Sentences with phrase «for waketimes»

Last question, is it normal for waketimes to be getting a bit longer at this age of 12 week??
hello, my daughter is 4 weeks old and WILL NOT stay awake for waketimes after nursing.
However, as he has become more alert, I have made the mistake in the past week of keeping him up too long for his waketimes.
(though I do like the gym for some waketimes).
How long did you keep your bambino up for waketime?
It is totally normal for waketime length to change even weekly in those early months.
McKenna was a baby who had different waketimes for every waketime.
Even my 6 month old can't do that for every waketime.

Not exact matches

Typically, if a baby is not crying in bed but takes a long time to fall asleep, I say the baby needs a longer waketime length, BUT 60 minutes seems plenty long enough for a 3 week old.
For more information, see the blog index under «waketime» Your dreamfeed should be happening at 10 PM.
- MidMorning - 10 am - Afternoon - 1 pm - Midafternoon - 4 pm - Late afternoon - 7 pm - Early evening - 10 pm (sounds awfully late for an «early evening» feeding); this one even says possible waketime, but how is that possible?
I also kept up the dreamfeed longer than he probably needed it and added a 1:30 am pumping (he had been STTN for a couple months) and woke him to feed him at 5:00 am (normal morning waketime is 8:00).
My concern is that she's not really getting much waketime since she is nursing for so much of it.
For the older baby, it would be from DF to morning waketime — meaning no night feedings.
Charmingly Ordinary, you will have to find a waketime length that works for now.
I'm not sure there is anything that I can do about this excessive long wake time window of fuzzing action since he usually has a big bowl movement around 2:00 a.m. I'm only guessing his bowl movement is what keeps him up for 3 hours, but who knows it might be do to my poor waketime strategy during the day.
Do you have any suggestions for keeping baby happy in the 1 1/2 hours of waketime we are having between the last nap and her 7 p.m. feeding?
He usually sleeps 7 - 8 hours, so wakes up around 2:30 - 4 am for his next feed, then usually sleeps till his waketime of 7 am.
I may have missed this, but where did you post the optimal waketime lengths for older babies?
My five week old has a relatively predictable 2 1/2 to 3 hour feeding cycle, but tends to eat, have very little waketime, sleep for about 45 minutes, then wake and stay fussy until time to eat again.
For the last nap, she might need a longer waketime.
You also might want to evaluate waketime length for the entire day.
He has recently started waking in the middle of the night and fussing for about 5 minutes every 30 minutes from 3 am until his waketime at 6 am, and I think it is because he is hungry from dropping all those calories and not replacing them with food.
No extra waketime for the night feedings — start with the 6 AM feeding.
Erin, For the first nap, she would likely need a shorter waketime.
Also see the posts «waking early from naps / won't fall asleep for naps», «waketime when they wake early» and «waketime when baby wakes early».
Included is an explanation of the three basic elements of daytime activities for newborns: feeding time, waketime, and naptime.
Becca Anne, For the crying, he might need a longer waketime.
See also the optimal waketime post for ideas.
The only thing I feel really confident in is the going - to - bed - routine... he has always fallen asleep earlier, his bedtime is usually around 6:30 pm and he goes down like a champ and is usually out for 4 or 5 hours... his waketime in the morning is also around 6:30 am - 7 am... where should I go from there?
One is that he is ready for a bit more stimulation durding waketimg OR a bit longer waketime length.
He also roots around a lot like he is hungry even though he eats (breastfeeds for about 20 minutes every 2.5 hours — his waketime is around 45 - 50 minutes).
Also I find it so hard to determine the optimal waketime length - whether she needs more awake time or less always trouble me... any light you can shed on this for me would be helpful.
6:30 am - up for the day 7:00 am - breakfast 9:00 am - snack 11:15 am - lunch 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - nap [nap was pushed out by 15 minutes every 3 days to a 5.5 hour waketime] 2:30 pm - snack 5:45 pm - dinner 6:15 pm - bedtime routine 7:00 pm - bedtime
His waketime has always been 7 - 7.30 am and bedtime 7/7.30 pm but for the past 4 weeks he has been consistently waking up really grumpy and early anywhere between 5 am -6.30 am.
Meals and naptimes continue on schedule, and additionally the baby's waketime activities «must be organized, rather than being free - for - all experiences» 9 Parents are to schedule daily «playpen times» in a location where the baby can't see his parents in order to teach the baby to play independently.
The short answer is that you don't add waketime, you wait for him to be ready.
OH, and the other struggle... with optimal waketime, what if he's been nursing for usually an hour?
I'm not sure if she's getting too much waketime before that first nap... I usually go walking with her in the morning and often she'll fall asleep in the stroller and when I get home I'll put her in bed, but I've also tried nixing the walk and scheduling just an hour or so of waketime so she won't be as sleepy going down for a nap and she still rises early.
i have an 11 week old girl and am having napping issues - for approx. 6 weeks now she falls asleep fine but always wakes up early, very very rarely making it through 1 hr uninterrupted... i've read through a lot of the posts and tried various things such as cutting back on waketime, increasing waketime, cio, etc. but nothing has worked... when she does wake early i try and get her back down but it does get frustrating at times... her nighttime sleep is pretty random as well - she's anywhere from 5 - 7rs, sometimes 8 - 8.5 hrs, once 9.5 hrs, then all of a sudden she went back down to 4 - 4.5 hrs... is this normal?
Try adding only five minutes to the waketimes that she is not sleeping well for.
His waketime is between 1 hour and 1.25 hours but considering he only sleeps for 1 hour at a time, I feel like I can never extend our routine.
I try to cut waketime, extend waketime, the room is dark i use withe noise, my baby is little colichy but in the first day he had more gas pain but sleeps well for naps.
See the blog label «optimal waketime» for help with that.
You might even need to go 65 — work with waketime length until you find what is right for him.
8 am waketime: nurse 9:30 - 11 / 11:30: nap 1 11:30: nurse 1pm - 2:30: nap 2 2:30 nurse 3:45 - 4:30: nap 3 4:45: nurse «snack» 6:30 / 6:45 bottle of formula * very very hungry at this feeding (I pump a little later to build a stash) 7 pm bedtime 11:15 pm I wake him for DF 5:30 am he wakes to nurse (eats for a good 15 minutes) 8 am waketime (sometimes I wake him sometimes he's up 7:30 - hard to say) How do I start?
See the blog label optimal waketime for more.
Sometimes a morning feeding will be followed by waketime until the next feeding (not neccessarily crying, just awake, even though we put her down for a nap).
Yesterday when I put him down while he was awake (after about 50 minutes of waketime including feeding), he cried for about 10 minutes off and on then eventually fell asleep.
I suggest you look at the «optimal waketime» blog label and get my spreadsheet for figuring that out.
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