Sentences with phrase «for talking about feelings»

There is something magical about this end - of - the - day routine that makes it the ideal time for talking about feelings.

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If not for the NAFTA talks, the Bank of Canada would be feeling much better about the economy.
And make sure to meet up with your real friends IRL to talk about how great it feels to be done with Facebook, for real this time.
Admittedly, this kind of candor can be awkward for those of us who grew up not talking about money — but the reality is that today's skilled workers feel justified in seeking out compensation information.
For the in - depth piece, Jonathan Moules talks to a handful of founders who successfully sold their businesses about the unexpected feelings of sadness that can follow.
As a father of girls he felt remorseful for the comment and ended up talking with Crosby about championing female founders.
If you can't honestly say why someone should join your organization (and feel proud when you say it), then either find someone who can say it for you, or join a different business that you can talk passionately about.
People are more likely to talk about your product and share it with others because it is unique and significant, and it makes them feel good about themselves for being involved.
Vanity Fair contributing editor Sarah Ellison said that Trump has also talked with advisors often about his ability to drive high traffic numbers for networks such as Fox News and CNN, and feels that he could do the same thing for his own media company even if he is unsuccessful in his presidential bid.
For as much as Americans talk about valuing freedom, Partnanen said, the effect of having so many social services is that people feel far freer.
The New York Times bestselling author and radio show host of The Cardone Zone also talks about how he looks and feels younger than he did 20 years ago — because he stopped trying to please everyone and started living his life for himself.
«We have to make it safe for people to feel that they can talk about this,» Clooney said.
«Usually at Nike, especially for running, when we launch something... we want to have experiences that the influencers, the athletes, the everyday consumer can go and feel the story and what we are talking about,» said Freitas.
«You can feel that somebody did a great job for you; you can talk about somebody's competence and work product and the person you worked with and you knew — and that's what the president did in his statement Friday — and you can feel horrified when you see pictures and contemporaneous reports.»
Advanced players talk a lot about the feel of the club, the feel of the golf ball, and a feel for the course.
For all our talk about creative destruction, entrepreneurship often doesn't intuitively feel sensible on an individual level.
Field says he plans to wait a few weeks to get a feel for how other entrepreneurs are using social media and press to talk about raising capital online before he does so himself.
The pair had been talking on and off for several years about creating an investment platform for the consumer products market, but also felt that they needed a successful entrepreneur who would appeal to other entrepreneurs.
«If your employees are engaged and care about the company and its culture, and feel like they know what's happening», says Fradin, «then they become an advocate for the company — recruiting other people, talking positively about it, writing a review on Glassdoor.
Grown - ups talked about them like they were an adventure but they made them feel like history class for old people.
«If you have an experience style guide, brands will think about what they want consumers to feel, how consumers would react to the experience and what consumers would talk about them after the engagement... Then, the brands can design the details to create a consistent user experience for the consumers.»
We do get a lot of customer feedback to make sure that we're appropriately priced across our whole menu, and the great news is as you think about what we talked about on our brand health metric Worth What You Pay, we're making great progress on that front, but that's really generated on the yields with the 4 for $ 4, and what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they pay.
Based in the author's experience with pursuing his dream and opening his own company, the book describes the author's feelings and thoughts that took him to this stage and talks about topics which he considers important for the young entrepreneur's success.
The headline numbers will give you some idea as to how much advertising on a page might be worth — but actually visiting the strongest of those links will give you an excellent feel for the types of people coming to the site and talking about the site.
Guy Smith: That's been one of my observations, because I've been in the marketing trades within side of technology and there's always this divide between sales and marketing because the salespeople, in my opinion, my humble opinion, tend to be quarterly driven and whatever the lost sale that they last had is today's emergency and I have a feeling that that's one of the ways that feature creep gets into products is the salespeople talking about the sale they just lost and if we only had that feature, and then that knocks the entire development organization off course for the features that actually serve a broader market.
I have the same feeling here as we're going through this «Dilly Dilly» phenomenon, that it's the next «Whassup» and it will be permanent piece of what people talk about for the brand moving forward.»
