Sentences with phrase «for scientists across the world»

I think that more travel funds should be set up to increase the opportunities for scientists across the world to meet each other and develop close research and teaching collaborations.
With the future of the planet being tied back in so many ways to man - made carbon emissions, getting those numbers right has become an essential task for scientists across the world.

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The team was selected for its comprehensive and innovative approaches to support and improve food safety across the dairy industry, as well as its drive to share cutting - edge research conducted by its world - renowned scientists with the global dairy industry.
Launched in 2010, GRiSP represents for the first time a single strategic work plan for global rice research, bringing together hundreds of scientists from across the world.
But the real debut for this technology is likely to be the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the world's largest radio telescope, whose thousands of antennas will be strewn across the southern hemisphere (New Scientist, 2 June, p 4).
Leading scientists from around the world convened this week at the International Congress for Conservation Biology in Cartagena, Colombia, to discuss how to better leverage science to combat illegal wildlife trade — both within countries and across international borders.
Using an earth system modeling approach, Deutsch and scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Georgia Institute of Technology mapped out changing oxygen levels across the world's oceans through the end of the 21st century.
Colleagues across the world condemned the decision and worried that holding scientists criminally responsible for predictions will make them less willing to advise on important decisions that affect public safety.
There is an urgent need for such climate study projects in temperate regions across the world, says Eric Rignot, principal scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Radar Science and Engineering Section.
Comparing these data across many worlds will allow scientists to better understand the origin and physics of these atmospheres, and search for chemical signs of environments suitable for life.
The funding will support two state - of - the - art centers — the Center for Mendelian Genomics (CMG) and the Center for Common Disease Genomics (CCDG)-- involving scientists from the Broad Institute, in the greater Boston area, and across the world.
With a mission to share the newest scientific concepts and research findings shaping clinical advances, the meeting offers an unparalleled opportunity for exchange among scientists from across the United States and the world who represent dozens of scientific areas, from laboratory to translational to clinical research.
Across the world, students, teachers, and communities are working together to identify and record species in their areas to contribute to the database, which in turn gives scientists a tool for research and conservation efforts.
It would be a far better use of most scientists and PhDs time who comment on this forum and on others like Open Mind to just STOP wasting YOUR time arguing with idiotic «drunken» deniers, and spend their time much more effectively by scouring the internet for such «events» as «Gas Fracking reviews by Government» etc etc in all nations across the world and use your education and skills and knowledge and actually make a positive difference to AGW / CC action by sending them a FORMAL SUBMISSION or offering up YOUR OPINION and EXPERTISE to be considered in their deliberations.
For the first time in human history, concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are expected to pass 400 parts per million across much of the Northern Hemisphere in May, according to scientists who study data from the Mauna Loa Observatory, the world's longest - running CO2 monitoring station.
The list, compiled of scientists from across the globe who are «changing the world for the better», were selected for being noted in the media for recent achievements as well as being highlighted in the 2014 lists of Forbes Magazine's «30 Under 30,» Popular Science's «The Brilliant Ten ``, and MIT's «35 Innovators Under 30.
While the change in river levels will have immediate impacts on food and water security for nations across the world, scientists are also concerned about how less freshwater may affect the oceans.
Similar to the recent scientific findings of unexceptional modern warming for many parts of the world, such as in the U.S., across Antarctica, and multiple other regions of the world, scientists in China have analyzed a 350 + year climate record and found modern warming is not unusual versus the warming of earlier periods in the record.
Visitors who come across the «Plastic Century» art installation while searching for a sip of water at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco tomorrow may find their options less than appealing: Drink from a trash - filled water cooler or go thirsty.In a piece commissioned by the academy to mark World Oceans Day (and the 100th birthday of iconic marine scientist and explorer Jacques Cousteau), artist Sarah Kornfeld, marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, and futurists Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan set out to show what a century of plastic has done to our environment — and specifically the world's World Oceans Day (and the 100th birthday of iconic marine scientist and explorer Jacques Cousteau), artist Sarah Kornfeld, marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, and futurists Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan set out to show what a century of plastic has done to our environment — and specifically the world's world's seas.
We've gotten glimpses of the gorgeous world in Ava DuVernay's upcoming film in a pair of trailers, which laid the groundwork for the story: Meg's father Alexander is a scientist who created the tesseract, which allows him to wrinkle time and travel across the universe.
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