Sentences with phrase «for such measures»

All 195 countries that approved the report agree with scientists that the time and scope needed for such measures wasn't feasible.
Indeed, given the uncertain political outlook, it could be argued any mandate at the national or regional level for such measures looks more remote than ever.
A well designed classroom should remove the necessity for such measures, partly for the teacher's health and partly for the delivery of the lesson.
Indeed, given the uncertain political outlook, it could be argued any mandate for such measures looks more remote than ever.
The new report, «A Right Wing and a Prayer,» includes a chapter on book censorship but also examines religious conservatives» support for such measures as the teaching of creationism, school vouchers, and parental - rights initiatives.
But the IDC says they remain committed to independent redistricting in 2012 and would vote for such a measure.
The introduction of deferred prosecution agreements in Singapore and the proposals for such a measure in Australia are aimed at encouraging self - reporting of wrongdoing and guiding internal policies and best practice.
While the Labour Board ultimately found the union could not withhold the financial records for this reason, it also found it was within the powers of the union organization to provide for such measures in its constitution.
When one looks for the secret of such goodness in others or in gratitude thanks God for such a measure of victory as has come to his own life, the explanation lies in humility, loving outreach, a sense of divine forgiveness, and power that comes from dwelling in «the secret place of the Most High.»
British imperialists knew very well that «administrative massacres» could keep India in bondage, but they also knew that public opinion at home would not stand for such measures.
While tenant activists have long pushed for such a measure, it has never won more than lip service from Cuomo or leaders of the Democrat - dominated state Assembly.
And since lawmakers already agreed to and claimed credit for such a measure last year (then didn't actually do it), it's the equivalent of turning in old homework and demanding another gold star.
A bipartisan energy policy group called today for action on climate legislation and laid out principles for such a measure, including views that collide with the leading House climate and energy measure.
Unlike adults, though, the kids might not be physically or emotionally ready for such measures, worries Assistant Professor Shawna Mudd, DNP, CNP - AC, PNP - BC, who adds a concern that guidelines regarding adolescent weight - loss surgery are not consistent or necessarily followed regularly or with precision.
These findings suggest that parents» favorable ratings of standardized tests do not imply a preference for such measures over alternative evaluation methods.
Illinois also does not have any age restrictions for motorcycle passengers despite calls for such measures by child safety advocates.
Through his January State of the State tour, 2017 policy book, and executive budget, Governor Andrew Cuomo laid out his proposals for such measures — an ambitious reform agenda, but one that the governor has done little to promote publicly since January.
Interim measures imposed following a complaint should be only those allowed by policy, and the necessity for such measures should be considered over time.
The rationale for such measures is that «historical patterns of racism entrench disadvantage and more than the prohibition of racial discrimination is required to overcome the resulting racial inequality».
The IMF head encouraged countries to use this period to make reforms that could help sustain growth over the longer term, since, she argued, support for such measures would likely be harder to achieve during any subsequent downturn.
For every such measure will be only a demonstration of what disinterestedness can do, and Christians will participate with men of many other faiths in carrying them out.
Yet here we are in 2015 with Governor Cuomo having successfully browbeaten the state Assembly and Senate into passing a budget that makes value added measures based on test scores effectively half of the evaluation system for teachers, and with a new Commissioner who is pondering what percentage is «correct» for such measures.
In addition, it was held that it was not inconsistent with the general rule stated in Art 6 (1)(the right to fair trial) of the European Convention on Human Rights for a state to designate an entire class of case as an exception when considered necessary where required by the interests of juveniles or the protection of the private life of parties, although the need for such a measure must always be subjected to the court's control.
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