Sentences with phrase «for societal collapse»

500ppm — 750ppm still seems like a recipe for societal collapse, even if it pushes back the threat of species extinction.
At birth, she was given various names in preparation for societal collapse and variant potential futures, a Chinese name, an American name and an Indonesian name given by her parents, as well as a Catholic name by the local priest.
«Survivalism,» or preparing for societal collapse, has become serious business among some of America's super rich, as illustrated by a recent article from The New Yorker which takes a look at the great lengths to which some of the richest from Wall Street to Silicon Valley have gone to protect themselves against cataclysmic civil unrest.

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Despite the fact that there are an estimated 10 million LGBTQ - identified Americans and 62 % of Americans are in favor of marriage equality, LGBTQ people are not protected from workplace discrimination, face growing numbers of violent hate crimes, including harassment on public transportation, and have been called the cause for «societal collapse» by the sitting Vice President.
He is active in organizing alternatives to global economic collapse for the Center for Process Studies in Claremont CA, and writes on liberation psychology, dealing with psychological principles and the societal macrosystem.
While some were still itching for a ballot box fight, others seemed resigned to absorbing unjust blows in the short term and girding for the difficult long - term task of rebuilding a societal structure that has at least partially collapsed.
For example, there have been repeated claims in recent weeks that North Korea could use one to cripple US power supplies, disrupt sensitive equipment and cause societal collapse.
It was the formidable lead actress, Ellen Page (Juno), who first brought the Jean Hegland novel about societal collapse and a return to nature, to Rozema, who soon adapted it for the screen.
Often embedding herself and family members in filmic narratives, Eduardovna's work presents the familial structure as a model for society as a whole, while examining the changes that occur in the family once it has been displaced into a different societal structure — or once that structure collapses.
However, evidence for societal impacts are tied to drought on ancient civilisations is much stronger — the ancient «Curse of Akkad» describing the droughts affecting the Akkadian Empire; the Mayan collapse etc. — and this is well brought out in the text.
She argues that overt images of death and decay along with the deeper implications of societal decline and collapse are powerful triggers for denial of mortality.
Thomas Homer - Dixon, Canada's answer to societal - collapse guru Jared Diamond, says his home country needs to prepare for things to get much, much worse.
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