Sentences with phrase «for secularized»

Thus, even for secularized Jews, there is a redemptive tinge to the state of Israel.
I entirely agree with Gregory (and Michael Martin) that the Reformation was a watershed, and even a necessary condition, in a complex way, for the secularized social situation in which we find ourselves.
That is a task for Muslims; not for secularized academics who happen to be Muslim by background but for Muslims who can speak believably from the heart of Muslim faith and life.

Not exact matches

As a result, questions like, What's next for evangelism in a rapidly secularizing culture?
thanks for providing an interesting view point about how God has been secularized and how we human beings are lacking the humility that can make this world, and this country a better place to live.
Corecco added that in today's globalized, multicultural, and secularized world, where the faith is something that can not simply be taken for granted, it becomes necessary to require a more explicit faith of the contracting parties, if we really want to save Christian marriage.
While Evangelicals greatly respect the way in which the Catholic Church has defended many historic Christian teachings against relativizing and secularizing trends, and recognize the role of the present pontiff in that important task today, they believe that some aspects of Catholic doctrine are not biblically warranted, and they do not accept any claims of infallibility made for the magisterial teachings of popes or church councils.
The theological side of the ledger was embodied by Harvey Cox's 1965 bestseller, The Secular City, with its argument for a radically secularized Christianity in which the world sets the agenda for the Church.
This possibility points us toward a greater crisis that stems from a world plunging itself into a secularized darkness, a world that has lost its anchor in transcendent values — a world, in short, that has forgotten how it once longed for heaven.
Growing numbers of church people, too, are thoroughly secularized and find their meanings in a technological pragmatic society, and, while continuing to observe the traditional expressions of worship, teaching, and sacraments, these people find their search for meaning more and more unmet by the church's teaching.
First, its premisses concerning society and modern man are pseudoscientific: for example, the affirmation that man has become adult, that he no longer needs a Father, that the Father - God was invented when the human race was in its infancy, etc.; the affirmation that man has become rational and thinks scientifically, and that therefore he must get rid of the religious and mythological notions that were appropriate when his thought processes were primitive; the affirmation that the modern world has been secularized, laicized, and can no longer countenance religious people, but if they still want to preach the kerygma they must do it in laicized terms; the affirmation that the Bible is of value only as a cultural document, not as the channel of Revelation, etc. (I say «affirmation» because these are indeed simply affirmations, unrelated either to fact or to any scientific knowledge about modern man or present - day society.)
For Jesus, however, man is dc - secularized by God's direct pronouncements to him, which tears him out of all security of any kind and places him at the brink of the End.
For many other scientists, however, and for people of a modernistic bent of mind who saw in the sciences «a new messiah,» or at least a directive of life displacing both religion and philosophy, this preoccupation with the immediacies to the exclusion of ultimates meant frankly a secularizing of life, that is, a relinquishing of all ideal or transcendent aspects which hope and wonder might evoFor many other scientists, however, and for people of a modernistic bent of mind who saw in the sciences «a new messiah,» or at least a directive of life displacing both religion and philosophy, this preoccupation with the immediacies to the exclusion of ultimates meant frankly a secularizing of life, that is, a relinquishing of all ideal or transcendent aspects which hope and wonder might evofor people of a modernistic bent of mind who saw in the sciences «a new messiah,» or at least a directive of life displacing both religion and philosophy, this preoccupation with the immediacies to the exclusion of ultimates meant frankly a secularizing of life, that is, a relinquishing of all ideal or transcendent aspects which hope and wonder might evoke.
The first step we are going to take to secularize eternity is to reflect on the historical basis for the view that eternity is timelessness.
Canada is a much more secularized nation (thank God for that!)
Unfortunately, the typical educational experience in today's secularized university does little to help students in their quest for meaning and moral guidance.
The already highly secularized Czechs seemed ideal for a radically atheistic society.
Even some of the most secularized ecologists are calling for a rediscovery of the «sacredness» of nature.
For just as they were becoming secularized some new universities and some colleges were looking to establish or reinforce their «religion» departments with newly serious biblical studies.
For some, the millennial promise of communism persists, despite the atrocities entailed by its secularized eschaton.
And the religious denominational plurality along with strong middle class and later working class groups committed to atheism destroyed any possibility of return to Christendom, and the only option for national unity was to secularize the state with equality under law for all religious and secular thought and groups.
The secular form of liberalism for Niebuhr was a philosophy and social ethic which stemmed from a secularized Social Gospel combined with American optimism, faith in the techniques of natural science, and the idea of inevitable social progress.
«51 He rejects the use of the terms «institution» (which implies divine sanction for any status quo), «estate» (too many new connotations which distort the original Reformation usage), and «office» (it is now secularized and associated with bureaucracy).
The best we can do is acknowledge, with Kuntz, that there is a sense in which this unbridled and rebellious extremism in Russell's nature stemmed from a secularized Calvinist evangelical fervor in behalf of the quest for Truth, which constituted a venerable tradition in the Russell family (BR, p. 2).
Some evidence for this exists in the extremely low birth rate among more secularized Jews, their high intermarriage rate, and the fact that they are much more likely to convert to other religions than are religious Jews.
For the first time, critics of religion founded newspapers and societies, and they advocated overturning anti-atheist legislation, reducing governmental support for religion, and secularizing American politiFor the first time, critics of religion founded newspapers and societies, and they advocated overturning anti-atheist legislation, reducing governmental support for religion, and secularizing American politifor religion, and secularizing American politics.
Oscar Hussel, director of educational systems development for Joint Educational Development, emphasizes the urgency of the church's present situation: «As Americans move out of their age of innocence and the culture is increasingly secularized, it becomes doubly crucial for the church to be able to tell its members what it is, where it came from, where it is meant to go, and what it should be about.
