Sentences with phrase «for yor»

Thank you so much Mrs. Johnson for yor article.
Thank you for yor wonderful article.
Wake up you Tories for yor own good!
Have to say again — Tomas, for yor musical tastes I salute you!

Not exact matches

Thank you so much for posting yor recipe.
Sparring is ok and all, but it «s still vastly different from actually fighting a guy in the octagon who wants to take yor head off for real.
For those mothers who can and don't due to them not wanting to control drinking, drugs or diet then thats the worst thing you could ever due to yor baby but wouldnt you rather those Mothers be on formula anyway so thier baby dosent have to ingest the bad stuff the mother does.
I'm looking for these kind of ones but yor link doesn't work!
thank yor for all your help, cupid.
You are here because yor are looking for Unbiased, Objective Dating To Relating Real User Reviews, If you are Dating To Relating denotes various aspects which promise to make sure it is user friendly and also convenient.
«The [internet archive] legislation has always been constructed for people who go into the Legal Deposit libraries — for the readers, with a capital R. It's an archive for preservation and for research,» further added Angela obviously referring to the 2003 Legal Deposit Libraries Act that makes it mandatory for digital archives to be treated on par with the archives of yors that comprised of printed material.
We have been debt free for 4 yrs now thanks to the Dave Ramsey teachings by (Shaun Somers) but I have decided to take it one step further and thanks to finding yor website thru Pinterest I'm now challenging myself to a spending fast!
To ward off diseases related to poor oral health, brush yor dog's teeth regularly and see your vet for regular check - ups and cleanings.
If this sounds like what yor're seeking, then AlixaRx is the employer of choice for professionals like you.
Thanks for showing us how yor neighbor does Rustic Meets Refined.
Just thought I would pick yor brain, as I am going down to Michael's & JoAnn's to see what I can find @ $ 1.09 for the 2 oz bottles.
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