Sentences with phrase «for vascular disease»

In the study, the carotid narrowing data came from vascular ultrasound tests performed on 307,444 tri-state area residents during 2003 - 2008 by Life Line Screening, a leading community - based health screening company focused on evaluating risk factors for vascular disease.
«Future studies need to investigate whether or not screening for vascular disease in the lower extremities and the carotid artery improves health and prevents adverse events in diabetics,» Dr. Berger says.
The company makes pacemakers as well as several other devices for vascular diseases.
From a clinical standpoint, the findings suggest that screening for rs9349379 could improve risk assessment for vascular diseases, as well as strategies for prevention and treatment.
[110] Rozema, T. Protocol for the safe and effective administration of EDTA and other chelating agents for vascular disease, degenerative disease, and metal toxicity.
It is the hallmark for vascular diseases and is often regarded as the primary event in the development of atherosclerosis.
In 1989, elevated homocysteine was found to be an independent risk factor for vascular disease.
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