Sentences with phrase «for testing the hypothesis»

Pigeons provide a nice model for testing these hypotheses because they have short generation times, and researchers can easily test eggs for the presence of inherited antibodies.
It was determined how many papers reported a «positive» (full or partial) or «negative» support for the tested hypothesis.
Our approach has wide applicability for testing hypotheses concerning organismal co-occurrences in deep time.
Simple examples for testing a hypothesis and setting up experiments in chemistry and physics are integrated into the plot.
I don't think that the IPCC is an adequate vehicle for testing their hypothesis.
The data we've gathered, showing that the sun rose on days N - 1, N - 2, N - 3, etc. might be grist to my Bayesian mill, but are useless for testing the hypothesis, since none of the data can falsify it — the hypothesis remains untested until day N dawns (or doesn't).
But most importantly of all, and over the time scale that counts for testing the hypothesis of dangerous global warming, since 1998 the Earth has failed to warm at all despite an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide of more than 5 per cent.
It is a starting point for testing hypotheses about trading decisions.
Once the phenomenon had been thoroughly tested and replicated, it became a standard method for testing hypotheses about person perception, communication differences as a result of gender or cultural differences, individual differences in attachment style, and the effects of maternal depression on infants.
The multilevel TAR model that we develop in this study is suitable for testing this hypothesis, and can be used in a broader context for investigating various proposed mechanisms of state - dependent regulation.

Not exact matches

Choose customers carefully, ask for feedback often, and always test a hypothesis before implementing what you hear from customers.
To be able to test that hypothesis, all of my participants worked for both types of companies, and therefore were in a position to compare the two.
You'll explore where technology entrepreneurship and impact entrepreneurship align and where they diverge, and you will learn proven techniques for identifying the opportunity, assessing the opportunity, hypothesis testing and creating a prototype.
To test the thesis of the power of prayer and the notion that learning is product «God's gifts» rather than humanity's strivings, pray for a proof, disproof or proof of the undecidability of the Riemann hypothesis.
Don't allow religious philosophy to intrude into biology classrooms and texts, they say, for that is to soil the sacred precincts of science, which must be reserved for hypotheses that can be rigorously tested and confronted with data.
I have been struggling with this question for several years now, and while I am not ready to claim I have a «solution» (nothing but pride would make such a claim), I do have a theological hypothesis which will be tested against Scripture.
This is quite reassuring to me and other Whiteheadians, since we believe that Buddhists have been testing this hypothesis for a long time.
This has been done for that exact hypothesis again and again and again throughout history, and every time it's actually been tested, no evidence has been found.
all dogmatic statements are hypotheses to be tested for coherence with other knowledge.
Now, you can present the existence of a deity responsible for the creation of the universe as a hypothesis for the observation that the universe exists, but the whole point of a hypothesis is that you test it to see if it's accurate.
The theory of evolution has stood the test of many hypotheses and is the best explanation for all that we have learned about the details of the world that science has exposed.
Unfortunately for creationists the concept is still a hypothesis since we haven't figured out a way to test the concept yet or find any solid evidence proving that it happened.
To do that we have to establish a way to prove an assumption by: 1) asserting a hypothesis and its components 2) testing the components for substantial supporting evidence, unsupported components go back to be refined 3) either agree after successful testing that in our shared reality the hypothesis is now supported, or that overall unsupported components may mean the hypothesis fails 4) for sake of ease many people call these tested and supported hypotheses «facts», but again that's just so that we can get on with progress.
One can never test an individual hypothesis conclusively in a «crucial experiment»; for if a deduction is not confirmed experimentally, one can not be sure which one, from among the many assumptions on which the deduction was based, was in error.
I think this demand for evidence before being willing to test the hypothesis is either intentionally or unwittingly dishonest, because it seems to me that the evidence would be the result.
I read through the book again today, and am developing a hypothesis about the nature of the book, but will need to think on it for quite some time, and read through the book several more times to test it.
They have predictive power that can lead to generating new hypotheses that can be tested so that additional explanations for phenomena can be obtained.
You might not be aware, but the educational system teaches kids to think for themselves, ask questions, scrutinize the validity of an explanation or an authority figure, and use inductive and deductive reasoning as a part of a process to ask questions, analyze and test a hypothesis.
What are your hypotheses and how will you test for verifiable evidence and what will that evidence look like and how will it definitively prove both a «design» and a «designer?»
?!?!? You don't have a valid hypothesis because it can't be tested for verification or falsification..
Any valid hypotheses to test for verifiable / falsifiable status?
The conceptuality developed rationalistically provides hypotheses for empirical research that are often strikingly different from the ones actively tested by most scientists, since the latter work, largely unconsciously, out of a different metaphysics.
To illustrate the range of possibilities for this line of research, I will describe a gedanken experiment in which a behavioral assay of feelings is employed to test the hypothesis that atoms are sentient individuals.
What I would look for first, to test the hypothesis of intersensory prehension, is straightforward, reliable evidence of a vague awareness of presences (a feeling of feelings in the environment) in the absence of normal sensory input.
They tested their hypothesis by selecting 600 babies deemed high risk for peanut allergies, and giving half Bamba on a regular basis, while the other half avoided peanut - based foods altogether.
We used Stata software version 8 (StataCorp, College Station, Tex) for all hypothesis tests, with a significance level of α =.05.
The prospective design of the IFPS II, the large sample size, as well as the extensive information on infant and maternal dietary practices make it useful for studying exclusive breastfeeding practices and testing hypotheses in a prospective manner [27].
For motor development, we can not reject the null hypothesis, even though we found borderline significant trends towards lower scores on motor developmental tests both at 13 months, and at 5 years of age (balance score).
The researchers were testing two prevailing hypotheses for the wound - response trigger.
I have advocated before that one way to mitigate problems with null - hypothesis significance testing is for editors of scientific journals to employ «results blind» decision making in determining whether to publish and make it be known that they are doing so.
To test this hypothesis, Sigurdson and her team developed a transgenic mouse that expresses a prion protein that's identical to the human version — except for a small loop, which they swapped out for the elk prion sequence.
I accept them as starting points for developing hypotheses that we can test, but I'm not happy with the answers we have now, either from science or from religion.»
To test her hypothesis, she asked 28 four - year - olds and 28 five - year - olds to view images of up to three shapes on a computer screen for a short time.
To test their hypothesis, the researchers delivered antibiotics to bacterial populations in the lab for precisely three hours each day.
To further test their hypothesis, the researchers delivered antibiotics for different periods, exposing three different bacteria populations to repeated daily antibiotic exposures lasting 3, 5, or 8 hours.
Testing Herndon's wild idea, along with many other hypotheses, will require new and better tools designed for deep Earth exploration.
Since clinical zinc deficiency reduces the test animals» appetite, «various hypotheses were derived, for example, that zinc deficiency had a direct impact on the vagus nerve.
Several alternative hypotheses remain to be tested: Does the voice area represent a hardwired preference for the particular acoustical structure of vocalizations from one's own species?
We have tested this hypothesis by estimating genomic point mutation rates for protein - coding genes in a range of animal taxa.
That in turn allowed them to test different hypotheses about MHGs and BSPs — for example, whether belief in MHGs precedes (and presumably then stabilizes) the emergence of political complexity.
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