Sentences with phrase «force against cruelty»

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The first is Caravaggio's «The Flagellation of the Christ» and shows a chilling and private event; we are the only witnesses to the three men, half hidden by darkness, who force the Lord against a pillar, grabbing His hair and kicking Him as they prepare to beat Him, the cruelty in their faces contrasting with His own quiet dignity.
They know about the anti-Jewish polemics of certain church fathers; about the forced baptisms, especially of children; about the church council decree that sanctioned the removal of such children from their parents; about a papal edict encouraging raids on Jewish synagogues by the faithful; about the expulsion of all Jews from a country like Spain; about Luther's hate language directed against Jews when they did not convert according to his timetable; about the prohibition against Jews living in Calvin's Geneva; and about all the cruelties Christians have felt justified in perpetrating against the people they called «Christ - killers.»
The heroism of African history is to be found not in the deeds of kings but in the struggles of ordinary people against the forces of nature and the cruelty of men» (Iliffe).
He was an original author of the Tax Cap and helped get that passed and was the driving force behind passage of the landmark Buster's Law making animal cruelty against pets a felony because animal abuse is a bridge crime and those who harm pets often go on to hurt people.
It is by the Grace of God that another member of the Krohn family was not present when this occurred as there's no question in my mind that whoever would commit such a violent crime against a pet would not hesitate to harm a human,» said Tedisco, who was the driving force behind passage of the landmark Buster's animal cruelty felony law and the Assembly Chair of NYS Animal Advocacy Day.
Johnson plays Davis Okoye, a former Special Forces soldier who went on to a stint busting poachers around the world, and has seen enough human cruelty against animals to prefer the latter over the former.
Some even argue that feeding a dog or cat a vegan diet is crueltyforcing an animal to go against its nature simply because you choose a vegan lifestyle.
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