Sentences with phrase «for states of despair»

In a similar vein, Helpless Hopeless, 1991, displays two synonyms for states of despair using fifteen plastic and metal letters arranged in an X format.
Enwezor describes Paul Klee's wonderful small painting entitled «The Angel of History» or «Angelus Novus,» painted in 1920, of an angel with his open mouth, spread wings, fragile, tiptoeing feet, and haunting eyes looking at the viewer that Benjamin himself saw as a symbol for a state of despair, the horror of history, and the bleak future of civilization.

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If that's the case, the stories we've collected here may make you despair for the state of humanity.
Some months back, Americans found bewildered fascination in the story of John Emil List, a Missouri Synod Lutheran who, out of despair over his inability to provide for his family and concern over the state of their souls, killed his mother, wife, and three children.
Kierkegaard's formula for the state of the self when despair is absent is this: «in relating itself to itself and in willing to be itself, the self rests transparently in the power that established it.»
But the opposite of being in despair is believing; hence we may perceive the justification for what was stated above (I.A) as the formula which describes a condition in which no despair at all exists, for this same formula is also the formula for believing: by relating itself to its own self, and by willing to be itself, the self is grounded transparently in the Power which constituted it.
One of the sources for despair, for me, has been a state of being self centered.
This complete despair of the inviolability of the national state, reinforced a little later by Ezekiel, paved the way for a new understanding of Israel's destiny.
This state precedes the perception of specific reasons for despair, which come later.
The American team, which started the season with at least nominally high hopes for the men and superlative expectations for the women, has fallen near a state of despair, a condition caused by a series of disappointing races and agitated further by the fact that the team does not even have national uniforms and is, literally, out at the elbows.
So he walks around begging and crying for someone to help lift him out of his tragic state which makes him a perfect picture of despair.
In a study of relationships between socioeconomic variables and opioid - related drug overdoses, researchers found several correlations that are often not discussed in the current conversation about the nation's deaths of despair, which includes opioid overdoses, said Stephan Goetz, professor of agricultural and regional economics, Penn State and director of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development.
While some people experience few if any side effects when tapering off these medications, for others it can lead to a persistent state of anxiety, low mood, dread, hopelessness, and despair for months.
When a tragic incident takes Teddy out of Jude's life, both he and Diane are thrown for a loop, meandering around in two very different states of despair.
It's not only dastardly Trump, but also those state - level zealots who will destroy «public education as we know it,» unleashing charters upon the people without nary a concern for quality, bringing a new winter of despair to the entire K — 12 sector.
Reason for despair: My primary reason for despair is the polarized state of relations between reformers and defenders of the status quo in public education.
While other municipalities across Southwestern Ontario and the Midwestern U.S. fell into a state of despair and disrepair in the wake of tough times for the manufacturing industry, Brantford has diversified its economy and thrived.
Opening reception for new work by Terri Phillips — a canopy of black garments that loom over a pond of demolished confections, evoking a scene of quiet despair and a state of ruin.
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