Sentences with phrase «for substandard rates»

Some carriers offer credits and «table shave programs» for their permanent policies that allow people who actually should qualify for substandard rates to be approved at Standard rates.
Those with preexisting health conditions typically qualify for Substandard rates.
Gene qualified for substandard rates, however he still found life insurance protection he could afford.
However if you have a pre-existing health condition, such as diabetes — you can qualify for substandard rates, and still get life insurance with no medical exam for diabetics.
However, you still may be able to qualify for a substandard rating, a no exam diabetes policy, or at the worst, a guaranteed issue policy.
At the end of the level premium period, the cash value of the in - force policy equals the total of cumulative premiums paid, less any charges for substandard ratings and riders.
That being said however... you will only qualify for a substandard rating.

Not exact matches

«A Teachable Moment,» August 17, 2008 «While it is true that for decades the children of New Orleans toiled in a substandard school system, they have also continually faced countless other obstacles to success — inadequate health care, poorly educated parents, exposure to high rates of violent crime and a popular culture that often denigrates mainstream achievement.»
Two other Hydlide games released later also faced ridicule — Super Hydlide (a port of Hydlide 3) for the Genesis for featuring similarly substandard graphics and wonky action, and Virtual Hydlide for the Saturn, with silly looking digitized graphics and an abysmal frame rate.
The terms Rated life insurance and Table Rated life insurance are commonly used to describe a policy that falls into the substandard rate class for life insurance.
If you are approved, you most likely will be rated in a lower health class («substandard») which may only mean your premiums will be higher or have a limit to how much life insurance coverage you are eligible for.
Where some companies decline diabetics for life insurance or give them substandard ratings, we routinely help our diabetic clients obtain approvals at standard or better ratings.
Smokers have two categories they can fit into, Preferred or Standard Tobacco, and beyond that there are also substandard ratings for smokers with pre-existing conditions, or who are obese.
The rating class determines how much you will pay for your policy, with the least expensive being the Preferred classes and the most expensive being the Substandard classes.
There are four general ratings for life insurance: preferred plus, preferred, standard, and substandard or table rating.
Miles qualified for mild substandard rates because of his excellent maintenance.
Once we had that information however, Scott qualified for life insurance at slightly substandard rates and we found a policy that he cold afford.
With the combination of high cholesterol and the heart bypass, our original offer was for significant substandard rates.
Older applicants with moderate stenosis or aortic insufficiency over the age of 60 usually qualify for mild substandard rates.
Very competitive underwriting for a range of health conditions, including favorable ratings for substandard health profiles
In all these cases it is possible to get approved for a regular life insurance policy — just at a substandard rate, which basically means a higher premium amount.
Those individuals that wouldn't get approved even at the substandard rates are also considered high risk, and there are other types of life insurance they may qualify for such as Simplified Issue Graded Benefit or Guaranteed Issue life insurance, which we'll discuss in more detail.
You may, for example, be rated as a Standard policyholder at one insurer but as a Substandard at another — which could have a significant difference in your premium cost.
People with Preferred rates generally pay the least for coverage, while those with Substandard rates pay the most.
If, however, the individual has a slight health issue — but not enough to be declined altogether for coverage — then they will typically be rated as a Substandard.
For a 50 year old female with serious heart disease and substandard rates, this is what she could expect to pay for life insuranFor a 50 year old female with serious heart disease and substandard rates, this is what she could expect to pay for life insuranfor life insurance.
They are known to be the king of standard and substandard table rate classes for a few years now.
Seeing great rates for those that are well in control of their diabetes, but also those that would be considered «substandard».
Once we had that information however, Scott qualified for life insurance at slightly substandard rates.
Most people qualify for standard life insurance rates, but some with serious health issues may only qualify for the worst, substandard rates, or be denied altogether.
For anyone who has had more than one stent and who has possibly also suffered a heart attack, then they will qualify for less favorable rates; these are known as substandard rates which in our industry we call «table ratings For anyone who has had more than one stent and who has possibly also suffered a heart attack, then they will qualify for less favorable rates; these are known as substandard rates which in our industry we call «table ratings for less favorable rates; these are known as substandard rates which in our industry we call «table ratings ``.
Now to our example: If Bill has been diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea but has not been doing anything about it, he may be offered a Substandard «Table 2» rating of $ 77 a month for a $ 500,000, 20 - year insurance policy.
You should always try to apply for a standard policy, or even a policy with a substandard health rating.
If you have a medical condition that is moderate, but not life - threatening, such as type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis, you might fall into the substandard nontobacco group, which is the most expensive rate class for nontobacco users.
Rated: A term used to describe insurance issued to a person who is a substandard risk at a premium rate which is higher than that charged for a standard risk.
If you went through the normal application and underwriting process at an insurance company and you are not offered coverage, or if your premiums are excessive with a substandard rating, it may be time to explore your options for no health exam or no underwriting policies.
Once you are rated «substandard,» you must disclose it to all the other insurance companies when you apply for coverage.
However, getting a life insurance quote online with a serious medical condition can be difficult, as our quote form only allows you to see quotes for preferred to standard rates, while many pre-existing conditions will be rated at substandard.
However, Banner makes up with limited term riders with some of the best pricing in the industry, especially for clients who are table rated (substandard) risks.
For this, ANICO offers applicants Standard Tobacco, Standard Non-Tobacco, and Substandard rates, with most individuals qualifying for Standard ratFor this, ANICO offers applicants Standard Tobacco, Standard Non-Tobacco, and Substandard rates, with most individuals qualifying for Standard ratfor Standard rates.
For example, most people with cardiomyopathy receive Substandard ratings between Tables 2 and 6.
It is easier to find ordinary whole life policies than term policies for persons who fall into the substandard rating categories.
By qualifying for a Substandard policy rating, you could still provide financial protection to those you love.
Likewise, if your health is not great, you may receive a Substandard rating on your policy, meaning that the life insurance company is actually taking more of a risk on accepting your application for coverage.
The reduction of poverty, unemployment, substandard housing, and high crime / violence rates can have significant health implications for children asthma and a decline on asthma hospitalization.
Compared with OECD countries, we rated in the top third for the majority of measures, but slipped into the middle third for job security, wealth, employment, educational attainment, homicide rate and substandard dwellings.
For example, when the first wave of young, upscale urban pioneers settled in Chicago's long - neglected Wicker Park neighborhood, they wanted to send their kids to the local public schools, but the schools had substandard reading and math scores, dropout rates, and resources.
I found that by using an agent that doesn't specialize in rental properties that not only do you not get the best rate but often the coverage ends up being substandard for a rental property.
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