Sentences with phrase «for turtle nesting»

Turtles can be seen year around, but October to April is the peak season for turtle nesting.
International marine scientists today warned it will be vital to protect key marine turtle nesting grounds and areas that may be suitable for turtle nesting in the future to ensure...
On day two you will travel to Cape Fourcroy to explore the rugged coastline and search for turtle nests.

Not exact matches

One also doesn't have to account for the invisible turtles «all the way down».
As for me, I can't believe in an human - like being that designed and jump - started the universe 13.8 billion years ago and set aside a planet for His special favorite creations, so He'd have someone to keep Him company and sing songs praising Him, then gave Bronze Age hermits a book of His orders to mankind that includes «thou shalt not round thy head nor cut thy beard» on penalty of eternal suffering... just CA N'T, any more than I can force myself to believe the world rests on the back of giant turtN'T, any more than I can force myself to believe the world rests on the back of giant turtle.
turtlemom God is not responsible for the number of leatherback turtles dropping to all time lows that is man who is responsible.
Leviticus 5:11 «But if he can not afford two turtle doves or two young doves, then he shall bring as his sacrifice for his sin one tenth of an ephah [measurement] of fine flour for a sin offering.
Highlights for me included Chapter 2 («Turtles All the Way Down»), in which Jason manages to use a strange blend of Stephen Hawking and Dr. Suess to engage readers in a really helpful dissection of presuppositional apologetics, Chapter 4 («The Weight of Absence»), which beautifully illustrates the fear and emptiness that comes from not feeling God's presence as often or as keenly as other people seem to, and Chapter 5 («Reverse Bricklaying»), which describes Jason's struggles with prayer and the comfort he finds in traditional liturgy.
If you want to fault me for making the skeptical position into a claim that can't be justified because you can't first justify your claim that god exist, then have fun chasing those «turtles all the way down.»
For non-Americans like me who, upon hearing the word «turtle», think not of confectionary but the creature upon which Discworld rests, Christopher Elbow describes this treat as «perfectly roasted pecans and soft caramel encased in premium dark chocolate... [topped] off with Grey Sea Salt from France.
CARAMEL PECAN TURTLE FUDGE - traditionally known as Turtle Fudge it» one of my favorite sweet treats; it doesn't have to the holidays for me to enjoy this.
I've been giving into my sweet tooth so much lately (I just posted a recipe for salted caramel turtle bites) but these seem like that perfect thing to have around when you need a little something and don't want to feel guilty about eating them.
As I sit here trying to think of some clever and entertaining way to start this recipe, I remember that I have not done anything interesting for months other than rescue a turtle from the road.
that wasn't your run of the mill turtling, for sure.
Some gamesome wights will tell you that they have to plant weeds there, they don't grow naturally; that they import Canada thistles; that they have to send beyond seas for a spile to stop a leak in an oil cask; that pieces of wood in Nantucket are carried about like bits of the true cross in Rome; that people there plant toadstools before their houses, to get under the shade in summertime; that one blade of grass makes an oasis, three blades in a day's walk a prairie; that they wear quicksand shoes, something like Laplander snowshoes; that they are so shut up, belted about, every way inclosed, surrounded, and made an utter island of by the ocean, that to their very chairs and tables small clams will sometimes be found adhering, as to the backs of sea turtles.
If you don't know, it is where my good friend Sir SIB lives; he is a partially blind furry turtle that helps raise money for other people struggling to see.
This rhyming story acquaints us with a confused little fraternal turtle (better yet, «fraturtle») who finally figures out that being a twin is all about having an awesome companion through life, and not about looking alike — a lovely lesson for your youngsters.
But despite not having a natural predator, the turtles have become a delicacy for one group: humans.
It's Sunday afternoon and I have helped a group of second graders spot the queen of our leaf - cutter ant colony, held two fox snakes, acted as a perch for a bunch of newly hatched butterflies not quite ready to fly, and fed no less than three box turtles.
Just after they're born, in the middle of the night, baby turtles walk down the beach, the equivalent of about a mile for their little legs, get in an ocean which is full of things that eat turtles, and don't come home for a year.
Before his visit to Shedd Aquarium, marine biologist Matt Finn, Ph.D., hadn't seen sea turtle Nickel for nearly 20 years.
This makes it not only a clean option for your turtle but an incredibly safe one as well.
In academia, where things move at a turtle's pace, it's not uncommon for many months to pass between submitting an application, interviewing, accepting an offer, and finally starting a new position.
This pump isn't recommended for turtle tanks, but for fish, it's definitely one of the best aquarium canister filter out there.
