Sentences with phrase «for the innocence of»

Nevertheless, my point is not so much a nostalgic yearning for the innocence of that short period, (then again, who wdn't be) but an awareness of how I eventually became more divisive, proud and that I - know - more - than - you attitude.What happened to me?
In what human rights activists have called a backwards step for internet freedom, Judge Hassouna Tawfiq ordered the government to block access to the video - sharing website for 30 days after the trailer for Innocence of Muslims sparked outrage.
The popular media content pitched to our children as kid stuff derives from the over-sexualized, violent, bad dreams of the middle - aged who seek only to neutralize their longing for the innocence of childhood.
It's a cozy, brightly - lit, Lifetime - ready fairytale with child rape as a metaphor for the innocence of an entire country bulldozed repeatedly by twin world power molesters until all that's left is this rubble that, thank the gods, Amir is able to recompense through his rescuing of boyhood pal Hassan's (Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada) child from the evil, pederast clutches of the Taliban.
It becomes a crucial metaphor for the innocence of those times, of just how new this science was — even for the brilliant minds behind its creation.
Use evidence and the testimonies of witnesses to your advantage as you battle for the innocence of your client.
No matter how much evidence you provide for the innocence of these researchers, the paranoid will simply decry the people conducting the investigation as «part of the conspiracy».

