Sentences with phrase «for stroke victims»

To sign up for free, please click here dating sites for stroke victims.
It's not at all uncommon for stroke victims to lose control of a part of their body.
Unfortunately, it is impossible for stroke victims of any kind to get Preferred Plus rates, and only in extremely rare cases do people who have had a stroke get Preferred.
His lab has shown that neuregulin — the protein Ford worked on as a postdoc — seems to reduce neuronal death if given after a stroke and expands the therapeutic window of treatment for stroke victims.
The AHA was also the subject of scrutiny when it was revealed that in the decade prior to its recommendation that doctors use tPA for stroke victims, the heart association had received $ 11 million from Genentech, tPA's manufacturer.
«Standardized protocol, surgery improve mortality outcomes for stroke victims
Key Contributions and Accomplishments • Implemented a rehabilitation plan for a stroke victim, which saw him on his feet within a short span of 5 months.
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