In 2007, 1.4 million nests were dug in this 15 - kilometre stretch of sand, making it a contender for the largest sea - turtle nesting site in the world.
«The beaches of Madagascar are important nesting sites for four species of marine turtle — Green sea turtles, Hawksbill sea turtles, Loggerhead sea turtles and Olive Ridley sea turtles, so the increase in poaching is of great concern,» said Alison Clausen, WCS's Regional Director for Madagascar and the Western Indian Ocean.
The finding, in tomorrow's issue of Nature, is the first solid evidence for the turtles» remarkably precise homing instinct, and it strengthens the argument by conservationists that as many nesting areas as possible must be protected to ensure diversity.
Without such actions, the Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Texas facility by the USFWS anticipates that a maximum of 91 nesting sea turtles could be killed or harmed.
Although SpaceX has won praise from some wildlife managers for its plans to minimize negative effects, the launch facility is a worry for conservationists such as Carole Allen of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project, particularly about the Kemp's ridley turtle, which nests primarily in Texas and northern Mexico and nearly went extinct in the 1970s.
For a more adventurous day trip, ferries and seaplanes depart from nearby Key West, carrying visitors 68 nautical miles to Dry Tortugas National Park, where sea turtles nest on secluded beaches.
This attempt marks the first time artificial insemination has been tried with any softshell turtle species and based on results of insemination with other turtles, the odds are not good for success.
The fungus was blamed for mass mortalities in the nests of loggerhead sea turtles in Cape Verde in the Atlantic Ocean.
New research indicates that for loggerhead sea turtles in the Northwest Atlantic, the number of returning nesting females in the population and favorable climate conditions in the year or two prior to the nesting year are strongly related to the number of nests produced by these animals in a given year.
She said the number of turtles caught in a single fishery or year may not seem to be a cause for concern, but even low levels might place pressure on a species when considered across fisheries and over multiple years.
Turtles nest unbothered on the remote beaches of the southern Line Islands, whereas in most other places they are killed for meat and their eggs are collected.
For the tens of thousands of sea turtle eggs incubating in the sands of the northern Gulf of Mexico — and dangerously near the oil — it's come to this: Officials are planning to dig up the approximately 700 nests on Alabama and the Florida panhandle beaches, pack the eggs in Styrofoam boxes, and fly them to a facility in eastern Florida where they can mature.
«When you dissect a turtle's brain, you just go, «Boy, there is not alot of room in there for a lot of thought.»
A new study from the University of Exeter has revealed that the Central African country of Gabon is providing an invaluable nesting ground for a vulnerable species of sea turtle considered a regional conservation priority.
Dick said the reserve has initiated a restoration program to improve historically important nesting habitat for Blanding's turtles.
Nest counts are the main source of demographic data for sea turtles, but it's hard to estimate population size from these counts.
«This year was an extraordinarily exciting year for green turtle nesting, breaking all previous records within the refuge and continuing the conservation success story for the species.
It was a record year for green turtle nesting along the refuge's beaches in southern Brevard County, but storm surge due to hurricane Irma destroyed many unhatched loggerhead and green turtle nests.
The team concludes that the turtles aren't actually comatose in winter; they're waiting for signs of spring in a state of «slow vigilance.»
Biologists already knew that fishing gear posed a problem for the endangered turtles, which can get entangled in trawlers» nets, but they were not sure exactly where and when they were running into trouble.
«He had no logical explanation for the fact that this abundant turtle was seemingly not breeding or nesting,» Bevan said.
After loggerhead turtle hatchlings leave nesting beaches, they live in the ocean for 7 - 12 years before migrating to coastal habitats.
Meanwhile, Archie Carr, who was considered to be the world's leading sea turtles expert, had been searching for the nesting beaches for this species for decades.»
Same thing in giant turtles who normoglycemic or hypoglycemic for their entire life; Centenarians have reduced blood glucose levels and reduced blood glucose increase over the years, their blood glucose is monotonic plateau, where as elders dying below 80s show blood glucose rise each decade until their death, their pancreatic Beta cells can't secrete enough insulin and they are mildly pre - diabetic / insulin resistant.
The temperature - difference mechanism for sex determination found in alligators and turtles depends on eggs being left in unattended nests, typically sun - warmed, with clutches large enough to have a marked temperature gradient across them.
Turtles are strongly linked to local culture in Fiji, and the island has emerged as a nesting ground for many different species of the sacred animal.
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