Sentences with phrase «for them tradition»

Yet nothing about Spiegel's history suggests he's willing to follow tradition for tradition's sake.
Although they are aware that the intellectual landmarks are changing, they find it difficult to believe that the basic commitment to civility, relevant evidence, and respect for the tradition of the church across the ages might be overtaken by a very different vision of the church.
It would be hasty to assume that the star power and money fueling these new shows spells doom for tradition television.
But such waiting might prevent rending of the body of Christ and might finally allow a contemporary understanding that, like the biblical canon, retains a place for both tradition and renewal, the old and the new.
But the Wesleyan vision includes a high respect for the tradition of the church as a source for theological formulation and a willingness to be judged by it, though flexibly, with Scripture as the final judge of the value of tradition.
I'm grateful for the tradition of my youth and my ordination.
So one might say there is nothing new in the study, except that increased «fluidity» might be bad news for those traditions, such as Catholicism, with a strong connection between religious identity and ecclesial adherence.
The preparatory document for the 2018 Synod on Young People ignores the many young Catholics today who are hungry for tradition and beauty.
One of the most important steps in the development of primitive Christian doctrine, and by far the most important for the tradition embodied in Mark and the Synoptics, took place when Jesus was identified with this celestial figure of apocalyptic expectation.
For the tradition of Jesus» sayings has been purged of all traces of the Church's kerygma, and therefore could seem of little value in comparing Jesus with the kerygma.
Brian McLaren sketches the contours of a Christian faith that has a deep respect for tradition, but yet generously (or, one could say, charitably) applies the virtues of that tradition to the challenges of the present.
Hamilton stays close to the text of the BCP While I appreciate her respect for tradition, I wonder whether she — and indeed all the office compilers here reviewed — could have been more attentive to inclusive language.
Q ~ The main reason for this tradition [Friday crucifixion], as far as I can tell, is that the disciples of Jesus were intent upon burying Jesus before the Sabbath arrived (Mark 15:42 - 43; Luke 23:54; John 19:31).
For the tradition to which Plato had been heir, paideia was as essential to the well - being of the public realm as of the political realm, by forming virtuous citizens capable of filling political roles wisely; for fourth - century Greek - speaking Christians paideia, while it aimed to shape persons» private interiority rather than their public political activity, contributed to the well - being of the public realm as a cultural realm accessible to any literate, educated person, Christian or pagan.
And in this context the word «conservative» means in principle something quite positive, for it also includes the courage to affirm continuity, clear principles, detachment from ephemeral fashions, fidelity to the Word of God which endures for ever, respect for tradition, for what has organically developed, for the wisdom and experience of our ancestors.
By far, the best Bible translation for the tradition of Christianity is the King James Version.
The main reason for this tradition, as far as I can tell, is that the disciples of Jesus were intent upon burying Jesus before the Sabbath arrived (Mark 15:42 - 43; Luke 23:54; John 19:31).
For us tradition is on the way to becoming something we know about but do not live.
The longing for a tradition that will make sense out of our evangelical tower of Babel, the recoil from self - serving exegesis, and the dissatisfaction with the miserable and stultifying parochialism of much evangelicalism are entirely understandable.
Obviously one must also argue for tradition as that which gives the necessary support to life.
The meaning of all of this is not yet clear, but the older Holiness traditions may indicate what lies ahead for both traditions.
At the same time, much postmodern thought perpetuates Romanticism's narcissistic glorification of emotion and irrationality, except now without the romantics» esteem for tradition and the people.
Not only were theologians and preachers often apologetic about their tradition's peculiarities, but larger cultural forces were making it difficult for those traditions to sustain themselves.
For this tradition a linguistic sentence is regarded as a sign of a relatively high level of complexity sharing certain common features with more primitive signs interpreted by lower forms of life.
To account for the tradition there are two alternatives.
However, this respect is not for tradition as such, but only as a proven hearer of values.
One might speak of this front as being at «the right of the left and the left of the right,» for his mainliners care for tradition and his evangelicals are open to other voices.
I'm an Anglican because of respect for the tradition of the priest - scholar.»
A lot of Muslims where I live in NYC don't show much respect for our traditions / customs, so why should we close schools for them?
Such a judgment carries with it its own problems concerning definition, and it will be unacceptable on first reading to many within evangelicalism, for their traditions do not easily stretch to include such a notion as being that of «justice.»
Republican religion did much to lay the historical groundwork for the tradition of religious liberty and limited separation of church and state, as it did to nurture creative minorities like the abolitionists, social gospelers, and civil - rights protesters.
My predecessor at Duke, H. Shelton Smith, asserted (in Faith and Nurture) the important unity of education and theology and sought to build a bridge between liberalism's concern with the social order and neo-orthodoxy's concern for the tradition.
In the United States, these same phrases have been appropriated as a kind of quintessential, «new essence of Christianity» which claims Bonhoeffer for the tradition of Nietzsche and celebrates him as a forerunner of a theology without God.
If sufficiently original, human response may shape the common culture inherited by our fellows, for every tradition blindly received originally had its purpose and justification, however feeble that might have been.
From the perspective of James Madison's observations about factions and freedom in Federalist No. 10, for example, the respect for tradition and the flourishing of faith is not a glitch but a feature of a free society, which encourages the development of a variety of human types.
It is the name for originality, and not for tradition.
The history of Jesus, even as history, was of decisive importance for the tradition, just because in the Preaching the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus were held to be the climax of all history, the coming of the Kingdom of God.
14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
For this tradition nourished over the centuries the slow emergence of the ideal of a civilized politics, a politics of civil conversation, of noncoercion, of the consent of the governed, of pluralism, of religious liberty, of respect for the inalienable dignity of every human person, of voluntary cooperation in pursuit of the common good, and of checks and balances against the wayward tendencies of sinful men and women.
The contexts in which he mentions his activities as persecutor plainly suggest that he was opposed to Christianity because of his zeal for the Torah and for the traditions of his ancestors (Gal.
(2) The New Testament itself appeals to «eyewitnesses and ministers of the word» as authorities for the tradition (Luke 1:2), thereby showing its concern for the historical ministry of Jesus.
This concern for tradition is itself a matter worth noting, for the founders of the Disciples of Christ had slender regard for matters traditional.
This attack is a hoorible act of ignorance but to comdemn the whole country for a tradition of bigotry is unfair.
For a tradition which had Christian union as one of its founding principles, this at first seems an odd problem.
Gadamer had a great respect for tradition and believed that being steeped in a tradition is what makes understanding possible.
Pope St John Paul II's encyclical Fides et Ratio (believed to be largely drafted by Joseph Ratzinger) made an appeal for this tradition to continue, but it has to be said that there has been little response.
As our Lord clearly points out in Mark 7:8 - 13 those who disregard Gods word for the traditions of man.
For this tradition has been constantly renewed, taking on new energies and new insights as it passes though the living experience of people.
This is why for tradition the sage was held to be inspired by God just as the prophet was.
Naturally, one starts the difficult meditative visualization of all beings as Buddhas, by seeing one's own tantric lama as Enlightened in the form (for some traditions) of Guru Rinpoche.
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