Sentences with phrase «for school quality»

Achievement tests are a reasonable proxy for school quality that a regulator could use to decide which schools should be included or excluded from the set of options available to parents.
And many argue that the competition, even in close quarters, is good for school quality.
Some did so for school quality reasons and some for logistical reasons, such as proximity to a caregiver.
It quickly became the indicator for school quality when it was included with the district's enrollment guide in 2012.
In my final piece of this series arguing against the high - regulation approach to school choice, I'm going to discuss whether achievement test results are a reasonable proxy for school quality.
More intriguing, however, is news that the report will discuss «how to expand school choice to increase equity and create a market within the public sector for school quality
The failure to hold elected officials responsible for school quality trickles down to the entire system.
To read more about accountability at the different levels, see Accountability Where It Matters Most, Accountability for School Quality, and Accountability for Administration.
No one should be surprised that NACSA's criteria have no relationship to their own metric for school quality — test score growth — given how well Arizona charter schools appear to be doing even while NACSA gives the state a very low score for charter quality.
If we could make school choice work for families again instead of for institutions by publicly supporting a common transportation, enrollment, scorecard, special education, and data system, I think school choice could be a positive force for school quality.
The result is a clear, organized, and comprehensive framework for school quality that establishes common ground for richer discussions and recognizes the multi-dimensionality of schools.
For example, four of the first five myths seem like different ways of saying that teachers unions are bad for school quality: «Teacher Unions Are the Biggest Obstacle to Improving Education Today,» «You Can't Fire the Bad Ones,» «Teachers» Unions Represent a Flock of «Go Slow / Status Quo» Sheep,» and «Teachers Have it Easy.»
His plans, presented in a recent speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, represent a broad overhaul of current policy, one that reverses a quarter - century trend, under Republican and Democratic presidents, of concentrating responsibility for school quality at the federal level.
Conversations with state personnel reveal state education agencies (SEAs) are evaluating the range of choices for the school quality or student success indicator.
Prior to ESSA, states were not required to track and report accountability data for school quality beyond the NCLB academic requirements.
When the NYCDOE wanted help launching this approach in the 2009 — 2010 school year, Sarah Goodman, NYCDOE Director of Special Projects for School Quality, reached out to Eskolta.
Excellent public schools for all children is the single goal of New Schools for New Orleans and it drives every decision, whether it's funding new public, open - enrollment charter schools; recruiting talented and committed teachers, principals and board members; or advocating for school quality, NSNO is continually working towards this ambitious but attainable goal.
«I don't even know if the information we're getting now [from tests] is a proxy for school quality anymore, or if it's gaming.»
One source of research that illuminated the non-academic measures that matter most for school quality and student success began in Chicago in the late 1980s.
Further, these ratings were originally designed to be school performance measures which help guide the state and district in managing the schools, less for a school quality indicator for families and the public.
States will begin developing criteria for the school quality measures, and ESSA requires state officials to consult with principals and local educators to design the most effective strategies.
In order to qualify, each zip code must have schools ranked in the 70th percentile for school quality by Maponics.
Paul Peterson, who directs the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University, said the data Pathak and his colleagues report show that having high - achieving students is actually a good proxy for school quality.
The preview for a release event says that the report will discuss «how to expand school choice to increase equity and create a market within the public sector for school quality
If the host is a governmental agency responsible for school quality — and those range from national ministries to local school administrations — it has a considerable amount of time, effort, public funds, and political prestige wrapped up in a particular set of policies.
For school quality to be crucial to growth, the quality of African schools would have to have deteriorated dramatically.
We also examine the effects of court - mandated spending increases on three commonly used proxies for school quality: the length of the school year, teacher salaries, and student - teacher ratios.
In our main analyses, we used enrollment and tuition levels as proxies for school quality.
We found a consistent negative relationship between several proxies for school quality and private schools» likelihood of participating in the voucher program.
No reasonable person believes that the level of student performance is a reliable proxy for school quality.
I'm going to focus on the final two posts, in which Greene argues that student achievement tests are poor proxies for school quality and that they're not correlated with other measures of quality.
• Empower county superintendents to enforce accountability rules, make the independently elected state superintendent of public instruction a sort of «inspector general» for school quality, place state education policy under the governor, and make the state board of education advisory to the governor.
But I'm troubled by how completely reading and math scores have become a proxy for school quality, teacher performance, and student learning.
Likewise, because test scores are often used as a proxy for school quality, it is not so surprising to see improvements in test scores where schools are subjected to more competition.
Educators will stand together next week to tell Congress and the public about the importance of PD — for their effectiveness, for student achievement, and for school quality.
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