Sentences with phrase «for slow innovation»

It's fashionable I suppose to lay the blame for slow innovation in the legal profession at the feet of law firms and their business model.

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But it also serves an incredibly important role as an enabler and incubator of innovation and positive forward momentum for society as a whole, which is something that simply will not continue if those lone individuals become disadvantaged by getting their services blocked, slowed or effectively taxed by usage limits.
However, too much government regulation slows down innovation and may raise fees for the end investor.
For this truly delicious taco filling, I cut the cooking from fifty - seven hours to six in a slow cooker, and used some clever Mexican - style innovations, namely using multiple types of dry chilies and orange juice for tang and sweetneFor this truly delicious taco filling, I cut the cooking from fifty - seven hours to six in a slow cooker, and used some clever Mexican - style innovations, namely using multiple types of dry chilies and orange juice for tang and sweetnefor tang and sweetness.
This centuries - old party structure is not necessarily an unreasonable way to do things, but it is a slow and ineffectual organization for decisions that require innovation or rapid responses.
Per Stromhaug, assistant vice president for innovation and economic development at SUNY Binghamton, said while growth has been slow, three more companies have since hired new employees in 2016.
Professor Sam Afrane also described the current mentorship system for private universities as cumbersome, indicating that it slows the growth of private institutions in terms of innovation and advancement.
Spending on innovation among the richest nations took a nosedive early last year and began a slow recovery in 2009 — shown in sharp relief by data in a report issued today by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
However, institutions have been slow to adapt to a similar demand for this innovation and diversity in education.
Pestronk, who most recently served as director of special initiatives in the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) at the U.S. Department of Education (ED), has observed that in education, the R&D cycle too often is slow and uncoordinated, leaving the sector starved for critical innovation.
In his June 22 address Duncan also said, «States that slow innovation are limiting opportunities for students and placing themselves at a competitive disadvantage for $ 4 billion in Race to the Top Fund grants.»
Unionizing these schools will limit teachers» academic innovation and constrain opportunities for their students, which will slow the educational improvements that have been made in each of these low - income communities.
A further innovation is a so - called haptic accelerator pedal, which vibrates when sensors detect a speed differential to a slowing car ahead to prompt the driver to slow down for added efficiency.
For slow - moving traffic: ACC stop & go including traffic jam assistant More innovations from Audi can be found in the «Tour» package.
The innovations are slowing: Kindle Oasis is likely the best eReader you can buy, but it is mostly a new shell for existing technology.
They see DRM as a defense against piracy, but piracy is a much less immediate threat than a gigantic multinational with revenue of $ 48 Billion in 2011 (more than the entire global publishing industry) that has expressed its intention to «disrupt» them, and whose chief executive said recently «even well - meaning gatekeepers slow innovation» (where «innovation» is code - speak for «opportunities for me to turn a profit»).
But I'll go ahead and keep up the tradition and make a prediction for 2013 e-book sales anyway: based on the lack of innovation in e-readers (yes, we have lighted e-readers, but no color or flexible screens yet) and the saturation of the market, I predict that e-book sales will continue to slow their rate of increase, perhaps increasing another 20 - 25 % over this year's sales figures, which would put 2013 e-book sales between $ 1.75 and $ 2 billion.
Something new that Jennifer is offering to help those struggling with compassion fatigue is the Rescue Me retreat, an idea that came to her during a retreat for business owners where they were encouraged to slow down in order to spark innovation.
Government is generally a poor source of innovation, so having the government «develop» the new technologies is probably a bad idea economically, and slower for technology development.
via: Cleantech Aviation Japan Airlines Finds Biofuel More Efficient Than Petro - Fuel in Test Flight Poor Countries Ask for Aviation Tax to Help Climate Adaptation 7 Cool Innovations in Fuel Efficient Aviation Recession Not Slowing Aviation Biofuel Plans at Boeing & Airbus
Bernard has long been a promoter of technology and innovation in the law, and her understanding approach to the often slower decision making processes within traditional law firm, and passionate belief in new innovations and ideas has enabled her to create successful «co-innovation partnerships», allowing lawyers to explore and experiment with pilots and give them the space to adapt and change their thinking for themselves.
We believe this is a game - changing moment for the UK legal market that has been slow to embrace technology innovation and adapt to the changing needs of the client.
The likely route for the Internet of Things is for increasing awareness of the vulnerabilities it creates for privacy and security, without any slowing down of innovation.
Spanish Minister of Justice Rafael Catalá defended the need for digital innovation in the legal industry, highlighting that from the outset it had been one of the priorities of his ministry, and while he acknowledged that in the administration of justice «this process has started late and slow, but there is no turning back», he also mentioned the improvements occurred in the recent months and the importance of civil society and private initiative to accompany the public sector through its digital transformation.
Though there is talk of innovation, it is innovation to get us to the next quarter; i.e., the lookout has been for the short - term rather than looking at the long - term consequences of inaction or «slow» action.
Canada is not known for being a leader in legal innovation but while slow to get there, Canadians are jumping on board.
This has been a sticking point for reform because the justification for patents in pharma, where innovation is slow and incredibly expensive, is much different than in tech where innovations are often obsolete in a year or two.
Energy costs in most of the United States are increasing, while other nations like China — prime locations for mining operations due to their low - priced energy supplies — have sought to slow cryptocurrency innovation by «clamping down» on Bitcoin miners or limiting available energy.
It's perhaps the most important repercussion of all the backlash about fake news, election interference, well - being, and data privacy: that losing talent could lead to a slow - down of innovation at Facebook that might leave the door open for a new challenger.
Rather than setting unattainable goals for its software team, Apple will slow down the pace, going for consistency instead of software innovation.
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