Sentences with phrase «for sexual intimacy»

Shame or negative evaluations of oneself can also be a sure way of killing a person's desire for sexual intimacy.
When you're busy trying to put all the pieces of baby's life in place, there is little time for sexual intimacy with your partner.
Your have vastly different needs for sexual intimacy and / or you rarely have sex.
So how do they find private time for sexual intimacy?
With the majority of young adults waiting until their late twenties to get married, it's getting harder and harder to wait until marriage for sexual intimacy.
In other words, it is a reciprocal relationship that the older rich man find a young beautiful girl to set up a temporary relationship for sexual intimacy and friendship.
However, what they are failing to realize is that a man's desire for sexual intimacy is just as powerful and valid as a woman's desire for emotional intimacy.
No effort is made to teach the importance of marriage as the proper home for sexual intimacy
their relationship during the middle years, there is no reason for sexual intimacy to decline.
The Legal Fact Sheet makes it clear that the age of consent for sexual intimacy is 16 for heterosexuals and homosexuals, and that no one can legally have sex if he or she, or the other person, is below 16.
Otherwise, in spite of a mutual longing for sexual intimacy, lingering hurts and anger drive us apart or rob sex of its richness.
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As for sexual intimacy, lovemaking is naturally variable and people have different drives and desires for sex.
Kendra seeks out Jason for sexual intimacy and Jason often pulls away.
It's normal to feel a sense of disappointment when our desire for sexual intimacy doesn't match our partners and a pursuer - distancer pattern can develop.
However, I still find all that Master's and Johnson stuff very useful, especially with anxious couples for whom rejected bids for sexual intimacy become a big hurt.
We are sexual beings, genetically hardwired for sexual intimacy and procreation.
They say certain foods are an aphrodisiac and, besides our need for sexual intimacy, food is a close second to our human needs.
As therapists, we often hear emotionally distraught spouses assume that their partners» pornography usage must be tied to their incredible desire for sexual intimacy.
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