Sentences with phrase «for the written word»

I've always had a great love for the written word, so I soon turned my focus toward writing words that changed lives — and that's how Breakthrough Resumes was born.
When high school students are given the chance to publish their writing as an ebook, it helps them gain a new appreciation for the written word.
If you have a talent for the written word, what better way to work from the comfort in your own home and have extremely flexible hours than to become a freelance writer.
In a culture that has no time for the written word, it's fighting the good fight, isn't it?
The codes for written words are contained in spelling and grammar — the rules by which we use such signs as «A», «B» and «C».
As a distribution medium I think the internet is clearly the future for the written word, but as a publishing medium it has serious drawbacks.
The problem I see is that the upcoming generation has less patience / tolerance for the written word than previous generations.
While there is ongoing debate about e books, their condensed reading format means more readers, and a greater space for the written word.
The add - on has been previously detailed; head here for the written word and catch the launch trailer for the content below.
Whatever merits that approach might possess, it's deadly for the written word.
There is no specific rule for writing a word letter to your parents.
What a lovely prayer and certainly one I'd like to use when searching for the write words for such a terrible tragedy.
Although, my passion for the written word is currently represented in the blogging medium, I have been a writer for many years.
Growing up in a family of readers, all with diverse interests, she developed an early and avid love for the written word.
«It denounces harsh religion - based restrictions, deplores a growing disregard for the written word, and tangentially memorializes historical real - world massacres.
The baseball fan with a sense of history and an abiding respect for the written word will rejoice in what is fast becoming a late - season literary bonanza.
I will tell this story at the next «Tavern» meeting as it «s to much for written words.
After packing her designer bags and moving to the other side of the world on Australia's Gold Coast, Megan received her Journalism degree to put her fashion knowledge and gift for the written word to good use.
Still, Starkey climbs the ranks and has the honor of facing Speight, and winning, only to end up being banned by the official league for 15 years for writing the word «tosser» on his scorecard, apparently a no - no in the bowling rules.
Word of the Week Train is a great resource for writing the word on the train and then breaking the word down in the rest of the carriages.
Teachers from schools across the north - east gathered at The Word, National Centre for the Written Word, in South Shields for a pirate themed day of digital storytelling on 30th January.
David is unique as an author in that he brings together his love for the written word with his love for performance.
Book readers are intellectuals who love discussing varying topics and sharing their love for the written word not a bunch of drunks looking for a party.
(AP)-- Hoping to do for the written word what iTunes did for music, the online document - sharing service Scribd is opening an Internet store that will offer new sales opportunities for authors and publishers, and possibly...
Well, gentle reader, even though eBook prices on some of the most popular titles will most certainly fall (good for readers) the end result of this could be a loss of diversity for the written word (bad for readers unless you only want to read vampire romance and legal thrillers).
Whatever happens, the demand for the written word in all formats seems to be unquenchable, and long may it continue.
Rhemalda Publishing ' s mission is to provide high - quality books through careful treatment of manuscripts by working hand - in - hand with authors so as not to take away, but enhance, the original vision for the written word.
It's possible Adobe's decision could have a similar effect for the written word.
WordThirst Literary Journal is a contemporary vehicle for satisfying our thirst for the written word and ultimately, our thirst for God's word through creative literary venues.On this segment we will interview Author Peggy Dekay on her latest release Self Publishing For Virgins.
His fondness for the written word permeates his work, which frequently includes Arabic script, and can be traced to his promise in calligraphy as a child.
I wonder if the same can be said about lower - level content and if so, to what level of width, depth and variance does that apply in the absence of a continuous body of legal rules as a basis for the written word.
If you do engage a professional, you are looking for an interpreter, not a translator -LCB- translation is for the written word from one language to another -RCB-.
A twelve - year veteran in book publishing, Brandi's lifelong passion for the written word, a great sense of humor, and the art of engaging storytelling have led her to cultivate a standout client list and an uncommon approach to book representation.
A talent for the written word, first recognized when he was 16 by his winning the «Campbellian Prize for Literature», led to an outpouring of contributions to the medical literature.
I fell in love with the possibility of learning more about books and being part of a community that shared the same love and appreciation for the written word.
• The Publishers Weekly review concludes, «It denounces harsh religion - based restrictions, deplores a growing disregard for the written word, and tangentially memorializes historical real - world massacres.
My fondness for the written word was evident way back then so I have no idea why I wanted to be a pharmacist when I grew up — to please my science - degree - holding dad, I think.
Because I was first of all a reader and I have an abiding love for the written word and have spent years enjoying the labours of love of others.
A freelance writer with a passion for the written word, Tim loves helping people find the right products for them.
I admired his refusal to accept defeat on matters that matter, his love of friends and enemies, his passion for the written word, and above all his faith and hope in God.
In the right lobe, however, the adaptation effect was stronger in trials involving digits than it was for written words, Cohen Kadosh says, hinting at a notation - dependence.
My affinity for writing brings me here... I'd like to meet other writers with the same fire and passion as I have for the written word.

Phrases with «for the written word»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z