Sentences with phrase «for social signaling»

According to Matt Cutts, Google has never used twitter or facebook for social signals.

Not exact matches

Not only do blogs provide great content to your visitors (read: user experience) they also encourage social media sharing and interaction, which leads to social signals, which is what I've been talking about for the last few paragraphs!
«Strong and active relationships with existing and prospective customers on social media can be reliable revenue drivers for your business — and a signal to lenders that you have a loyal customer base,» according to Funding Circle.
«We will fight to defend them because they are about the health and economic security of America's working families, and we will not use Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security as an ATM machine for the Republicans to give tax breaks to their wealthy friends and corporate America,» House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said at her year - end press conference, signaling that Democrats would not support cuts to Social Security and other entitlements.
Social shares of your content function as secondary signals to Google's algorithm, but the real power here is the propensity for link building.
If Kenney doesn't follow the lead of Brown, his fellow social conservative caucus colleague, it likely signals one of two things: he does want the support of voters for whom parental rights regarding their pre-adolescents and teens are a big issue; or that he's calculated that a softening of his image would show weakness and isn't worth it, because his party has such a comfortable edge over Notley that he can afford to lose voters wary of anything resembling social conservatism.
For the second item, that's why you hear about things like unlinked brand mentions & social signals.
An RSI of 48 also signals weak underlying momentum for the social media stock.
This topic is somewhat debatable, but as search engines look for quality content they look at the social signals to help determine rank.
For the site examples you used, there might have been a correlation between social signals and increased rankings, but can you tell with certainty that social signals were they the only factors out of hundreds that actually CAUSED the increased rankings?
The change signals a new phase for the social giant and its advertisers as regulation pressures mount.
Of course keyword data is incredibly useful for benchmarking performance of content within search and can be an important signal for content planning topics, social media messaging and subsequent optimization.
There is no relevance in terms of Twitter profile rank and from experiments I have run using Fiverr, the core problem with social signals is they still appear to produce a QDF effect, quick increase, but difficult to get sticky without links, of course the initial boost and eyeballs on your content for relevant searches can lead to links.
Mr Ngole, who was studying for a Masters in Social Work, had signalled his opposition to gay marriage before posting part of Leviticus 20:13, which says: «If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.»
Historicity signals limits within the economy of salvation, and an increase in the status of the monastic institution: divine graciousness calls for the transcendence of history and dependence upon social institutions.
For (and this may be the chief lesson to be learned from these biographies) George Eliot is perhaps the signal figure for those who maintain that we can be good without God, indeed, that belief in the Christian God is a great impediment to the achievement of «individual and social happiness.&raqFor (and this may be the chief lesson to be learned from these biographies) George Eliot is perhaps the signal figure for those who maintain that we can be good without God, indeed, that belief in the Christian God is a great impediment to the achievement of «individual and social happiness.&raqfor those who maintain that we can be good without God, indeed, that belief in the Christian God is a great impediment to the achievement of «individual and social happiness.»
Only a few examples of the attempt to link values with the arts and sciences have been published (see, for example, A Vision for India Tomorrow: Explorations in Social Ethics, edited by J. Daniel and R. Gopalan [Madras Christian College, 1984]-RRB- But already evident is a sense of social conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrarianSocial Ethics, edited by J. Daniel and R. Gopalan [Madras Christian College, 1984]-RRB- But already evident is a sense of social conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrariansocial conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrarian life.
For others, resistance to healing prayer may not signal a fear of losing control or face, but a fear of losing prophetic roots in peace and social justice issues.
Driscoll signals an intention to withdraw from the use of social media for at least the rest of the year and to spend his energies «growing in Christ - like character by grace» and spending time with his family and his church.
On one page of the journal that she started in the early days of Smoke Signals, she wrote: Long - term goal: Use my business for social justice, community organizing, and individual empowerment.
Whether posted on social media, sent as a mailed card, or published in a newspaper, a baby's birth announcement is a felicitous signal to the rest of the world that after a tedious and sometimes stressful wait, your little one is here and you're ready for the adventure to begin.
Jenny Jackson, a special adviser to Mr Lansley, was fired for an email sent to journalists after Nick Clegg signalled his support for «substantive» changes to the health and social care bill, Sky News reported.
New Year's Day signaled the start of a 2014 re-election campaign for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a downstate Democrat eager to announce shiny new investments in Upstate New York, where conservative voters have soured on his liberal social policies.
The special election results in NY should be a warning signal to the GOP that the elctorate did not give Republicans a mandate to destroy the middle class and the economy for the sake of a disproven trickle - down theory and devisive social issues.
The authors hypothesize that these activities are components of cellular reconfigurations that are involved in processing communication signals essential for social organization.
