Sentences with phrase «force in the shortest period of time»

Applying the highest amount of force in the shortest period of time.
Power is the ability to generate lots of force in a short period of time.
The majority of sports and sporting actions require you to exert force in a limited time period, consequently, Power Training addresses this quality of exerting force in the shortest period of time.
This example demonstrates the necessity of power — the ability to exert force in the shortest period of time.
The new GCSE will include an introduction to various methods of improving sports performance, such as biomechanics, plyometrics (exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short periods of time) and high - intensity interval training.

Not exact matches

To Think the Mob Went rom Running N.Y.C. to Running N.Y. Sate, in Such a Short Period of time Without Opposition, Once They Have the Income from There Casinos and Total Control of Weapons and Ammo, Nothing will be Created In less They Control It, No one Will Have Justice In Less they Pay For It, They Will Be a Negative Force that Will Not Be stopped in My Life timin Such a Short Period of time Without Opposition, Once They Have the Income from There Casinos and Total Control of Weapons and Ammo, Nothing will be Created In less They Control It, No one Will Have Justice In Less they Pay For It, They Will Be a Negative Force that Will Not Be stopped in My Life timIn less They Control It, No one Will Have Justice In Less they Pay For It, They Will Be a Negative Force that Will Not Be stopped in My Life timIn Less they Pay For It, They Will Be a Negative Force that Will Not Be stopped in My Life timin My Life time.
As I have stated before, I hope that the Repubs put the AHCA in place as it will last for a very short period of time then force us to move to a single payer plan.
The seven worst schools in the Syracuse City School District are joining forces in an attempt to improve the performance of those schools in a short period of time.
The researchers believe that at least 40 billion Type Ia supernovae must have exploded within a relatively short period on cosmological time scales in order to release that much iron and have the force to drive it out of the galaxies.
This type of a training plan allows optimal hypertrophy of the arm muscles, which are being trained directly twice a week, while also worked as secondary muscles with some of the remaining movements, and forces them to grow bigger and stronger in a shorter period of time.
Exercises such as the squat, deadlift and bench press can help you with core development because they involve maintaining a rigid spine position so that the hip and shoulder joints can move with force, and according to many studies, the barbell back will help you get the best results in the shortest period of time.
It doesn't always have to be an increase in weight, it can be more reps, getting the same amount of work done in a shorter time period by applying more force to each rep, or increase the length of time your muscles are working and being strained.
Therefore, improving COD ability involves increasing the ability to produce force at high velocities, and in progressively shorter periods of time, which suggests a need for high - velocity strength.
In contrast, our type 2b muscle fibers allow us to do a high - force work for a short period of time.
This means that sprinting requires high - speed force production, and yet this force must be produced in very short periods of time.
When studying the history of Weimar Germany, a Facing History classroom might consider including infographics as part of a silent conversation to note the time period's massive rate of inflation in a relatively short span of time, and how these economic forces impacted German politics of the day (check out an example of an infographic at
As I outlined above, there are many reasons for mismatches, and the shorter the time period, the more reasons there are — forcings, initial conditions, internal variability are all likely playing a role as has been demonstrated in a number of recent papers.
Re # 30 and 33: You might also want to look at this RealClimate post showing what sort of variations one sees for temperature trends in climate models forced with steadily - increasing levels of CO2 over such short time periods:
By using dual radioactive tracers with differing lifetimes, Wilson et al. [2017] found short term increases in CH4 and CO2 release during periods of thaw in a discontinuous permafrost were generally offset by long - term accumulation of peat in the ensuing millennia, leading the regions to continue to be net carbon sinks with negative atmospheric radiative forcing, given the long life - time of atmospheric CO2.
In fact it merely tells us in this case that using these methods we can not hope to give accurate predictions of trend over a short (say 10y) interval, because we know that natural variability is large relative to the forced response over this time perioIn fact it merely tells us in this case that using these methods we can not hope to give accurate predictions of trend over a short (say 10y) interval, because we know that natural variability is large relative to the forced response over this time perioin this case that using these methods we can not hope to give accurate predictions of trend over a short (say 10y) interval, because we know that natural variability is large relative to the forced response over this time period.
The explanation that is given regarding the drop in Marcott et al that finishes the reliable part of the proxy is that the combination of different lenses through which we view the LIA period (using Marcott et al, Mann et al, and the earliest parts of the temperature record) posit that the LIA itself is a bump - down combination of a negative portion of short - term natural variability augmented by a bottoming out of the long - term forcings that were cooling at the time.
and it means that when we're looking at relatively short - term trends... the variance in that and the inability to really constrain those aerosol forcings really kind of make it hard for us to say what we should have expected over that time period.
(Note that there are some whole life policies that allow you to pay premiums for shorter periods of time, such as until age 65, at which time the policy would be «paid up» and premiums would cease while coverage remains in force.)
Some permanent insurance plans are payable for as long as they are in force (sometimes called Whole Life insurance), while other plans allows you to pay a larger premium for a shorter period of time, such as 20 years.
Some permanent insurance plans are payable for as long as they are in force (sometimes called Whole Life insurance), while other plans allow you to pay a larger premium for a shorter period of time, such as 20 years.
You may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable it might be to at least put some insurance in force, if not then, within a reasonably short period of time.
This format is sometimes used when a person doesn't benefit from showing their work history for reasons such as; various types of experience not relevant to new career target, numerous jobs in a short period of time, many job gaps or returning to the work force after a long period of time.
The combined practices of the Northern Territory Government in regard to the right to negotiate appear to result from a policy decision by the Northern Territory Government to process the mining tenement backlog is dealt with as swiftly as possible by forcing as many tenement applications through the NTA future act processes as is possible in a short period of time.
To see that kind of dramatic increase in a relatively short period of time, you need a driving force.
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