Not exact matches

On the final episode, Koenig did mention one possible alternate suspect, but those who work for UVA's Innocence Project said in a podcast of their own that they are actually looking at several other people.
Maybe his innocence about the numbers masks his disappointment in them: the company's original sales projection of $ 691,440 in its first 12 months of operation was a little optimistic; its actual sales for that period were $ 155,610.
It will be all but impossible for audiences to determine guilt or innocence, dereliction of duty or devotion to veracity, based strictly on the movie: Its screenplay was adapted by James Vanderbilt from Mapes» own memoir, Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power, in which she strenuously defends her work on what became known as «Rathergate» (or «Memogate»).
But a US Circuit Court of Appeals judge just threw out the verdict — He was to be sent to jail for 21 months and pay $ 15 million in fines — vindicating Reyes consistent claim of innocence.
But this Presidents Day weekend, the commander - in - chief fired off an unprecedented 14 tweets about the Russia investigation — declaring his innocence, suggesting the FBI could have prevented last week's Florida school shooting if it hadn't been working on the investigation, blaming Democrats and former President Barack Obama for Russia's interference in the election, and accusing the former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of colluding with Russia.
We are not only doing this for the 17 students and faculty murdered but also for the youth whose innocence has yet to be shattered by the pervasive terror of gun violence.
Harvey can probably be blamed for a very small part of the 0.2 % decline in August retail sales but he claims innocence for all previous months» reported and revised numbers:
Going on cable news and making a preemptive, point - by - point case for Trump's innocence is the surest method of convincing the base that they needn't pay attention to investigation - related hysteria anymore.
For all the darkness and violence of Angels, these characters have other qualities, hinted at by the title: innocence, purity, naïveté, even holiness.
I could no longer hear, for example, a song like «Blowin» in the Wind» with the same sort of innocence that muddled the Biblical and Historicist hopes together.
Second, what about the presumption of innocence for accused priests, a right trumpeted in the Dallas Charter (Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People)?
The «eye for an eye» scenario is presumptive of a judgment council of elders or in today's vernacular, a court, that assesses guilt or innocence of the alleged perpetrator.
For us to come into this world to undergo God's test it had to be through Adam and Eve, and that could not have happened if they were in a state of innocence and had not eaten the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and because of that we are brought into this world for a limited time as mortals and while as mortals we take the test God has given us to see if we are willing to follow God and not simply made to follow GFor us to come into this world to undergo God's test it had to be through Adam and Eve, and that could not have happened if they were in a state of innocence and had not eaten the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and because of that we are brought into this world for a limited time as mortals and while as mortals we take the test God has given us to see if we are willing to follow God and not simply made to follow Gfor a limited time as mortals and while as mortals we take the test God has given us to see if we are willing to follow God and not simply made to follow God.
The Tree pf Life is a metaphor for animal life and the innocence of a sheltered early childhood, a state of living by instinct rather than moral decision making.
His heart was for the protection of the innocence of Kurdish women and children.»
Julie, as you correctly point out, has offered support for her claims, and the principle figures in this mess have answered with nothing more than outright dismissal and disdain for her, and that — at least to my mind — gives the lie to their protestations of innocence, whether before the fact or after.
Job remains unconvinced, stubbornly holding to the fact of his own innocence and the logical implication that the God responsible for his suffering has acted unjustly.
The assumption of the innate innocence of the human person and human perfectibility leads to neglecting a call for personal repentance and Christian conversion.
We re-discover the meaning of heroism and friendship as we see the two hobbits clawing their way up Mount Doom; we see again the endless evil of greed and egotism in Gollum, stunted and ingrown out of moral shape by years of lust for the ring; we recognize again the essential anguish of seeing beautiful and frail things - innocence, early love, children — passing away as we read of the Lady Galadriel and the elves making the inevitable journey to the West.
Coptic leaders in the U.S. and Egypt are strongly denouncing «Innocence of Muslims,» the anti-Islam film that has generated violent protests in dozens of countries, and appealing for calm.
If the Bible does not leave room for human sinlessness, generally — Jesus aside — why should we be so confident of our innocence in racism?
As the original form of Spirit progressively recedes into a faceless immobility, that blank and numbing silence becomes manifest throughout experience, abolishing every transcendent ground of hope and stilling every nostalgic aspiration for a garden of innocence.
Yet, as I have told you, if you actively consider the occasion of this talk, then you stand before a higher judge, who judges infinitely more purely than the purest innocence of youth; a judge, that you will not out of indulgence let into the secret of your guilt, for He already knows you.
Meanwhile, President Trump also signed a pledge during his campaign last August to defend the innocence and dignity of America's children by enforcing the existing federal laws and advancing public policies designed to «prevent the sexual exploitation of children online and to make the internet safer for all.»
It can not be on the basis of our innocence, for none of us are innocent.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the enigmatic filmmaker behind The Innocence of Muslims, was arrested Thursday for parole violation.
Maciel's innocence was my great respect for John Paul II and his repeated statements of support for the Legion and its founder.
Under the best epistemological circumstances (i.e., God's) there is an identity of knowledge and givenness, when knowledge is truly knowledge, for Hartshorne; on this point he departs from Brightman who maintains a firm distinction between knowledge of the given and the given — this is a part of the general thesis about the «innocence of the given.»
For those who walk on error or innocence, prevenient grace is still working to draw them toward a fuller revelation of truth.
Your sins are already forgiven, no one goes to Hell because they did not ask for forgiveness, a person goes to Hell because when they have passed the age of innocence, and have come to the Knowledge of the Gospel, or they have learned that Jesus died for their sins, and that He gives us salvation freely because He loves us more than we love ourselves, and we have to make a choice to accept or reject this free gift, if that individual accepts Jesus as their Savior, then they go to Heaven, and if that individual rejects Jesus, then they go to Hell.
But at the core of the matter is the plain fact that to name and recognize our lack of innocence is to describe ourselves as accountable for who we are and for what we know.
For in the reality constructed by human imagination, the reality of a thousand national identities, foundational myths, bogus perceptions of «our» innocence and «their» wickedness, who could ever be a judge whose impartiality would be recognized and whose arbitration would be accepted?
Because God did this for her — because God did it — Mary, «ever absolutely free of all stain of sin, all fair and perfect, would possess that fullness of holy innocence and sanctity.»
When democracy is founded on faith in the natural innocence of man and when human wants are taken as the measure of what is good, the ground is prepared for anarchy, conflict, and mass tyranny.
It is as if to say: We will never know what the connection between sex and procreation would look like for human beings in a state of untrammeled innocence.
Morality plays, based on scriptural themes and dramatized for the illiterate masses of the Middle Ages the struggle of good with evil, embodied in the various characters virtues such as innocence, beauty, kindness, and patriotism in their triumph over vices such as sloth, ugliness, gluttony, lying, and cheating.
For the last century or more, one of the great tactics for keeping the ideal of shining innocence alive even in later years is to concentrate it on the youFor the last century or more, one of the great tactics for keeping the ideal of shining innocence alive even in later years is to concentrate it on the youfor keeping the ideal of shining innocence alive even in later years is to concentrate it on the young.
The reasons for accepting it do not form the kind of deductive proof we require in logic or pure mathematics, but they resemble the arguments used in a court of law to establish innocence or culpability.
I love that story for many reasons — because of its innocence, because that was the start of everything for us, because it's so unlikely and overlooked and yet Jesus will meet with us even at the record player for a reconciliation.
I would neither have liked nor disliked the abortion because before the development of sentiency there would have been no «I» at all, and for some time after the development of sentiency there would have been fetal «innocence» but only a tenuous selfhood at work (OOTM 103).17 Once again, an understanding of the theory of asymmetrical relations is what enables us to see that:
To speak of sin as also involving Blacks or women was to fall into the sin of «blaming the victim»; there was a myth of presumed innocence for all but those involved in perpetrating or benefiting from the structures of oppression.
I believe he is by the fact he paid them off instead of fighting for his so - called innocence.
For Long, there's the cost of the lawyers as well as the emotional anguish (regardless of guilt or innocence, this sort of trial must weigh heavy on the accused).
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