For instance, some species of monkeys give red signals on their faces and on genitals that change color during mating and in social interactions.
Our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes, when compared to other types of color vision, including the type we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
Specifically, our color vision is superior at spotting «social signaling,» such as blushing or other facial color changes — even when compared to the type of color vision that we design for digital cameras and other photographic devices.
New collaborative research out of the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work and the Department of Psychiatry signals a potential breakthrough for adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
The authors suggest that the intricate balance between the signaling of neurons in these three brain regions may be crucial for normal social behavior in humans, and that disruption may contribute to various psychiatric conditions, including autistic spectrum disorders.
But a study published last year in the journal PLoS Biology argues that chameleons evolved this ability to attract mates, scare away rivals, and send other social signals — not for camouflage (at least, not initially).
One way the social wasps have found to increase the efficiency of their defence is through chemical signals, called alarm pheromones, which are used to rouse the colony to action and mark intruders for attack.
«For children with autism, social signals can be confusing.
The speakers will be presenting their research during the symposium «Finding Psychological Signal in a Billion Tweets: Measurement Through the Language of Social Media,» at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 16th Annual Convention in Long Beach, California.
«Sexually dimorphic display and social signalling is a convincing explanation for the jutting brows of our ancestors.
Wertz notes that this social learning mechanism works in concert with other mechanisms, including sensitive periods for learning about food and aversions to certain tastes such as bitterness, which can signal something is poisonous.
Bulmer thinks the small glucan breakdown products it releases could act as signals that get passed around the nest and trigger what's known as social immunity: The entire colony prepares for microbial attack before most termites ever encounter a germ.
However, pectoral appendages also function in social communication for the purposes of making sounds that we simply refer to as non-vocal sonic signals, and for gestural signalling
Detailed biochemical and sophisticated imaging experiments are employed to delineate the molecular signaling cascades that couple receptors to the translational apparatus during long - lasting synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, amygdala, cortex, and striatum, and whether these types of translational control are required for memory formation, social behaviors, and behavioral flexibility.
Effects of Endogenous Oxytocin Receptor Signaling in Nucleus Tractus Solitarius on Satiation - Mediated Feeding and Thermogenic Control in Male Rats Endocrinology May 29, 2017 Zhi Yi Ong, Diana M. Bongiorno, Mary Ann Hernando, and Harvey J. Grill Oxytocin (OT), a nonapeptide well established for its roles in lactation, anxiety, and social behaviors, is also implicated in energy balance...
Both are addressed by recent developments that include: 1) a novel hyperscanning technology (functional near - infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS) that acquires hemodynamic signals simultaneously between two naturally interacting partners using a spectral absorbance technique that detects changes in hemodynamic signals acquired by surface - mounted optodes, and 2) a recently proposed Interactive Brain Hypothesis that establishes a broad theoretical framework for two - person social neuroscience.
The processing of chemosensory anxiety signals affect perceptional performances by enhancing cognitive alertness [13], and reducing the perceptual acuity for social safety cues [14].
Likewise for the behavioural results, we assessed a potential association between averaged blood oxygen level - dependent signals in the regions of interest where individuals with ASD showed significantly decreased social minus belief - / belief minus control activity compared with typically developing participants, and clinical information of interest, such as the Social Responsiveness Scale social minus belief - / belief minus control activity compared with typically developing participants, and clinical information of interest, such as the Social Responsiveness Scale Social Responsiveness Scale score.
For others, it is a tool to signal to new and old social connections that they are unavailable for romantic and / or sexual connection, theoretically making their social lives flow smoothFor others, it is a tool to signal to new and old social connections that they are unavailable for romantic and / or sexual connection, theoretically making their social lives flow smoothfor romantic and / or sexual connection, theoretically making their social lives flow smoother.
Tinder's woes could signal widespread implications for other developers that rely on the massive social networking platform.
ARLINGTON, VA — Conflicting signals from educators could stymie publishers» efforts to meet demands for better social - studies textbooks, publishing executives warned here last week.
Therefore, I should wait for students to signal that commentary on their social media processes and products is welcome.
«To see education and labor together — particularly when community colleges are such a focal point for workforce retraining and trying to deal with unemployment — signals future joint thinking with particular programs and legislation and how we approach trying to deal with social problems.»
Elements include a large multi touch screen, two web cams for detecting gaze and facial expressions, a virtual character that uses artificial intelligence to react to children's actions in real time; gaze and touch tracking software that informs the environment's reactions to the child; social signal processing and user modelling software.
Anita Earls, executive director of the Durham - based Southern Coalition for Social Justice and a litigant for plaintiffs in the case, suggests Kagan's ruling on the congressional districts could be a signal.
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