Even a Martin Luther King Jr., a Mother Teresa or a major benefit concert for the hungry in Africa have not been strong enough religious images to completely escape television «s powerful and crushing ability to commercialize and secularize every person and event that comes under its scrutiny.
Theological discourse has become the language of elites, with little relevance either for church congregations or for the broader secularized society.
Indeed, one might wonder whether the moral passion and craving for certainty that he initially learned in fundamentalist circles hasn't been transferred, in a secularized form, to evolutionary theory.
(Ironically, the bishops» protests were at least partially responsible for inaugurating the trend toward fully secularizing public education.)
The answer is that they were confronted in the first place with vast cultural trends such as technological advance, professionalization, and secularism that they could not easily control; and their problem was made the worse by pressures of cultural pluralism and Christian ethical principles that made it awkward if not impossible for them to take any decisive stand against the secularizing trends.
Whether among the secularized masses of industrial societies, the emerging new ideologies around which societies are organized, the resurging religions which people embrace, the movements of workers and political refugees, the people's search for liberation and justice, the uncertain pilgrimage of the younger generation into a future both full of promise and overshadowed by nuclear confrontation - the Church is called to be present and to articulate the meaning of God's love in Jesus Christ for every person and for every situation.
For this reason, reactions against modernization, including resurgences of religious tradition, might be expected rather than steady secularizing processes.
Although this is by no means a new role for the church to fulfill, it is a role that the church seems to have carried on with surprising success as the culture has become increasingly secularized.
Education was being placed under the control of the state and was becoming secularized, but on the frontiers of white settlement, especially in the United States, those moved by their Christian faith were founding most of the institutions of higher learning and were even responsible for much of the public school system.
We must not hide our eyes from the fact that what we have called secularization is an entirely new phenomenon in human history, that it has been brought about by a number of new factors in human knowledge, the more important of which we have looked at, and that for these reasons a secularized culture has come to stay, at least in some form.
Naturally, the Left Hegelians paved the way for a movement of religious criticism which would swiftly become secularized into one of political opposition.
Except it was a non-discussion, or at least a non-starter, for until recently, the religion - and - society debate in Israel meant ultra-orthodox Jews vs. thoroughly secularized Jews, which didn't leave a whole lot of room for serious conversation.
One should also appreciate the fact that though an institution founded by Christian Missions, considering the inter-religious character of the academic community of the college, the founders emphasized the Christian «values» of self - giving service to the poor and concern for the whole person rather than Christian salvation, thereby somewhat separating the common «culture» and values of humanism of academic community of the college, from the Christian «religion» and thus relatively secularizing it to keep the academic community free from discrimination on the basis of religion.
As the book points out, for example, the «obviously inadequate instantiation» of caritas in medieval Christianity helped to precipitate the Reformation and its leaders» emphasis on doctrine; Reformation - era «authorities» breaches of caritas via confessional coercion created a reservoir of resentment sufficient to spring and sustain the secularizing, antireligious, liberationist ideology pervasive in the modern era down to the present»; and awareness of churches» collusion with European imperial colonial violence is linked to the steep decline in European churchgoing since World War II.
To be sure, the world I inhabited for decades led me to develop most of my closest personal and professional relationships with secularized persons and with faithful adherents of other religious traditions.
I am not lessened by those that do not believe what i believe, i served this country and spent a year in Iraq, many of my fellow soldiers were Christian but i served beside Atheists, mormons, Catholics, wiccans, Jews, even a satanist, yes a satanist, and guess what, we were friends, I cared deeply for them and they for me, These were the guys that protected me so i could sleep, my life was in their hands and theirs in mine... I think you all have a very bad idea of what a Christian is, i think you have no idea what you're talking about when you judge us all as a religion... you need to get out of your house and off of your computer chair and learn what people are really about... Maybe then you will understand Humanity rather than just secularizing everybody and hating them... you are sad people, yet my beliefs teach me to pray for you, and hope that you come to reason...
Gregory does not, it turns out, base his critique on concerns about salvation and true doctrine, but instead on the inability of the contemporary world — having unjustly excluded religious ways of thinking from the public arena of the secularized university — to address and resolve adequately for people what he calls «Life Questions.»
During his political career, Kuyper worked, not to turn the Netherlands into a godly commonwealth, but more modestly to secure a place in the public square for his Reformed Christian (Gereformeerd) supporters in the face of the secularizing ideologies spawned by the French Revolution.
Aligned against the «secularize or be shut out» approach is a growing coalition that now numbers more than seventy organizations including the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), the Council for American Private Education (CAPE), the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the Christian Coalition, the Association of Christian Schools International, the American Association of Christian Schools, and Agudath Israel of America, which represents the Orthodox Jewish community.
Even Chardin, who modern painters have long admired for his clarity and calm, merely «concentrated or... secularized the absorption tradition.»
There was a certain relationship to Theosophy in these works, a kind of esoteric and spiritualist world view, secularized, of course, for contemporary times.»
However, by passing a photo requirement that, as the SCC held, clearly infringed on one of the Hutterites» religious beliefs, the Alberta government «secularized» a formerly neutral activity, and made it impossible for Hutterites to engage in that activity with a clear conscience.
This program is secularized mindfulness training for activists and change agents, who will have the opportunity to devote a year to mindfulness practices with the goal of sharing them in their various spheres of activity.
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