Sentences with phrase «for willful sin»

So entered evil into the world which at creation had been perfect, and man must suffer judgment for his willful sin.
No Sacrifice for Willful sin is left.
When the author of Hebrews writes that there is no sacrifice in the Mosaic Law for willful sin, he means exactly what he says.
Many Christians misunderstand the meaning of «No Sacrifice for Willful Sin is Left».
If you go through and read all the different sacrifices that are described in Leviticus and Deuteronomy for all the various types of sin, you will see that God never provides a sacrifice for willful sin.
Hebrews 10:26 means that there is no sacrifice in the law for willful sin.
If we reject the complete and all - encompassing sacrifice of Jesus, no sacrifice for willful sin remains.
Many people believe that Hebrews 10:26 teaches that people lose their salvation for willful sin.
Not to mention, that in the OT, there was no sacrifice available for willful sins, only for sins one wasn't aware of.
For those willful sins, they had to rely on...

Not exact matches

However, this is vastly different from the practice of willful and habitual sin for which there is no guarantee of forgiveness (1 Jn 3).
As for not being perfect, well, that applies to our sin nature, not the willful or ignorant teaching of unsound doctrine.
I'm hoping for growth but if real Christians don't struggle with willful sin I am once again doomed.
I think under the law there was provision for high - handed or willful sin, but now there is no longer a need for that provision.
That is knowing, willful sin in the sense of rejecting the Son of God and the cross for the approval of man.
That willful sin that brings us close to being cursed and in serious trouble is knowingly rejecting God «s way for another way.
IE «willful» I will not go into deep explanation but simply stated, this passage is not speaking to people who commit sins on purpose but to people who practice sin as an accepted way of life.not people like you and I and the apostle Paul who says in Phillipians 312Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
I believed in the deity of Jesus as a very young man, but I definitely did fall away in willful sin after knowing the truth and I fell miserably for many many years.
I do not understand Jeremy to be saying that willful sin is okay at all for the Christian or professing Christian.
And I also found provision from Yahweh — I call Him Yahweh because His name is not «God» — to acknowledge that willful sin, and for repentance from it.
At the human level, there is what we style «sin» — willful choice, with its consequences, of that which is self - centered, regardless of other occasions, content to remain stuck in the present without concern for future possibilities — and this is an obstacle which is like an algebraic surd.
He then culminated the symbol in the willful giving of his son as an ending sacrifice for all the sins and misgivings of mankind.
Your faith is illogical, not to mention a Biblical manifestation of your willful sin and hatred of God (Romans 1:18 ff)... If you can at least believe in that Biblical proposition (that we are ALL born hating God and wanting to be god) there may be hope for you yet.
Athiests are running from God, because they can't handle the idea that they will be judged for their lives of willful, deliberate sins - Christians are running to God, because they know they'll be judged for lives of willful, deliberate sins, and because they've already found the releasing joy of Christ's forgiveness of sin.
1037 God predestines no one to go to hell; 620 for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end.
Bill Deacon for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end ------------ What if someone doesn't turn away from God, they have notions of spirituality, pray, etc, but don't follow the same human - crafted traditions you do?
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's investigation of Exxon Mobil for climate sins has collapsed due to its own willful dishonesty.
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