Sentences with phrase «force schools»

The state government continues to receive criticism for not forcing school closures.
-- Is the focus on school choice and the latest move towards selection forcing schools into a cut - throat culture against their neighbours?
In the early 1980s I was one of a handful of moms who forced our school system to get rid of things like synthetic dyes, and artificial flavors.
This larger pool of teachers will reduce or eliminate instances when a substitute can't be found, which forces a school to combine classes to the detriment of the teacher and students.
This obsession has forced schools across the country to eliminate arts, music and physical education and drastically reduce subjects like social studies.
I have to disagree with you regarding the armed forces schools etc..
The debate over charter schools continues as the state forces school districts to share more tax dollars in capital money.
The inability to meet the goals can also force a school to close.
She keeps trying to force the school choice narrative where it doesn't belong.
But they can't actually force schools to improve their teaching.
What if a legal development or demographic trend forces some schools to consider giving up football?
Small classes are costly and the need to keep adding bodies forces school systems to be less selective and training to be less focused.
First, test - based accountability forced schools and districts to learn how to use data in new and powerful ways.
I am confused... I thought she helped cause the mess in government er forced schooling we have today... now she is back tracking fast for something she helped cause.
The state's pension debt was not caused by students or teachers, and legislators should not continue forcing schools to bear the full burden.
And if so, why is there a money problem forcing a school to close?
The answer is that there is not a competitive market forcing schools and districts to be efficient.
Reporting domestic violence forces the school to pay attention, and often that means the school counselors get involved.
He said the thousands of students who have left their schools have forced school security to follow them off campus and leave the kids exposed on the streets during school hours.
Her hope is that the online tests coming as part of the Common Core conversion will force school districts across the state to invest more in technology.
The government announced a climb - down this afternoon on its white paper proposals to force all schools into academies by 2022.
The No Child Left Behind act is forcing school systems to take a closer look at the academic achievement of their elementary and middle school students.
Furthermore, in our armed forces schools, military officers in tactical war gaming make the assumption that nuclear «release» will be forthcoming in any major war.
Allowing some geographic preference has not forced every school to adopt the same model; the «one size fits all» days of old have not been brought back.
Have federal requirements forced schools to place too much emphasis on math and reading at the expense of the arts and history?
Dr Mary Bousted comments on the news that the government has climbed down over forcing all schools in England to become an academy.
And while it would have the practical effect of forcing school boards and municipalities to be accountable to their privileged elite as well as their poor families, there's also a moral argument for banning private education.
Progress - 8 and the EBacc, alongside statistical accountability measures, are sometimes forcing school leaders to make a choice between developing inclusive practices or meeting the criteria for a successful and improving school.
Under the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, over $ 3 billion in reparations have been paid to victims of a destructive and devastating system of forced schooling for aboriginal children that was our government's assimilation policy for close to a century (The fund put in place to this end will continue to pay claims until 2018).
Teachers and schools districts are also clamoring for changes to the No Child Left Behind program that seeks to raise educational standards by forcing schools to reach 100 percent proficiency in reading and math tests by 2014 or lose funding.
The government has also said it will invest an extra # 1 billion into early years funding — seemingly calming concerns held by the schools community that the 30 - hour free childcare pledge would force schools with nurseries to cut the number of places they offer.
The argument that won out was that tenure rules often force school districts to retain their worst teachers.
Also known as nickelby, NCLB forced school districts to pinpoint achievement across demographic groups for each child.
As well as forcing schools to become academies, the government intends to remove the requirement for governing bodies to have parent governors, with multi academy trusts (MAT) being able to close down the governing bodies of individual schools.
In order to better understand how to screen pilots and their supporting units for mental health concerns, Wayne Chappelle, chief of aerospace psychology at the Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine at Wright - Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, has conducted research on the potential psychological issues faced by drone operators.
In Billings, Clancy said, diminishing funds force the school board to decide between setting aside money to renovate older buildings or buying textbooks and teaching materials.
As CRZYTRN Garcia noted, consolidation would force school closures.
What on earth is the point of stealing # 600 million from local authorities who are responsible for the vast majority of those successful schools, unless it is to force schools down the academies route?
Forcing school programs to choose between being sure that there are sufficient portions of expensive fruits and veggies available and offered vs having the funds to repair or replace a milk box or convection oven is somewhat akin to the old saying of «cutting off your nose to spite your face.»
Labour under Corbyn and McDonnell is continuing to score notable successes, on working tax credits, on forcing schools to become academies and other issues.
With everybody else pre-occupied with finding dates and dresses, Nova is left to rely on the principal forcing the school rebel to help her out.
«New Jersey's LIFO law forces school districts like Newark to retain ineffective teachers and, in fact, put them back in the classroom while cutting spending to other critical areas of public education.
-- Introduce new powers forcing any school receiving a «requires improvement» rating to be taken over by new leadership unless it has an improvement plan
Introduce new powers forcing any school receiving a «requires improvement» rating to be taken over by new leadership unless it has an improvement plan This happened, in a way, as part of the «coasting schools» legislation in the 2016 Education Act.
While this session is a shorter fiscal session, it seems to be following suit with a handful of bills with bad intentions as it relates to charter schools, including forcing schools into the state's retirement system and placing a moratorium on charter authorizing statewide.
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