Sentences with phrase «for tens of thousands»

Amazon today announced a new program that will make it free for tens of thousands of Alexa developers to build and host most Alexa skills using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
If you're the next person stuck with a bill for tens of thousands of dollars and your carrier won't help you, don't be afraid to take your story to the media — sometimes that's all that seems to work.
If you do get stuck with a bill for tens of thousands of dollars because you used roaming data, you don't have to quietly accept it.
If your judgement is for tens of thousands of dollars, it might well be decades before you can collect on it!
Could you write the check for tens of thousands of dollars just to get your life back to where it was?
When you cause a car accident, you may be responsible for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses and property damages.
Car crashes resulting from distracted driving behaviors are responsible for tens of thousands of lives each year and cost billions of dollars in lost property.
Starting on the first day of your policy, the insurance company is on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars.
Frankle says parents should try to nudge their kids toward an affordable college or university that offers the degree they want without exorbitant costs or the need for tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
You won't be paying for tens of thousands of extraneous coverage that you don't need.
Then when they pass away, their family would collect a check for tens of thousands of dollars.
Had the Supreme Court found in favour of Mrs Baker, the floodgates for tens of thousands of noise induced hearing loss claims would have opened.
The reality is that working for the public interest is common for tens of thousands lawyers around the world for much or most of their work day.
These provisions run out for provincial courts in January 2018, at which time the flood gates will open for tens of thousands of stays — unless the federal government acts on the committee's recommendations.
Jana Schilder remembers invoices for tens of thousands of dollars when a firm she once worked for acquired listings in legal directories.
That is why you often see ICBC repairing vehicles for tens of thousands of dollars when they could simply write - off your vehicle for a few hundred / thousand dollars more.
You can make a tax - deductible donation to LST so that we can keep making useful content for tens of thousands of people every year.
Also dangerously close to overtaking «lawyer» is «exterminator,» in the # 61 spot, and you don't have to spend three years and go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars in order to kill cockroaches.
Few people would voluntarily allow themselves to suffer even a simple fracture of a bone, even for tens of thousands of dollars.
His settlement of a class action against Cardtronics, which provides for tens of thousands of voice - guided ATMs, constituted a major step toward making this ubiquitous convenience accessible to the blind.
Once the questionnaire has been completed, Renoir can carry out an evaluation within a second, and can comfortably cater for tens of thousands of users in a single day.
FindLaw runs the online marketing for tens of thousands of law firms across the country, and we have for over 20 years.
Additionally, the researchers» detailed field data make clear that the land sinking around Washington is not primarily driven by human influence, such as groundwater withdrawals, but instead is a long - term geological process that will continue unabated for tens of thousands of years, independent from human land use or climate change.
As long as we've had language — for tens of thousands of years, at last estimate — we've been able to formulate the question, «What will tomorrow bring?»
Our numbers never even approached 1 billion for tens of thousands of years, pre fossil fuels.
Increased air pollution is the major cause of thousands of premature deaths every year as well as related health problems for tens of thousands of others.
For the tens of thousands of people evacuated in central Europe last week, that is unlikely to be good enough.
The Environmental Protection Agency blames soot for tens of thousands of premature deaths and hospitalizations every year in the United States; and according to a new study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a soot component — black carbon — is the second largest contributor to climate change, coming in just behind carbon dioxide.
One implication is that if humans burn most of the fossil fuels, thus injecting into the atmosphere an amount of CO2 at least comparable to that injected during the PETM, the CO2 would stay in the surface carbon reservoirs (atmosphere, ocean, soil, biosphere) for tens of thousands of years, long enough for the atmosphere, ocean and ice sheets to fully respond to the changed atmospheric composition.
Alicia Barton, president and CEO, NYSERDA, said, «The addition of new charging stations at the Thruway travel plazas and commuter parking lots will enhance the electric vehicle driving experience for the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who have already made EVs their transportation of choice, and for those who are switching to EVs in ever greater numbers.
This is carbon that has been out of the active, natural system for tens of thousands of years.
«We're already at the outward bounds of natural variability,» Dr. Tudhope said, explaining that the global average temperature is now as warm as it has been for tens of thousands of years.
Can it be presumed that a technological advanced society holds greater ethical dominance and therefore deserved racial dominance over the more stable tribal structures that once were spread throughout the Australian environment for tens of thousands of years?
Ross Hopper noted in an interview that deploying solar as part of the home building process will normalize the technology for tens of thousands of families, in a positive way.
-- The 2003 European heat wave blamed for tens of thousands of deaths, especially among the elderly in France.
«A potentially very large Arctic source of methane to the atmosphere is the decay of organic matter in the form of dead plant, animal and microbial remains that have been frozen in shallow permafrost for tens of thousands of years,» it said.
As soils frozen for tens of thousands of years begin to thaw, they could surrender vast quantities of nitrous oxide to accelerate further global warming.
Allowing CO2 to have that property for the sake of argument, normal ice ages last for tens of thousands of years.
This is water that is generally been regarded as being in the deep abyss for tens of thousands of years.
An asteroid impact on the moon would kick up a lot of dust that could affect the amount of sunlight for tens of thousands of years.
While hemp and marijuana are biologically the same species, Cannabis sativa L., the plants have been bred for tens of thousands of years for different qualities: Hemp for fiber content in the stalks and marijuana for high drug content in the flowering tops, said University of Minnesota professor George Weiblen, a botanist who studies marijuana.
At current carbon emission rates, the Earth will suffer irreparable damage for tens of thousands of years, a new study warned.
As he properly pointed out, changes in the Earth's orbital patterns that are likely to cause significant climatic changes aren't likely for tens of thousands of years.
For tens of thousands of years its arid wastes isolated the very first anatomically modern humans from the rest of the world.
Global warming / cooling has been like this for tens of thousands of years and will continue.
«This would not happen overnight but the mind - boggling point is that our actions today are changing the face of planet Earth as we know it, and will continue to do so for tens of thousands of years to come,» Winkelmann said.
Past climates have left records in ice and ocean - sediment cores that provide some of the best available evidence.1 A couple of kilometres beneath the surface of the Antarctic and Greenland ice - sheets lies ice which has been there for tens of thousands of years.
At eBay, Toyota RAV4 EVs have often gone for tens of thousands of dollars more than the original cost of the vehicle, even when the money didn't go to a good cause.
And, unlike CO2 in the air, there is nothing we can do about ocean acidification for tens of thousands of years.
Are you proposing it stays put in the oceans for tens of thousands of years?
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