Sentences with phrase «for state intervention»

We would still examine relationships and conduct in order to assess the need for state intervention respecting financial remedies and children.
The 2013 funding law lays out stringent provisions for state intervention for poor performance, so a state takeover will probably be rare.
The waiver application state officials submitted in November reads both like a primer on Indiana's efforts to overhaul education, and like a game plan for big changes to state education policy that are still to come, including a more aggressive timeline for state intervention in failing schools.
The document reads both like a primer on Indiana's efforts to overhaul education in recent years, and like a game plan for big changes to the state's education policy that are still to come — including a more aggressive timeline for state intervention in failing schools.
Labour's David Miliband claims, in a recent Spectator article, that there is a contradiction between David Cameron's emphasis on people «turning to each other» rather than to the state, and the Conservative leader's call for state intervention on the environment.
The three states are among six that provide for state intervention in substandard districts.
A narrow bill that some warned could set a new precedent for state intervention in the oft - contentious battles between local school boards and county leadership over funding, Senate Bill 881 imposes a one - year ban on school legal challenges to their funding portion in growing Union County.
A majority of the Justices went so far as to proclaim, «The Free Exercise Clause commits government itself to religious tolerance, and upon even slight suspicion that proposals for state intervention stem from animosity to religion... all officials must remember their own high duty to the Constitution.»
Whereas the Lib Dems of Charles Kennedy — those with a formidable appetite for state intervention - might embrace some aspects of «social engineering», Ebdon's approach has to be an anathema to the light - handed approach to state intervention of David Laws.
According to a law passed in 2015, any district earning marks in the «Fails to Meet Expectations» category two years in a row, becomes eligible for state intervention in the form of an initiative dubbed the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program.
Beyond their potential impacts to a school's reputation and parents» school choices, the «A-through-F» grades also mark underperforming schools for state intervention.
But those turnaround schools and others flagged for state intervention remain on her plate now, regardless of her feelings towards takeover.
Schools reporting CCRPI scores of 60 or lower (on a 100 - point scale) for three consecutive years become possible candidates for state intervention.
As hopes for state intervention slowly faded away, and with those hopes the rationale for placing union issues directly before Dougco voters, DCFT has fallen back on further threats.
At the same time, a group of struggling public schools, targeted for state intervention and state funding, called The Commissioners Network will receive $ 4.7 million less than they received this year.
«After a lot of discussion, we agreed a position on the steel industry, and Angela accepted the need for state intervention, to help the industry survive.
The prime minister will be confronted on his return with the sight of strongly free - market Conservative MPs calling for state intervention to save Britain's steel industry.
In his 2012 State of Education address, Bennett said he supported speeding up the timeline for state intervention in failing schools.
Owner of Afariwa Farms and former Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) President, Nana Owusu Afari, in an address said that, the day marks the beginning of wealth creation for rice farmers in the area, adding that Ghana has all the resources to create wealth, hence if the people are self - sufficient, there will be little or no need for state interventions.
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