Sentences with phrase «for sacraments»

During her 40 years of teaching In Catholic schools, including her 9 years at St. Veronica, she has prepared over 1,000 students for sacraments; students who have gone on to share that faith with their families and communities.
This necessity is a source of renewal for the whole Church, whose members so often today have lost a sure grasp of her identity and of her unity with Christ, and therefore too often do not see the need not only for the sacraments but also for any kind of missionary endeavour at all.
Its need for sacraments of promise explains the symbolic power of the land of Israel or the city of Jerusalem as an emblem of hope.
The second was the catechumenate as a process of preparation for Baptism, including an intense period of preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation to be celebrated at Easter.
However, even if he were devoutly Catholic, I'd suggest there was no transubstantiation of his bootleg wine — intention is required for sacraments to be valid, so if the priest did not even know about his hidden swill, then the prayer for consecration was not addressed to it, nor would God cooperate in mocking one of His own sacraments.
Panentheists, who reflect on the scientific evidence and explore the intimate interdependence of God and world, conceive the world as «within» God and God as «in, with and under» all existing things (to adapt Martin Luther's language for the sacraments).
He is of course very happy to arrange for their children to be given instruction for the sacraments.
The third strand, if I'm not mistaken, is the length of time across which catechesis in preparation for the sacraments is given.
For a Christian to be unattached to a congregation is «unthinkable» as a reality.31 The church also comes together for the sacraments.
It is present as the content of all scripture (it does not matter where scripture is opened under Luther's left hand) and it is the (pictorially literal) undergirding for the sacraments depicted in the surmounting triptych.
In contrast, traditional Catholic churches serve vast numbers of people who have little or nothing in common, and they are often impersonal «supermarkets for the sacraments,» as some liberation theologians call them.
With them we share a catholic and creedal Trinitarian heritage, a commitment to confessionalism, a direct Reformation genealogy, and a common concern for sacraments, always connected to the preached Word.
I never asked for the sacrament, nor did my priest ever apply it.
Benedict commended it in the context of an effort to balance desire for the sacrament with respect for it.
Someone already unconscious may be anointed if they would have asked for the sacrament if in possession of their faculties.
The Second Vatican Council mandated the revision of the rites for the sacrament.
The key words and phrases which need to be explained during the time of preparation for this Sacrament are underlined:
Of those who do present themselves for the sacrament, most receive only the bread, with feelings ranging from deep resentment at being left out to mild rejection.
He tells this true story: Four groups met to prepare children with disabilities for the sacrament of confirmation.
Daily Mass and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance are integral to the week, and the support and involvement of the parish priest is central to the vision of Totus Tuus.
wait until marriage, wait for the Sacrament.
CCC 1257 says, «Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament
* I.e., for most other Christians in this country this means they are unable to approach a minister of their own communion, spontaneously ask for the sacrament, demonstrate they hold the Catholic faith in respect of the sacrament and are properly disposed.
After explaining why we need Confession we will look at the priest's prayer of absolution, as the focus for the Children's preparation for this Sacrament.
May we not say that it is no accident that the name commonly used for the sacrament in most traditional thinking and writing witnesses to the grateful response which men make to that which the gospel proclaims?
Randy I am a Christian and while I respect your passion for the sacrament, it is not completely true that you can only get married in a church.
Rather than take the difficult pastoral road of reminding people that there are circumstances in which some change needs to be made before receiving Holy Communion, we seem to have accepted that everyone should routinely present themselves for the sacrament every time they attend Mass..
«Is preparation for the sacrament of marriage a sine qua non?

Not exact matches

You can't teach understanding and compassion and love for thy neighbor and then not allow LGBT individuals into your fold, or in the case of the Catholic church, not allow divorcees (or those that marry a divorcee) to participate in all your sacraments.
The position became vacant after archbishop Arthur Roche took up the position of secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in Rome.
From a former Catholic: (Bred, Born and Brainwashed in the RCC for 65 years - altar boy, choir, sacraments, atonement theology, original sin, nun / priest / brother teachers et.
I'm Lutheran and our understanding of the two sacraments we recognize is that both were instituted for the forgiveness of sins.
I took sacrament at my grandmother's funeral out of respect for her.
In the chapter «A Literary Sacrament,» he illustrates Dubus's talent for peeling back the fabric of ordinary life to reveal the workings of grace and mercy.
So marriage is, for Christians, the primordial sacrament, the sacrament that's most deeply the visible sign of the presence of God or personal logos in the world.
The problem in sacramental theology that proved crucial for Luther was that of the relation among the outward sacramental action, the grace of God, and the faith required of the participant in the sacrament.
As I recall, the sacrament of baptism was for those repenting — not for anyone who just felt like having it.
For the young priest and later pope, even celibacy is understood in the light of matrimony, the sacrament by which the Creator revealed to humankind the communio of His own nature.
What Ker discovers instead is a common concern for the «sheer ordinariness» of Catholic Christianity, the everyday «matter - of - factness» of its sacraments and sacramentals.
There is no other prerequisite than faith for the fruitful reception of the sacrament, because the sacrament is itself the public act in which Christ bestows his grace on the ungodly.
As for Pentecostals being sacramental but not valuing the sacraments, as Schuler suggests, I concur with him.
For Griffiths, the Church is a place, through the sacraments and the works of mercy, for learning the practices of receptivity and gifting, and thereby of conformity to Christ's self - giving loFor Griffiths, the Church is a place, through the sacraments and the works of mercy, for learning the practices of receptivity and gifting, and thereby of conformity to Christ's self - giving lofor learning the practices of receptivity and gifting, and thereby of conformity to Christ's self - giving love.
So, in summary, marriage, which is primarily for having children, is a good, because offspring, faith, and sacrament are goods.
sacraments — true you probably don't need a church for them — baptism is commanded (for believers), it's special, but not neccesssarily a sacrament, it can be done by any believer, although possibly it was only the apostles who baptized (I tend to go with the baptist view on baptism, because that's what I read in the Bible.
Fundamentalism uses the culture, rituals, sacraments, texts, language, and metaphors and allusions and symbols (verbal, visual, musical, etc.) of religion in blind adherence to a dogma as defined and interpreted by a person or group who is self - aggregating and self - justifying raw personal power for the sole purpose of controlling the lives of others.
PLEASE STOP STEREOTYPING «The priest is not a priest for himself; he does not give himself absolution; he does not administer the Sacraments to himself.
That stole, touching both priest and couple, embodies the classic Catholic teaching that the couple who bind themselves for life are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony.
For what will it profit a man if he gains access to the sacraments by forfeiting the true path to holiness?
Its weird footnote on the sacraments has been used to justify communion for the remarried in Argentina, San Diego, and elsewhere.
and there is a sacrament for each stage of life, linking its great moments to God through holy rites that communicate wholeness.
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