Sentences with phrase «for society at large»

It covers topics like the causes and consequences of trauma; treatment, prevention, and implications of trauma and other mental illnesses for society at large.
As an advertising art director my primary objective is to promote the use the goods which might be beneficial for the society at large by persuading consumers through a creative advertisement.
Tellingly, this does not restore the public confidence in the legal system but instead alludes to the existence of a two - tier system, one system that serves lawyers and another for the society at large.
Embracing this overall openness, AI and technology companies and even educational institutions are taking unprecedented steps towards making legal services the most technologically advanced of all chinese industries — recognising the need for greater advancement not just for those working in the sector, but for society at large.
However, remarkable emphasis is put on the «particular values of the legal order of the Member State» to judge whether a «threat to the calm and physical security of the population» is at stake (para 29); this can be contrasted with the economic and social danger for society at large referred to in Tsakouridis.
As a starting point, he found that the present crime did not raise security concerns falling within the ambit of such «imperative grounds», as the mere risk of reoffending was not sufficient for this purpose (para 40) and P.I.'s case also had to be distinguished from that of «sexual predators» who indeed created a threat for society at large (para 44).
At Washington D.C.'s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, a new exhibition opening February 14 showcases just how formative the decade was not only for art but for society at large, and how these shifts continue to shape our present.
Instead, this film takes a look at the human side of Charles Darwin, and how he may have been, in fact, conflicted in his willingness to publish what he thought were observable facts, due in part, out of respect for his Christian colleagues, his wife, and for society at large.
So if you're trying to think about how technology can be beneficial for society at large, it's interesting to think about what we need to do to change the current situation.
«Management of pain is an important part of patient care; however, the increased usage of opioids for the treatment of pain has led to several unanticipated aftereffects for individual patients and for society at large
It is endorsed by all the governments» statutory nature conservation agencies for its ability to achieve conservation targets for society at large.
One thing I like about the book is that Nicco's no techno - utopian: he's quite aware that disruption doesn't always end well, and he's as likely to explore the negative implications of «the end of big» for society at large as the positive.
As for Aitken, I don't think he really has much to say about prison reform apart from the obvious (i.e. prison doesn't work at present and we must rethink rehabilitation not only for the sake of prisoners but for society at large).
By working in partnership with retail organisations we will see benefits for academic research, the sector itself and ultimately for society at large
When analyzing the census figures, Pew researchers asked people how valuable marriage is for society at large.
There are even deeper long - term consequences from this disruption» consequences that will cause fallout not only for culture but also for society at large.
Child sex abuse is a problem for society at large which it has barely begun seriously to address.
Like an ant who can apparently carry multiples of its own body weight, the principle of consent is now expected to be the sole provider of a sufficient moral foundation for society at large.
Make life intolerable for the society at large so as to compel it to attend to a grievance that a minority finds unbearable?
A post-secular world is full of opportunity for the Church and for Christians, but it also abounds in dangers for the human soul and for society at large.
And for a society at large, religion legitimates institutionalized life by relating its existence to the «nature of things,» to the gods.
For society at large, though, there are also many religious people that do think prayer, belief, and other devotional activity can influence or please God into doing various physical things in their favor.
The Community of Christians would bring together the most fertile minds from various fields for the express purpose of defining Christian values for society at large.
What does this mean for society at large?

