Sentences with phrase «for schlocky»

By that time his reputation was already tarnished by his production of art for schlocky galleries, and by a stream of arguably undiscriminating society portraits.
And it's a tour de force in doing so, because sometimes it does it for schlocky horror, others for sadness, others for humor, others for modeling suicidal depression.

Not exact matches

This unapologetically silly, schlocky, and super-gory with a capital «soup» sequel makes for a perfect B - movie rental.
Anyway, it's not a great movie, but like always has some entertainment value for being so schlocky, so see it for that reason.
Ever the underdog, Steve Rogers single - mindedly focuses on what's best for everyone else and while subsequent films introduce more nuance to the character, The First Avenger remains a fun if somewhat schlocky introduction to what makes Captain America tick.
Tying the film to its basis in reality is a nice touch, but it does little more than make an argument for a thoughtful documentary on the subject, rather than a schlocky, cornball made - for - tv rendition.
Obviously, there must be a market for somewhat knowingly schlocky B - movies such as this, but it's not one I can understand or support.
The Game is an unlikely triumph for screenwriters John Brancato and Michael Ferris, a partnership that for years had toiled on schlocky direct - to - video action, horror, and sci - fi fare that you've probably never heard of: Watchers II, Mindwarp, Severed Ties, Interceptor.
These kinds of inconsistencies are an annoyance, but this is a fairly schlocky film, so you just have to swallow them down for the sake of the action.
The actors are cast based more on looks than talent, the special effects are (if nothing else) well - rendered, and there is a kinetic energy produced by the hard - driving rock soundtrack and music video - style editing — surface pleasures strictly for people that don't want to have to think while watching their schlocky, b - movie fare.
But for the rest of us, this laugh-less, schlocky parade of ill - conceived gags has the entertainment value of, well, hanging out with a bunch of pre-teen skater homies for an hour and a half.
Eyeborgs might sound schlocky, but the potential for derisible special effects hampering its effectiveness actually ranks far down on the list of problems.
What finally made it to the screen, however, is instead a schlocky vehicle for its stars, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Perhaps the most touching song on the album is also the most gauche, the album closer «Pray for Me,» in which Lamar pours out angst and bromides between schlocky refrains sung by the Weeknd.
Their inclusion, presumably, was to add a sense of increased grandeur or weight to these characters, but all it left me with was a feeling the lore had been thrown out the window for the sake of a couple of schlocky and unnecessary reveals.
Speaking of terrible movies, our Amazon highlight for the week is about as schlocky as horror films get.
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