Sentences with phrase «force old food»

My doc explained it like this: As we give her milk, the stomach and large intestine force old food (milk, fluids and gases) farther down the intestinal tract.

Not exact matches

That's a good distinction for advising day - care workers on how to treat a two - year - old who is throwing food, but many forms of discipline carry some level of force, especially when someone won't willingly cooperate with the «teaching moment.»
A little later my dad came in and sat down on the edge of the bed and said quietly that we should have a conversation about Sunday Mass, and probably I was now old enough to make my own decisions about attending Mass, that he and my mother did not think it right or fair to force that decision on us children, that we needed to find our own ways spiritually, and that while he and our mother very much hoped that we would walk in the many rewarding paths of the Church, the final decision there would be ours alone, each obeying his own conscience; that was only right and fair, and to decree attendance now would perhaps actually force us away from the very thing that he and my mother found to be the most nutritious spiritual food; so perhaps you and I and your mother can sit and discuss this later this afternoon, he said, and come to some amicable agreement.
It is unclear whether the letter - writer expects the aunt to switch her own household over entirely to the letter - writer's «holistic» wholesome vegetarian diet, or to merely make separate meals according to that diet and force the 9 - year - old to eat them instead of the other food, but either expectation is pretty unreasonable.
Oh I still take care of them — I nursed each of them though feline fatty liver disease well after I identified with this cartoon, the first with a 11 - 13 month old, the second while dealing with hyperemesis gravidarium and a 18 - 19 month old, this involved well over $ 4,000 in total for vet bills, medicines, and special food, and we are a low single income household, and countless hours of force feeding vile smelling high callorie food (with the first I was force feeding by mouth, this took me upwards of 6 hours a day).
He relishes food experiences every day, old and new, and looks to good food and the power of mealtimes as an all - encompassing social force.
My baby is 6 months old and he wont eat baby food, I am still giving him formula but I was wondering should I force feed him baby food or just let him eat on his own??
Hello im 38 year old female and over weight but I know its all the cokes i drink and should cut down.But I don't eat veggie or fruits.I might eat a apple but I don't like none of it really.I eat corn and taters buts thats it.When i was like 9 my school had this rule that you had to eat all veggie and fruits or you sat there till you was done.Let just say I didn't make good grades cause I was always in the lunch room till the end of the day or if i did force them down i'd get sick.My mom talk to the school after coming home sick all week.So to get them to stop doing that my mom had to pack my lunch.Well alot of kids started packing there lunch to and they stop that rule cause nobody was getting school foods and lost alot of money.Every since then i can't put veggie of fruit in my mouth but corn, taters, and a apple.What should i do to get health without eatting veggie and fruits or im I to far gone to help.thanks
Fortunately, as is the case with most deceptions, educated consumers are now seeking alternatives to these chemical laden products in turn forcing food producers to get creative... That is why more often than not, food chemicals are renamed with less «synthetic names» than their older original ones.
The old bodybuilder way of gorging on food to force your muscles to grow does work, but we know that there is a smarter, better way to go about things.
However, as we get older, our health forces us to end our love affair with everything sugar and realize oatmeal is more than just a healthy breakfast food.
Many puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills, which are horrible breeding operations where dogs are kept in cramped, filthy cages their whole lives, deprived of adequate food, attention and veterinary care, and forced to give birth to litter after litter of puppies until they are too old, ill or injured to continue.
We walked through row after row of tiny, filthy and dilapidated, decades - old wire cages packed with hundreds of desperate dogs forced to wallow in their own feces through extreme weather conditions — many without food and water.
Also featuring: Francesca Tarocco reports on recent changes in urban culture and queer aesthetics across the Sinosphere; Evan Calder Williams investigates the films of Johan Grimonprez, which probe the mechanisms of the arms trade; Turner Prize - winning artist Helen Marten responds to Ed Atkins's latest work, Old Food, at Martin - Gropius - Bau in Berlin; Alice Rawsthorn unpacks the ecological innovations of Studio Formafantasma's new project, Ore Streams, at the inaugural NGV Triennial in Melbourne; and Nick Thurston compares the interactive experiences spurred by collectives Blast Theory, Forced Entertainment and Slavs and Tatars.
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