Sentences with phrase «for such material»

The concept of quantum spin liquids was first proposed in 1973, but the first direct evidence for such a material was only found within the last few years.
It is easier to build your platform and market for such material.
The buyer, therefore, should make certain inspection for such materials is within the scope of any home inspection ordered by the buyer.
What possible uses could the world find for such a material?
The pollution and clean - up cost for such material far outweigh its seemingly insignificant contribution to a vehicle's appearance or cost.
For copies of catalogues and other records of local organizations with which an artist exhibited, check the holdings of R&BL and other local research libraries, as well as Chicago Collections for such materials in manuscript and archive collections.
But in my vain search for such materials and forms, I have found among the golden boys a distressing theological superficiality.
But when leading Labour figures such as Charles Clarke joined Tory calls for the special adviser to be sacked, the game was up and Gordon Brown said there was no place in politics for such material.
Silica is the building block of semiconductors, so electronics are a natural application for such material.
According to CenterWatch, an online clinical trials listing service that publishes the manual, approximately 20,000 copies have been sold so far: The sales were «beyond what we expected,» reveals Chadwick, underscoring the fact that there is huge demand for such materials.
Although mundane explanations for such material — from snowballs to planets to cold gas — at first seemed possible, gradually it became clear that none of these could fit the bill.
While the first look below features a lot of the expected plots points for such material, it also hints that we could be getting some peak form Gyllenhaal among its glossy production value.
Still, it's a bit of a tall order to expect families to shell out movie - theater dollars for such material barely a step above generic and forgettable, especially for a formula we're experiencing for the fourth time around, so without bringing more to the proceedings worth loading up the minivan for.
Depending on your tolerance for such material, Just Married will range anywhere from pleasantly funny to abysmally annoying, so the enjoyment you receive mostly depends on you.
After the triumph of No Country for Old Men, the Coens would seem a perfect match for such material: for the stark, unforgiving expanses of the Old West and the laconic antiheroes who prowled it.
In the end, however, Reservation Road would've clearly benefited from the presence of a stronger filmmaker behind the camera - as Terry George just doesn't seem to have the temperament for such material.
They are thus aetiological, providing sacred origins in addition for such material things as buildings, artefacts, unusual rock - markings, notable trees, medicinal springs.
But recently a significant deal was made for such material in France, causing Hultenschmidt to wonder if security issues being felt so painfully in Europe may have an impact on interest in such themes.
Dramatic situations like the heroic mutt Shiro putting his life on the line against a billion giant bear mecha... funny sketches like the one during which Kabuki and his rival inexplicably turn themselves into various beasts, weapons, and structures in a hilarious game of one - up... tragic events like allies taking arrows in the back or crumbling buildings to the head in order to save your party... we don't need cinemas for such material to make a significant impact...
But, if you don't settle so easily for such material, further digging into the accusation only reveals a world of hurt surrounding it and the people associated with it, and the particular situation with Wikipedia is no exception.
The term «quasicrystal» was coined by physicists Dov Levine and Paul Steinhardt, both then at the University of Pennsylvania, to describe the class of quasiperiodic crystals in 1984, shortly after another group published observational evidence for such a material.
Furthermore, the ready availability of multiple intelligences classroom materials (books, lesson plans, and activities) leaves the impression that there is a market for such materials.
Learn True Health, it's doctors, licensors / licensees, and suppliers have no supervision or control over (and accept no responsibility) for such materials.
Watching Krisha is a revelation: there are expected «rules» for such material (a former addict returns home for a holiday), but then director / writer Trey Edward Shults breaks every rule, making those rules seem tired and arbitrary in the process, and he does so with bravura, confidence, flash.
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