to sit down and enjoy breakfast in the comfort of home.
I made a big batch of this last night so breakfast was ready for teenagers that leave no time for breakfast in the morning and for me who had a long run on tap.
Searching on Google for this idea I ran over a recipe which had my attention, that use simple ingredients that everybody has in the house in the morning and can create an amazing breakfast with them.
The easiest way to describe its prominence in young life is that French toast is for lazy Saturday mornings, while cinnamon - sugar toast is that special treat for running - late - for - school - get - your - a $ $ - on - the - bus - here's - some - breakfast - NOW - GO!
This Blueberry Spinach Smoothie is my go - to smoothie that I'll make often in the mornings when I'm in a rush for a healthy breakfast on the run.
It's been nearly nine years now since I lived in Ireland, a place that some deep ancestral vein in me recognized as home from the first moment I stepped out for an exceptionally early morning run there, in the late summer of 2008.
In other news, I realized this morning while running that it was at this exact point in my training for Philly last year, that my knee started hurtinIn other news, I realized this morning while running that it was at this exact point in my training for Philly last year, that my knee started hurtinin my training for Philly last year, that my knee started hurting.
With a whole new getway run and picnic season ahead of us, and longer mornings to indulge in the sun's early glow, I'm leaving you the option to either make these muffins and go for an adventure, or settle in to a cozy morning of reading / inspiration.
Without running, I needed less carbs in the morning so I ditched the oatmeal for these mug - cakes, which I made with a new favorite ingredient: coconut flour.
If you run to your car in the morning, toast on a kitchen plate in one hand and coffee sloshing in the other, this breakfast fusion was made for you.
Sunday morning, we woke up and went for a chilly run in the park.
For lunch on Saturday after my 7 mile run, which by the way felt great (I do so much better when I can workout in the morning!)
I sneak in a 4 mile run before the morning madness of kids and getting ready for school.
To make your life easier, you can soak these overnight oats in mason jars for you to grab on the run as you race out the door in the morning.
But even on those mornings when I give myself more time, I'm still scrambling to throw everything in my bag and wrap my comically large scarf around my face at 8:53, with just a few minutes to run halfway across campus for class at 9.
I can not even count the number of runs we've been on -LRB-... and the number of times I've made her wait outside my house for me in the wee hours of the morning because I overslept... again).
They're great for breakfast, sweet treats, or an on - the - go stroller breakfast while mom gets a run in... (me - this morning.
I spent all morning in sessions yesterday cramming my brain with knowledge, but then I took the afternoon off to get some lunch at Cafe Gratitude and go for a run.
On Saturday I ran 10 miles in the morning, did some gentle yoga, and slowly geared up for another cooking marathon.
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