Sentences with phrase «forces focus and concentration»

Steering the boat forces focus and concentration, and participation means control.

Not exact matches

My focus was on why lethal violence is not appropriate against abortionists and their staffs, when it would be considered heroic to use force to save, for instance, infants under attack or to free concentration camp inmates.
It forces me to focus on proper alignment in the body and internal breath and concentration.
Solar Plexus Chakra — located just above the navel and below the chest, focus point for force of will, sense of transformation, concentration and control of personal energies.
Question: Do you think that the evolving focus on policies aimed at improving the quality of our teaching force will continue, and move from almost a sole concentration on professional development (in - service) to more stringent quality controls for preservice education (admission and exit requirements), together with...
Limited time and long downtime between game sessions force them to select simpler games which don't require as much focus and concentration and can be interrupted at any time.
Some paths make him a force to be reckoned with long - ranged weapons and grant the ability to slow down time briefly while aiming down the sights, while others focus on close - range combat and powering up his melee damage, or making a duel - wielding demon with quick reloads and improved concentration.
Given the vantage point of the performer looking out onto the audience, the viewer is forced to be the focus of self - conscious awareness, and must interpret the variety of expressions of the theatergoers that range from boredom and judgment to concentration and enjoyment.
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