Not exact matches

To a large extent, society pats men on the back for holding down big jobs, but grimaces at women who do the same, implying that they're lousy parents.
Success stories like Harrison's are few and far between for social entrepreneurs, defined as «someone who targets an unfortunate but stable equilibrium that causes the neglect, marginalization, or suffering of a segment of humanity; who brings to bear on this situation his or her inspiration, direct action, creativity, courage, and fortitude; and who aims for and ultimately affects the establishment of a new stable equilibrium that secures permanent benefit for the targeted group and society at large,» by Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg in a 2007 Stanford University report titled «Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition.»
Making the case that greater openness is good for both company culture and society at large was Ijeoma Oluo, a Seattle - based writer, and Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments.
For both the individual and the society at large, this is an unhealthy paradox.
Silicon Valley is facing an identity crisis — once the poster child for futuristic innovation, it's increasingly seen as a bunch of rich white guys chasing money at the expense of everybody else, including their employees and society at large.
Having a long - term and responsible approach to ownership is EQT's way of creating value for investors, in portfolio companies and to society at large.
Whereas research accomplishes the transformation of money into knowledge, it is through a process of commercialization that one achieves the transformation of knowledge, as embedded in products, services and market understanding, into money and benefits for individuals, businesses and the society at large.
While they act in the interests of society at large, these institutions are really responsible for ensuring the well - being of their own stakeholders.
The U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs meets November 18 in order «to explore potential promises and risks related to virtual currency for the federal government and society at large
I, for one do not think for a minute that not granting the priesthood to blacks had anything to do with their worthiness, but had everything to do with the prejudice of society at large at the time.
Maggie Gallagher has been making eloquent, sophisticated arguments proving simple (some would say self - evident) truths for years now: Marriage is good for spouses, children, and society at large; or, in her words, married people are happier, healthier, and better off financially.
«We form our beliefs for a variety of subjective, personal, emotional, and psychological reasons in the context of environments created by family, friends, colleagues, culture, and society at large; after forming our beliefs we then defend, justify, and rationalize them with a host of intellectual reasons, cogent arguments, and rational explanations.
These include: the feeling of deep trust and at - homeness inside oneself, with others, and in the universe; a fundamental respect for self, others, and nature; the ability and the inclination to give and receive love; a lively awareness of the wonder of the commonplace — awe in the presence of a new baby, a sunset, a friendship; a philosophy of life that makes sense and guides decisions toward responsible behavior; a dedication with enthusiasm to the larger good of persons and society.
Nothing could be said, for within a liberationist understanding of God's will there is little room for considering how, short of overturning society at large, Christians should respond to particular social problems.
I am among a growing number of people who believe that there is an urgent need for a rebirth of utopian thinking within the church and in society at large.
David, to what degree do you think this is an issue for the church only and to what degree do you think it is symptomatic of society at large of which the church is part of in keeping with what you say about politics wherever people gather or dwell together?
For an atheist, there is the additional complication that one of the very things being objected to is the overreaching application of the «Great Commission» — that compels Christians to impose their teachings on society at large.
The Jeffersonian hope for America was a society where the freedom of each person and family was reinforced by their possessing and working a small plot of land, giving them at least partial independence from the larger economic system.
But if Spengler's quip has at least a kernal of truth to it, it suggests that reconsidering this relationship will be vital to any post-liberal political theory, especially ones interested in resisting late - liberal urges to globalize ever - larger swaths of society as a way of covering up for centralization's previous disappointments.
A heartening upsurge of concern for mental health is occurring in society at large and in many churches.
At the same time this local and topical realization must be nothing but a point of departure for the larger goal of organic cells unified in a restructured society.
Furthermore, because of the need for markets for their surplus production, the refusal of youth to be cut off from the outside world, and the need to influence the surrounding world, it is important that these communities maintain some real, if variable, relation with society at large.
(That figure compares with one congregation for every 850 persons in the population at large, a ratio that itself reflects a heavily churched society.)
Judge Andrew Napolitano, a distinguished jurist and professor of law, will speak on the importance of Catholic schools for the Church and society - at - large in a secular culture.
For anyone who has trouble distinguishing between the two kinds of regimes, I suggest spending time in both Hong Kong and the Philippines, and then compare which place does better by those at the bottom of society: the so - called dog - eat - dog laissez - faire economy, or Asia's largest Catholic nation.
Therefore, for someone to make the kind of claims Bob makes here, we can only view those claims as self - centered and self - serving, and not helpful to society at large.
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