Sentences with phrase «for such issues»

She has also advocated charitable causes, raising awareness for such issues as domestic violence and climate change.
Unfortunately, racing dogs aren't tested for such issues — those breeders are simply interested in speed.
But even allowing for such issues, three changes over time stand out from this analysis.
He asked why successive leaders have not done anything for such issues.
Why is it important to have a biblical foundation for such issues?
This is where the humane societies comes in to eradicate such harsh measures towards the animals because they believe that no animal should actually have to die for such issues.
Increasing not decreasing regulation and visibility generally means costs for such issues are only heading in one direction.
Remember to review your document for such issues as grammar, spelling, correct employer information, your contact information and date.
A primary care provider is often the first doctor a patient might see for such issues.
The most commonly recommended treatments for such issues include couples counseling, an increase in sexual stimulation, sexual education, sex therapy and finally, estrogen and testosterone therapies.
That should have given the company some time to test for such issues.
The national average funding level (adjusted to account for such issues as student poverty and regional wage variation) is $ 10,774 per pupil.
When reached out by media, Wang Qiang, the director responsible for such an issue at GAPP confirmed that it's illegitimate to «borrow» a license and would look into it.
Of course, all cognitive systems could search for such issues if asked to, Luminance's selling point here is that the system automatically scans for anomalies without any prompts to do so (at least that is what AL understands).
I found only two exceptions: (1) a government official impressed by what he told me were five levels of security to make sure the fish don't escape, and (2) an associate of the soon - to - open biodiversity museum (designed by Frank Gehry) who hoped that the museum could be a forum for such issues.
«We are seeing increasing concerns for such issues as stress, depression and suicide among young people, and parents want schools to be a part of the solution.
Another sound cool allocation about Denim Shirt and hopefully whatever you have shared here for such issue seems to me very outstanding and informative too and I would like to give a sound look to it.
The screenwriter and Howard do let Lauda and Hunt's marriages slip by with minimal coverage, and the film opens with unnecessary narration and wraps up with obvious dialogue, but Morgan makes up for such issues with his precision in detailing the central relationship.
Indeed, in many large cities during the 1960s and 1970s, the problems facing minority high - school students actually worsened, as their schools became battlegrounds for such issues as busing and identity politics, issues that overwhelmed more routine efforts to improve the quality of education.
One way i was taught to check for such an issue is try touching the wheel nuts / bolts after a long (ish) drive, if there too hot to touch then chances are the pads are rubbing on the disc causing friction / heat buildup and the heat is then transferred throughout the wheel and hub
Independent Publishers Committee (IPC): Plans and creates high - quality panels for such issues as current trends in technology, including the sale of books on publisher web sites; selling to the library market; working with independent and chain bookstores; and working with publicity agents.
There's some good discussion in the link below, saying that Amazon can replace your tablet for such issue, even if the warranty has expired:
The standard for such issues as search facilities, flexibility and general ease of use has to be as least as good as before and ideally better without being over-engineered and higher - priced.
A majority of the Pixel 2 XL users are on a lookout for such issues, and if you happen to own a Pixel 2 XL, please do the due diligence.
Kalra went on to add, «I can not comment upon other exchanges in India, but Coinsecure hasn't been contacted for any such issues from its banking partners.»
We will be examining our review units to look for such an issue, as OLED screen burn - in is no laughing matter when you've spent over $ 849 on a device.
It is increasingly common practice for such issues to be addressed through an ILUA either before or concurrently with a consent determination order.
I also offer EMDR to clients for such issues as trauma, loss, anxiety, and addictions.
This document sets forth the allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities for such issues as who will be responsible for the significant decision - making for the children, and what specific parenting time (both routine and holiday) will be enjoyed by each parent.
This work resulted in a Core Story of Early Childhood Development, which is used extensively in the U.S. by groups who want to broaden the public discourse around children's development and who want to communicate the value - added of public support for such issues.
I would be cautious going forward that you do not give the impression of discriminating, as «secret» shoppers sometimes check rental listings for such issues, especially if someone complains.
These policies generally carry provisions that account for such issues as deployment overseas and other prolonged absences.
The University's Information and Privacy Coordinator has been appointed as the administrator responsible for such issues.
For such issues, you should seek the proper treatment from a licensed physician or healthcare professional.
While Samsung is planning how to make up for such issues, it seems like they're also planning to introduce a new tablet, read on.
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