Sentences with phrase «for tiny variations»

The measurement, however, is extremely challenging: Investigators look for tiny variations in the CMB, on the order of 1 part per 100,000.

Not exact matches

Only a tiny fraction of the variations among the manuscripts pose any serious problem for scholars in determining the original text.
What turns out [is] that scientists are having [a] really, really hard time finding them, and what that tell [s] us is that there are these genes that influence intelligence but each particular gene is responsible for a tiny, tiny amount of variation — like a fraction of 1 percent.
Milton Cole of Pennsylvania State University in University Park thinks that tiny variations in the crystalline structure of the cesium could somehow provide a foothold for the superfluid.
Published September 15 in Genome Biology, the study relied on new software for researchers that identifies connections between seemingly unrelated human diseases and traits through the tiny, risk - conferring genetic variations they have in common.
The peculiar stepwise arrangement of edges — the variation in luminance and contrast — in each subregion of the image, combined with the fact that even when you fixate steadily your eyes are making ever so tiny movements, may be critical for artificially activating motion detectors.
July 25, 2011 Two genetic variations predict second cancers after radiation treatment for children with Hodgkin lymphoma A genome - wide association study published in the August issue of Nature Medicine has found two tiny genetic variations that can predict which patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma are most likely to develop radiation - induced second cancers years after treatment.
They were doing great for about 2 weeks with the new variation if the formula, but today I noticed some tiny streaks of blood in one of my boy's poop.
In addition, there seems to be some breed variation in how long it takes for housetraining to stick... toy breed dogs often take a while to be reliable because their bladders are so small, so have some extra patience if Princess is a tiny dog like a Yorkie or a Chihuahua.
For each bears a method, a distinct style — or lack of, depending on how characterful you regard blobs and tiny lines — which is repeated with infinite variations, ad infinitum.
Year 2013: surface skin has wamed a tiny fraction of 1C (not shown for comparison simplicity) and ocean mixing will not permit it to balance within 0.003 C at the sub-skin (maybe also ocean happens to mix heat down a tad faster due to a natural variation), now will only let 1.441 mm to < several tens - to - hundreds of metres > depth warm by 0.69462 C instead of prior 0.697 C (ocean - air interface at 0.70000 C).
Parsimony is not a grounds for ignoring the now mountain of evidence that solar activity does somehow drive climate much more powerfully than can be explained by the tiny variation in solar irradiance, and the implications of a solar explanation for 20th century warming are much different than for an internal - variation explanation.
We get variations on this question all the time: «I've been following the movement for years, and I want to make my tiny house dream a reality... but how do I start?»
If you accept diurnal variation as a proxy for net absorption, since the quantum mechanical effect of absorption is to heat the air, then you can see from Fig. 2 that most of the net absorption occurs below 850 mb and that above 500 mb the tiny amount of net absorption slowly increases showing that it is the result of the absorption of solar not terrestrial radiation.
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