I'm never very good at talking about myself, but I feel I should introduce myself as you have taken the time to visit my blog, so firstly, thank you for stopping by.
And they pull it off without having to give away the movies storyline or talk about everyone's resume and do a bunch of other boring things we feel like we've seen a million times now that crowd funding has been around for a while.
Come in David, either take my feeling associated with what I have been talking about here seriously or I don't have a violin small enough to play for you.
For another thing, thank goodness there are people like him to teach other people how to tell the rest of us what we're supposed to be thinking and feeling and talking about when our time comes.
My guess is the rest of the article talks about how he feels god wanted him to run for president.
You could feel their love for these children present in the room with us, it was warm and gentle and I think that's sort of what the Bible means when it talks about how we'll be known by our love, everything we do can feel like loving.
For them, I was their pastor and I really don't feel easy to talk about insurance with them since it will involve my own benefit (my commission that will make me survive, so that I can start up a new church from zero since I didn't want to rely on donation from others.).
The group then divides into two subgroups, led by the minister and her co-facilitator, for experiential and feeling - level sharing, including debriefing on such between - session assignments as: «Talk to three people about death, being aware of how they respond» or «Imagine that you have only a limited time to live and try to say how this awareness influences your feelings about your lifestyle and present relationship.»
According to J.R. Briggs, «the elephant in the room for pastors is that many of us are afraid of failure, and we don't feel as though there are safe spaces to talk openly about it.»
Last night, Dan and I were talking about the upcoming finale and I asked him, «What needs to happen for you to feel like you have resolution?»
There was no artificial distinction between dogma, feeling, experience, and work, or Jesus as Savior, nourishment, teacher, or brother to work with or for... I go back to Luther talking about his mystical time.
I realize «Christians» are persecuted in many places in the world, but you know I hear fellow Americans talking about their persecution for being a «Christian» and frankly I have never felt that way.
For all of their ingenuity and their (perhaps considerable) merits, in other words, these accounts seem not to be talking about the same sort of thing that we have all along understood «morality» to be (or that we encounter when we feel ourselves subject to «moral» constraints).
I don't know what Hayes is talking about when he says he feels «uncomfortable, about the word because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.»
Hell to me is eternally without the fellowship of God - imagine being next to someone who constantly talks about themselves and does nothing except things that benefit themself (sort of like the person who does good to make himself feel better in your previous post), with no cognizance of my existance - I would hate to be next to that guy for eternity, that would be hell!
Another factor which has tended to make talk about the «afterlife» less than appealing may be found in the feeling that much of that talk about it is highly self - centered — a matter of «glory for me».
I'm not talking about pride getting in the way or feeling so ashamed that you can't bring yourself to repent for it because you automatically assume that God won't forgive you.
He spoke of the prestige of science in our culture and the corresponding lack of respect for religion («If it's a science programme it's a documentary, if the subject's politics there's a debate, but a religious programme, unless it's hymns for granny, will have people talking about their feelings»).
Try, if possible, to find some other Christians with whom you can talk about these things without them condemning you for having these thoughts and feelings.
From having led many groups talking about race and racism, I can tell you a lot of feelings come up for me, and it is important to take a minute and tell myself: «I see you.
They talked initially about her feelings and her reasons for not telling her husband.
For some, such community and family support may be enough, said Giambalvo, suggesting that one way parents can support grieving children is to let them know that it is okay to talk with them about their sibling, how they are feeling, and what they need.
If you are the chief executive of a bus company and you spend all your time talking about the gospel and not looking after train timetables and your staff you would probably get sacked and it felt to me that as the main message carrier for the party it was a little bit like having your main advertising hoarding permanently damaged, permanently vandalised so your me.
Jeremy: every time I bring up a question they don't seem to be able to answer, they revert to talking about their experience (vision, dream, inner feeling, etc.) which proved to them the truth of what they believe, and then they tell me that if I really want to know the truth, I should pray for wisdom and ask God to give me a similar experience to reveal the truth to me.
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