Sentences with phrase «for sexual orientation»

But many genetic screens have failed to turn up genes that are responsible for sexual orientation.
A proband wise concordance is a technical calculation, one that in this case results from the following actual results: There were 41 genetically identical sibling groups (40 identical twin pairs and one triplet trio) and of these 41 groups, only in 14 of the groups did the genetically identical brothers match for sexual orientation; in the remaining 27 sets the identical twin brothers did not match.
May told President Akufo - Addo and other African leaders attending the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in London recently that it is wrong for homosexuals to be persecuted for their sexual orientation, compelling the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values to declare that it will oppose any attempt at legalizing homosexuality in Ghana following pressure on the West African country by Western governments.
The difference is The Witcher series centres around one straight male character, Geralt, whereas Mass Effect and Dragon Age have always made a point of providing options for every sexual orientation and gender.
L.R. 237: concerning the retrospective effect of a claim for sexual orientation discrimination in the provision of a survivor's pension in a private sector scheme.
The magazine will touch on some aspect of the law each issue, and NAR will continue advocating for changes to the federal law to add protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.
Walker v Innospec Ltd; O'Brien v Ministry of Justice [2017] UKSC 47, [2017] IRLR 928; Times, July 25 2017, SC, July 12 2017 Acted as junior to Jason Coppel QC in this case concerning the lawfulness of the exception in the Equality Act 2010 for sexual orientation in relation to benefits dependent on marital status where the benefit relates to periods of service before the coming into force of the Civil Partnership Act 2005.
That's important because LGBT workers, including those working for Exxon, can be fired in about 30 states for their sexual orientation and expression.
What is wrong, what is unnatural, what is immoral and what is gross is intolerance and discrimination against fellow human beings for their sexual orientation and active pursuit of preventing loving and committed homosexual couples from legally being married.
Admittedly educating for sexual direction is somewhere between unclear and utter mystery, but to whatever extent parents and educators can give advice and cues for sexual orientation and behavior, one must ask: Are some kinds of sexual lives to be preferred?
Bocklandt is quick to point out that most likely there is no single «gay gene» — no single switch for sexual orientation.
«To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers,» said Tuck C. Ngun, PhD, first author on the study and a postdoctoral researcher at the David Geffen School of Medicine of the University of California, Los Angeles.
We've tested dozens of dating apps and are big fans of these eight because they have extensive search capabilities that include qualifiers for sexual orientation, of course, but also so many other things — such as age, location, ethnicity, religion, hobbies, and lifestyle habits.
In addition to browsing profiles by gender, Adult Friend Finder has filters for sexual orientation, zip code, type of encounter, and age, among so many other things.
«This of course involves advocating for equal rights and respect for all sexual orientations
Are you a lgbt south african both struggling for your sexual orientation or gender identity and suffering from the scarcity of proper online and offline dating.
No time for sexual orientation to be broached or any other kind of differentiation, as apparently, like in nearly every dystopic situation put to film, heterosexuality is never in contention (it appears women are selected at random for conception here, so more than just emotions have been eradicated).
, repeatedly berates a gay man for his sexual orientation, and leers at women many decades his junior.
In a similar quest for greater diversity, Penn State College of Education professor Sue Rankin advocated for sexual orientation to be added to applications, so that admissions officers may have a fuller view of a student's personal identity.
Could this story be good news for Aaron Charney, the former Sullivan & Cromwell associate suing his firm for sexual orientation discrimination, as we posted here back in February?
As an affirmative therapist, I strive to provide a welcoming and safe space for all sexual orientations and genders where there is not only acceptance, but also appreciation.
The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) updated their statement against conversion therapy this past December, 2015, acknowledging that «lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming and queer individuals, couples and families continue to experience discrimination and prejudice by some psychotherapists for their sexual orientation and / or gender identity.»
This resolution from the American Psychological Association (APA) and NASP calls for actions to increase safe and supportive school policies and programs for sexual orientation and gender identity minority children and youth.
At a time when people were persecuted for their sexual orientation, Hennessy made works containing narratives of homosexual life that align him with the emerging queer - art movement of the 1970s.
OkCupid makes an effort of including and validating daters of all kinds by offering 12 options for sexual orientation, including bisexual, demisexual, pansexual, and questioning.
Across the U.S., an estimated 55.2 percent of all housing units are covered by local protections for sexual orientation and / or gender identity, and 22 states, plus Washington, D.C., have full protections for housing, employment, and public accommodations.
How could I hate you for how tall you are, the color of your skin, your age, your gender or for your sexual orientation?
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